PostgreSQL standby replication error : invalid record length at %u


记录如下 : 

Question : 



LOG:  database system was shut down in recovery at 2011-12-30 23:20:25 CST

LOG:  entering standby mode

LOG:  restored log file "0000000100000002000000E9" from archive

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108

LOG:  streaming replication successfully connected to primary

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108

FATAL:  terminating walreceiver process due to administrator command

LOG:  restored log file "0000000100000002000000E9" from archive

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108

FATAL:  the database system is starting up

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108

LOG:  restored log file "0000000100000002000000E9" from archive

LOG:  invalid record length at 2/E9000108


我是把主库整个做了个TAR 包到备库的

问题分析 : 

报错invalid record length at 2/E9000108

源码中对应的部分如下 : 


         * NOTE: We disallow len == 0 because it provides a useful bit of extra

         * error checking in ReadRecord.  This means that all callers of

         * XLogInsert must supply at least some not-in-a-buffer data.  However, we

         * make an exception for XLOG SWITCH records because we don't want them to

         * ever cross a segment boundary.


        if (len == 0 && !isLogSwitch)

                elog(PANIC, "invalid xlog record length %u", len);


因此报错的原因是standby在恢复过程中从 xlog 0000000100000002000000E9 的 2/E9000108位置读取到了len == 0 并且 !isLogSwitch 的信息。

日志中还提到了restored log file "0000000100000002000000E9" from archive

因此问他要了recovery.conf 配置文件的内容如下 : 

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=隐藏 port=5432 user=隐藏 password=隐藏'
restore_command = 'cp "/home/postgres/data/pg_xlog/%f" "%p"'
trigger_file = '/home/postgres/trigger_activestb'

从这个配置文件来看,restore_command = 'cp "/home/postgres/data/pg_xlog/%f" "%p"' 有问题,如果要配置restore_command,那么应该是把主库的归档文件拷贝standby的pg_xlog目录。

要么就是不要配置restore_command , 那么standby会尝试从stream获取xlog的信息(要求primary库的这个xlog没有被覆盖)。

Answer : 

经过确认主库的 0000000100000002000000E9 存在pg_xlog中未被覆盖.

注释standby节点recovery.conf的restore_command = 'cp "/home/postgres/data/pg_xlog/%f" "%p"'


未解决,还是报 invalid record length at 2/E9000108 


  做STANDBY的时候有没有按照正常流程来做( select pg_start_backup(), backup, select pg_stop_backup() )


  这些都不得而知, 因此问题不太好判断。

  所以先重做 standby 来解决目前的问题 . 


可以尝试使用pg_filedump来分析一下 0000000100000002000000E9的内容。(由于时间关系,暂时没做)




时间: 2024-10-27 16:20:18

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