UVa 12266 Stock Prices (优先队列)

12266 - Stock Prices

Time limit: 3.000 seconds


In this problem we deal with the calculation of stock prices. You need to know the following things about stock prices:

The ask price is the lowest price at which someone is willing to sell a share of a stock.

The bid price is the highest price at which someone is willing to buy a share of a stock.

The stock price is the price at which the last deal was established.

Whenever the bid price is greater than or equal to the ask price, a deal is established. A buy order offering the bid price is matched with a sell order demanding the ask price, and shares are exchanged at the rate of the ask price until either the sell order or the buy order (or both) is fulfilled (i.e., the buyer wants no more stocks, or the seller wants to sell no more stocks). You will be given a list of orders (either buy or sell) and you have to calculate, after each order, the current ask price, bid price and stock price.


On the first line a positive integer: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test case:

One line with an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1 000): the number of orders.

n lines of the form "order_type x shares at y", whereorder_type is either "buy" or "sell", x (1 ≤ x ≤ 1 000) is the number of shares of a stock someone wishes to buy or to sell, and y (1 ≤ y ≤ 1 000) is the desired price.


Per test case:

n lines, each of the form "ai bi si", where ai, bi and si are the current ask, bid and stock prices, respectively, after the i-th order has been processed and all possible deals have taken place. Whenever a price is not defined, output "-" instead of the price.

Sample in- and output

buy 10 shares at 100
sell 1 shares at 120
sell 20 shares at 110
buy 30 shares at 110
sell 10 shares at 99
buy 1 shares at 120
sell 10 shares at 100
buy 1 shares at 80
buy 20 shares at 90
sell 30 shares at 90
buy 10 shares at 101
sell 1 shares at 80


after the i-th order has been processed and all possible deals have taken place.





using namespace std;

char buff[10];
struct Buy
    int price, num;
    bool operator < (const Buy& a) const
        return price < a.price;
} b;
struct Sell
    int price, num;
    bool operator < (const Sell& a) const
        return price > a.price;
} s;
priority_queue<Buy> buyseq;///大的在前
priority_queue<Sell> sellseq;///小的在前
int lastprice, delta;

void update()
    while (!buyseq.empty() && !sellseq.empty() && buyseq.top().price >= sellseq.top().price)///还可以继续交易
        b = buyseq.top(), s = sellseq.top();
        buyseq.pop(), sellseq.pop();
        lastprice = s.price;
        delta = min(b.num, s.num);
        b.num -= delta, s.num -= delta;
        if (b.num > 0) buyseq.push(b);
        if (s.num > 0) sellseq.push(s);

void print()
    if (sellseq.empty()) printf("- ");
    else printf("%d ", sellseq.top().price);
    if (buyseq.empty()) printf("- ");
    else printf("%d ", buyseq.top().price);
    if (lastprice == -1) printf("-\n");
    else printf("%d\n", lastprice);

int main()
    int T, n, i, num, price;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while (T--)
        while (!buyseq.empty()) buyseq.pop();
        while (!sellseq.empty()) sellseq.pop();
        lastprice = -1;
        scanf("%d", &n);
        for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
            scanf("%s %d shares at %d", buff, &num, &price);
            if (buff[0] == 'b') buyseq.push((Buy){price, num});
            else sellseq.push((Sell){price, num});
    return 0;

作者:csdn博客 synapse7


, ask
, order
, The
, priority_queue
, priority_queue详解
, priority_queue实例
stock prices、uva打印队列、en12266 1、www.712266.com、en12266,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。

时间: 2024-07-29 01:45:16

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