获得客房端的MAC(Media Access Control)地址

Get the clients MAC(Media Access Control) address, a hardware address that uniquely identifies each
node of a network. Works great on LAN's. Firewalls and Proxy's will be an issue depending what side of
them you're coding for.

Can't Copy and Paste this?
Click here for a copy-and-paste friendly version of this code!
' for :MAC address
This code is AS IS! I had a need For it on a
project I was working On and found almost no info
anywhere On what I needed To accomplish. If it
helps you, great! If it does Not work For you:
1.Make sure you're Not trying To hit on the same
pc it's on.
2.Comment out where the file gets deleted
(fso.deletefile "c:" & strIP & ".txt"), To view
some potential Error info.
3.Have fun debugging :) (I did)
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Click here for a copy-and-paste friendly version of this code!
' Name: MAC address
' Description:Get the clients MAC(Media
' Access Control)
address, a hardware address that uniquely
identifies Each node of a network. Works great on
LAN's. Firewalls and Proxy's will be an issue
depending what side of them you're coding for.
' By: Jerry Aguilar
' Inputs:None
' Returns:Returns the client IP and MAC
' address.
'Assumes:You can't navigate to it runnin
' g PWS on the same
pc but If you are running PWS, you can navigate
To it from another pc on the same lan (it does
Not like
'Side Effects:None
'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)

时间: 2024-08-31 19:51:15

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