


  大家好,我是洪飞飞,大数据观察(Big Data In World)的特约编辑。这篇文章是一篇美国较新的介绍大数据应用的文章,由我翻译给大家。为了保留原来的味道,我没有去掉原文,请大家相较查看。

  The Dark Side Of Big Data


  By Sue Poremba(作者:休.Poremba)

  There is a lot of talk about the benefits of big data, but there’s a dark side, too.


  “There is a difference between what we want to measure and what we can measure. And we need to be on guard that we don’t confuse the two,” said Kenneth Cukier, co-author of the book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, in a Yahoo News article.


  Any data can be measured, but what enterprises have yet to adequately explain is how that collected data will one day be analyzed and potentially used. This is what has consumers and employees concerned.


  “Analyzing customer data to pattern behaviors is not a new concept, though it has become increasingly popular, driving awareness and visibility,” says David Baker, senior manager at Navigate, a management consulting firm. “With the reduced cost of data storage, user-friendly analytical tools, and an increase in the amount and type of data collection points, the use of business intelligence by companies goes far beyond the marketing department. Organizations are identifying new ways to leverage big data every day–and the increased capability to both broaden and deepen the analysis leads to evaluating very private aspects of our behaviors in ways that we never imagined.”


  Data is already being used to predict future or likely behavior as it relates to areas such as customer habits, election trends and insurance risk, says Baker. Companies use data to understand customer profitability, framing service levels to drive retention or minimize financial loss.


  “As tools mature and increase the capability to capture historical data from social media platforms, profiling could take place without personal interaction,” adds Baker. “There are many implications–positive and negative–for how employers, physicians, institutions, government agencies and law enforcement could use this information.”


  Big data is a boon for media outlets. Netflix, for example, uses big data based on its customers’ habits to predict topics that would result in popular original programming.


  Big data also plays a major role in the growth of social media, as Alan Mutter points out in the blog, Reflections of a Newsosaur.

  艾伦·马特在他的一篇Reflections of a Newsosaur的博客中指出:大数据在社交媒体的发展过程中也扮演着重要的角色。

  “The commercial potential for Big Data is the reason Facebook achieved a record high valuation of $104 billion when it began selling its shares on the stock market,” Mutter writes. “Even though Facebook’s shares tumbled in the aftermath of its clumsily managed IPO, the company continues to gather more personal information about people and their friends than any platform yet devised.”


  However, Facebook is a prime example of big data’s dark side. “Organizations like Facebook and Google realize that data has value so they gather increasing amounts of it,” says Jack Vonder Heide, president of Technology Briefing Centers.

  然而,Facebook也是大数据弊端的最好的例子。技术简报中心的主席杰克. Vonder Heide指出:类似Facebook和谷歌的公司意识到了数据的价值因此搜集了越来越多的数据。

  In addition, Vonder Heide adds, users don’t bother to read the terms of use clauses on websites and don’t realize how companies are using the data they save. Privacy remains a major concern when it comes to big data.

  另外,Vonder Heide补充道:用户并不会仔细阅读网站上的使用条款,也没有意识到网站如何使用他们保存的数据。当谈到大数据时,隐私仍然是一个主要的顾虑。

  How big data is used isn’t its only concern. As John Jordan points out in a Wall Street Journal article, companies don’t have the right tools for the influx of big data. He states, “For big data to be useful, programmers and analysts also must understand the basics of the industry they are programming for. If the analysts don’t know the business, and the questions to ask, the company risks running down a lot of expensive dead ends.”


  Corporate leaders are well aware that the explosion of data is not going to subside; rather, it is going to relentlessly continue.


  “As the big data phenomenon moves into its adolescent phase, as a society we will have to find the balance between the benefits of capturing and analyzing personal data and maintaining personal data privacy,” explains Jim Vogt, CEO of Zettaset, a management platform. “For example, is the trade-off of losing some data privacy acceptable if it helps law enforcement agencies thwart terrorism or other crimes, or are we simply heading down a dark path?”

  一家名为 Zettaset的管理平台的CEO吉姆. 沃格特指出:随着大数据逐步发展成长,作为社团我们必须在获得、分析个人数据和保持个人数据隐私安全之前找到平衡。比如,我们是否可以接受这样的妥协,丢弃一些隐私数据来帮助执法者阻止恐怖主义或其他犯罪,还是简单地一条道走到黑?

  C-level execs need to be proactive in building trust with their employees and customers, adds Baker. They also need to make sure that the capture and use of big data is well-managed, with minimized exposure and risk. “Establishing a formal process to guide the administration and use of big data is important to secure access, restrict visibility to sensitive information, and enable the business to get in front of potential issues proactively.”


  This is not the first time a new wave of technology has delivered benefits while at the same time introducing a new set of challenges to IT leaders in businesses and government, Vogt points out. For example, the introduction of wireless enterprise networks, cellular data and BYOD during the past decade have created similar challenges involving privacy and security for both individuals and organizations. The industry has adapted and gradually developed a best-practices approach. The privacy and security challenges that big data presents can be met by developing a clear understanding of the liabilities, as well as the benefits, and by developing best practices that will help organizations achieve balance between the two.


时间: 2024-09-21 12:29:11



前些时候,几乎全世界都在围观李世石和阿尔法狗的"人机大战".在围棋对弈的两端,排名世界第五的李世石,在一定程度上代表着人类的智慧,接受以棋谱大数据撑腰的电脑阿尔法狗的挑战. 胜负总有定数.然而,在胜负之外,在娱乐狂欢之外,很多人开始陷入沉思,甚至忧思. 事实上,无论愿不愿意.接受不接受,大数据早已开始悄然渗入人类生活的每一个领域,乃至无孔不入,教育和学习领域亦不能例外. 当很多人尚不知大数据为何物时,当我们还在怀疑大数据所蕴含的威力,问它究竟能有什么用处时,甚至于浑然不知,以"


SnapLogic公司的CEO高拉夫•迪隆认为,大数据哑铃的两端,一端是零售.金融等服务业和信息密集型产业,一端是工业互联网,这两端都能从大数据获得巨大的好处,但大数据并不适合其它大量处于中间地带的企业. 如果真像知名风投家马克•安德里森所说的那样,软件正在吞噬世界,那么大数据就应该是在拯救世界,对吧? 近两年来,"大数据"这个词已然滥殇于报端.它一般代指用来分析令常规工具望洋兴叹的海量数据的一系列技术."大数据"的火爆令许多高管不禁踌躇自己的公司是否也要来上这么一


最近引起热议的术语暗数据,确切的说,就是来自于大数据的阴暗面.尽管暗数据这个名字听起来不吉利(让人联想到一个少年哥特乐队会取的绰号),但是或许更加的准确.如果尽量减少不良的预感,暗数据更像是是大数据中光明的一面. 大部分的暗数据都被分类于结构造成的信息缺乏之中,而且,这些数据只被使用过一次,最后,就被储存在逻辑混乱,数量庞大的其他社群之中了.实际上,一个信息系统产生的80%的文档都未被二次使用. 那么,在我们进一步研究暗数据到底是什么(以及暗数据能够造成多大的影响)之前,我们必须要了解这个术语是


里克•斯莫兰新浪科技讯 9月18日凌晨消息,全球著名摄影家里克•斯莫兰(Rick Smolan)正忙着一件令他尤为兴奋的项目--"大数据人类面孔".斯莫兰希望借助一张张来自全球各地的鲜活面孔,来阐述大数据(Big Data)对于人类生活的影响,并使人们认识到大数据已经给我们打开了察看世界的另外一扇窗口.关注大数据斯莫兰是一名成功的摄影师,作为前<时代>.<国家地理>等美国著名杂志的摄影师,他创造了最畅销的<生活中的一天>系列丛书和其他许多大型摄影项目

《相关性准则——大数据时代的高效能之道》一一1.5 演变

1.5 演变 相关性准则--大数据时代的高效能之道 我得到了什么呢?是啊,每个月学一个新主题只是一个游戏,本身没有什么目的.不过,这场游戏却让我意识到,简单易用.信手可得的信息汇成的海洋在不断涨升,若要自由遨游其中,必须开发新技能.新思维方式.新感知过滤器. 信息时代的社会学影响显而易见,这已经有过广泛的探讨.维基百科这个由用户上传资料形成的互联网百科全书就是数字信息重新打造人们求知方式的典型例子.用户自己组织信息.创建信息.传递信息,全然不受物质的限制.这种信息系统是知识及其存储方式的一场革命


新的时代总会产生新的词汇,例如微博.微信.朋友圈等等,而如今,大数据则是目前最热的词汇之一.大数据究竟是什么?该如何利用好它?对于长期在编采体系工作.并无更多广告经营经验的媒体工作者来说,这是一个值得研究的现实课题.以下是笔者对此的一些看法和理解,以及在编采实际工作中的应用设想. 一.大数据是什么 套用现在最为流行的话而言,一个人的成功并不唯一取决于他的智商和天赋,更取决于他的情商:而一个人的成就与他的人脉有着很大的关系,没有人脉,没了圈子,就没有了用武之地.而大数据,其实就是这样一个各个行业未


英国牛津大学网络学院互联网研究所教授.<大数据时代>作者维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格: 大数据时代带来更理性.更可靠的决策 ◆究竟是什么魔力,让"大数据"这一概念得到全球各国的普遍关注?到底什么是"大数据"?它能够在多大程度上改变我们的生活?在我们寻求对这些重要问题的解答时,牛津大学网络学院互联网研究所教授维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格出现在我们的视野中:希望我们对他的采访,可以帮助读者们找到这些疑问的答案. 最近一段时间,"大数据"的热潮席卷全球


本文的标题语,来自我的高中同学,现就职于阿里集团,擅长跳探戈的某非著名仁波切,在这里对他表示言不由衷的感谢. 与广告技术公司有关的讨论到上一篇告一段落了.作为严肃的学术性自媒体,我们从今天开始进入一个更加圣洁的领域--大数据(big data).请诸位读者找一个面朝大海.春暖花开的小木屋(把你的手机壁纸换成这样一副图也可以),慢慢地闭上眼晴,从心灵深处荡漾起一串串的0和1,随着本文的展开,进入令人激动和颤抖的大数据之国,用虔诚的祈祷让它去解决你生命中的一切悲哀与彷徨吧! 为什么这段话饱含泪水?因


珍妮·维特西(Janet Vertesi)是普林斯顿大学的社会学副教授.她一直有这样一个念头:自己怀孕了这件事,是否能不让大数据察觉到? 之所以有这样的想法,是因为她就是专门研究用户和信息技术之间的关系的.她相信怀孕的妇女,从商业角度上来说是一座具有极大潜力,可供开发的"金矿".量化一下,针对孕妇所挖掘出来的各种营销数据的价值,比普通人要高出 15 倍.所以大数据对与孕妇有关的信息,会抓取的非常敏锐和及时.现在,她就想挑战一下大数据的监测能力!结果是她失败了.其结论是:躲开大数据的洞察