adop errors at fsclone Stage.

Error : 

1. Error occurred while executing <perl /sid/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/
2. Error occurred while CONFIG_CLONE Patch File System from Run File System using command

Check the adop logfile for errors, and also verify the errors in fsclone logfiles
location : /sid/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/<adop session id>/prepare_20140110_003210/ohs1/TXK_SYNC_migrate_Fri_Jan_10_00_40_18_2014 

Solutions for different issues.

Error 1:  (/sid/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/<adop session id>/adop_20140110_003210.log)

Running [filesystem]/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/ -javaHome [filesystem]/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/t2pjdk -al [filesystem]/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/FMW_Home.jar -tl [filesystem]/fs2/FMW_Home -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc -ldl [filesystem]/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs -silent true -executeSysPrereqs false
Script Executed in 7200015 milliseconds, returning status -1
Script timed out.


1. Open a new terminal.

2. Execute :
      export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m"

3. Execute :
      adop phase=fs_clone

Error 2:  (/sid/R122UPGR/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs)

FSCloneStageAppsTier_<datestamp>.log, the following error will be seen:

/d01/R122UPGR/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common/bin/ -javaHome /d01/R122UPGR/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/t2pjdk -al /d01/R122UPGR/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/FMW_Home.jar -smw /d01/R122UPGR/fs1/FMW_Home -ldl /d01/R122UPGR/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc -silent true
Script Executed in 28420 milliseconds, returning status 255
Script failed, exit code 255

In:  /d01/R122UPGR/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs the following error is seen:

SEVERE : Dec 4, 2013 6:17:41 PM - ERROR - CLONE-20275   Insufficient space to create /tmp/CLONINGCLIENT3005869153400434600


Create space in /tmp or assign more disk storage to /tmp.
assign the diffrent mountpoint as temp directory

export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="<sid>/applmgr/temp"

Error 3 (/sid/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/<adop session id>/prepare_20140110_003210/ohs1/TXK_SYNC_migrate_Fri_Jan_10_00_40_18_2014/wlsTechStack_FSCloneStageAppsTier_01100041.log)

Edit session is enabled in domain. Current Editor = weblogic
Please activate all of your changes before proceed clone


Login to weblogic console, in home page click on Release configuration button and rerun the adop preprae phase

Error 4 (/sid/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/<adop session id>/adop_20140110_003210.log)

adop=prepare encountering [ERROR] Error: While executing on all other nodes


Since the all nodes are not currently implemented the issue is cause by this autoconfig variable setting.

<shared_file_system oa_var="s_shared_file_system">false </shared_file_system>

It seems your half way to enabling another app node hence this setting

Since there is no extra app node registered.
What happens is that adop then looks for another app node and cannot find the node and it fails .

Please change the setting to false, run autoconfig, and re-test adop prepare

Issue should be resolved

时间: 2025-01-19 08:09:44



机制: 安装补丁时,你既可以让adop提示信息指导你安装,也可以直接输入需要的信息而不需要adop提示. --读取patch元数据,获取补丁的dependencies和requirements. --如果这个补丁可以安装,从之前的补丁session里上传补丁信息到数据库. --读取并验证补丁drivers文件,读取产品drivers文件 --从产品库和已经存在的文件的版本信息中,和这个补丁,对比对象模式的版本号. --备份所有将要被此补丁改变的文件. --拷贝文件.(详细信息见下文) --归档l

r12.2——adop cycle 详解

prepare: prepare阶段要做的东西是根据上下文环境决定的,比如你是在这个系统上第一次运行prepare:再比如你是上次的apply 阶段失败后abort了,在运行的:再比如你是在cutover之后运行的... Important:在运行prepare阶段之前,你必须保证满足如下条件(mgP77):如下空间必须满足:• SYSTEM tablespace has a minimum of 25 GB of free space• APPS_TS_SEED tablespace has

R12.2——adop 数据库 Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)

In the database, there is also a run edition and patch edition, but they do not swap roles back and forth as in the file system: the patch edition only comes into existence during apatching cycle, and becomes the new run edition at the end of the cyc

oracle提示Alert Log Errors: 12170 TNS-12535/TNS-00505: Operation Timed Out

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Oracle 11.2 RAC环境中CRSD进程简介

在11.2中,CRSD进程不再是RAC中最关键的进程之一. 如果对10g RAC比较熟悉,应该清楚CRSD进程的重要性,Oracle在操作系统启动后,就是通过启动这个进程然后启动整个CLUSTER以及数据库的. 在11.2的RAC中,Oracle调整了ASM,使得OCR和VOT可以存储在ASM磁盘组中.ASM是CLUSTER所支持的一个组件,而CLUSTER启动所需的OCR和VOT却要放在ASM中,这其实要解决一个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题.最终Oracle通过OHASD进程的方式解决了这个问题,而

oracle ebs 简介

哎....现在这年头,只搞db人越来越少,dba的地位越来越低....没办法..为了生存,哥哥决定再跨一个新的领域,去oracle的应用领域去学oracle ebs去... 开工: ebs的内部技术架构:简单概括为如下几个部分:多组织.多语言.多币种.模块化,集成性.并发处理.多技术混用. 我们看一下ebs R12的服务器架构组成: 2.名词解释 ERP系统中有很多职能集成所必需,但手工管理方式下所没有的重要名词.以下一一解释这些名词的意义及功能. 1.现存量(On Hand Quantity)

R12.1/R12.2登录页面url 、hostname、IP 修改

How to change the Oracle EBusiness Suite url Normally while you install oracle R12 it takes the hostname as url name. So, you can access the oracle apps instance as http://:/OA_HTML/AppsLogin An example is http://machinename.domainname:8000/OA_HTML/A

sqoop 常见错误以及处理方式

Oracle: Connection Reset Errors 错误代码: 11/05/26 16:23:47 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201105261333_0002_m_000002_0, Status : FAILED java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Connect


问题描述 全部的wsdl内容如下:<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>-<wsdl:definitionsxmlns:wsdl=""xmlns:types="/com/zngh/platform/service/model/common/types/"xmlns:tns="/com/zngh/plat