x264_sps_init()根据输入参数生成H.264码流的SPS(Sequence Parameter Set,序列参数集)信息,即根据输入参数集x264_param_t中的信息,初始化了SPS结构体中的成员变量。该函数的定义位于encoder\set.c,对应的代码如下:
////////////////初始化SPS void x264_sps_init( x264_sps_t *sps, int i_id, x264_param_t *param ) { int csp = param->i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK; sps->i_id = i_id; sps->i_mb_width = ( param->i_width + 15 ) / 16; //以宏块为单位的宽度 sps->i_mb_height= ( param->i_height + 15 ) / 16; //以宏块为单位的高度 sps->i_chroma_format_idc = csp >= X264_CSP_I444 ? CHROMA_444 : csp >= X264_CSP_I422 ? CHROMA_422 : CHROMA_420; //色度取样格式 sps->b_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass = param->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CQP && param->rc.i_qp_constant == 0; //型profile if( sps->b_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass || sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_444 ) sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_HIGH444_PREDICTIVE; //YUV444的时候 else if( sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_422 ) sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_HIGH422; else if( BIT_DEPTH > 8 ) sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_HIGH10; else if( param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 || param->i_cqm_preset != X264_CQM_FLAT ) sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_HIGH; //高型 High Profile 目前最常见 else if( param->b_cabac || param->i_bframe > 0 || param->b_interlaced || param->b_fake_interlaced || param->analyse.i_weighted_pred > 0 ) sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_MAIN; //主型 else sps->i_profile_idc = PROFILE_BASELINE; //基本型 sps->b_constraint_set0 = sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_BASELINE; /* x264 doesn't support the features that are in Baseline and not in Main, * namely arbitrary_slice_order and slice_groups. */ sps->b_constraint_set1 = sps->i_profile_idc <= PROFILE_MAIN; /* Never set constraint_set2, it is not necessary and not used in real world. */ sps->b_constraint_set2 = 0; sps->b_constraint_set3 = 0; //级level sps->i_level_idc = param->i_level_idc; if( param->i_level_idc == 9 && ( sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_BASELINE || sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_MAIN ) ) { sps->b_constraint_set3 = 1; /* level 1b with Baseline or Main profile is signalled via constraint_set3 */ sps->i_level_idc = 11; } /* Intra profiles */ if( param->i_keyint_max == 1 && sps->i_profile_idc > PROFILE_HIGH ) sps->b_constraint_set3 = 1; sps->vui.i_num_reorder_frames = param->i_bframe_pyramid ? 2 : param->i_bframe ? 1 : 0; /* extra slot with pyramid so that we don't have to override the * order of forgetting old pictures */ //参考帧数量 sps->vui.i_max_dec_frame_buffering = sps->i_num_ref_frames = X264_MIN(X264_REF_MAX, X264_MAX4(param->i_frame_reference, 1 + sps->vui.i_num_reorder_frames, param->i_bframe_pyramid ? 4 : 1, param->i_dpb_size)); sps->i_num_ref_frames -= param->i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_STRICT; if( param->i_keyint_max == 1 ) { sps->i_num_ref_frames = 0; sps->vui.i_max_dec_frame_buffering = 0; } /* number of refs + current frame */ int max_frame_num = sps->vui.i_max_dec_frame_buffering * (!!param->i_bframe_pyramid+1) + 1; /* Intra refresh cannot write a recovery time greater than max frame num-1 */ if( param->b_intra_refresh ) { int time_to_recovery = X264_MIN( sps->i_mb_width - 1, param->i_keyint_max ) + param->i_bframe - 1; max_frame_num = X264_MAX( max_frame_num, time_to_recovery+1 ); } sps->i_log2_max_frame_num = 4; while( (1 << sps->i_log2_max_frame_num) <= max_frame_num ) sps->i_log2_max_frame_num++; //POC类型 sps->i_poc_type = param->i_bframe || param->b_interlaced || param->i_avcintra_class ? 0 : 2; if( sps->i_poc_type == 0 ) { int max_delta_poc = (param->i_bframe + 2) * (!!param->i_bframe_pyramid + 1) * 2; sps->i_log2_max_poc_lsb = 4; while( (1 << sps->i_log2_max_poc_lsb) <= max_delta_poc * 2 ) sps->i_log2_max_poc_lsb++; } sps->b_vui = 1; sps->b_gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed = 0; sps->b_frame_mbs_only = !(param->b_interlaced || param->b_fake_interlaced); if( !sps->b_frame_mbs_only ) sps->i_mb_height = ( sps->i_mb_height + 1 ) & ~1; sps->b_mb_adaptive_frame_field = param->b_interlaced; sps->b_direct8x8_inference = 1; sps->crop.i_left = param->crop_rect.i_left; sps->crop.i_top = param->crop_rect.i_top; sps->crop.i_right = param->crop_rect.i_right + sps->i_mb_width*16 - param->i_width; sps->crop.i_bottom = (param->crop_rect.i_bottom + sps->i_mb_height*16 - param->i_height) >> !sps->b_frame_mbs_only; sps->b_crop = sps->crop.i_left || sps->crop.i_top || sps->crop.i_right || sps->crop.i_bottom; sps->vui.b_aspect_ratio_info_present = 0; if( param->vui.i_sar_width > 0 && param->vui.i_sar_height > 0 ) { sps->vui.b_aspect_ratio_info_present = 1; sps->vui.i_sar_width = param->vui.i_sar_width; sps->vui.i_sar_height= param->vui.i_sar_height; } sps->vui.b_overscan_info_present = param->vui.i_overscan > 0 && param->vui.i_overscan <= 2; if( sps->vui.b_overscan_info_present ) sps->vui.b_overscan_info = ( param->vui.i_overscan == 2 ? 1 : 0 ); sps->vui.b_signal_type_present = 0; sps->vui.i_vidformat = ( param->vui.i_vidformat >= 0 && param->vui.i_vidformat <= 5 ? param->vui.i_vidformat : 5 ); sps->vui.b_fullrange = ( param->vui.b_fullrange >= 0 && param->vui.b_fullrange <= 1 ? param->vui.b_fullrange : ( csp >= X264_CSP_BGR ? 1 : 0 ) ); sps->vui.b_color_description_present = 0; sps->vui.i_colorprim = ( param->vui.i_colorprim >= 0 && param->vui.i_colorprim <= 9 ? param->vui.i_colorprim : 2 ); sps->vui.i_transfer = ( param->vui.i_transfer >= 0 && param->vui.i_transfer <= 15 ? param->vui.i_transfer : 2 ); sps->vui.i_colmatrix = ( param->vui.i_colmatrix >= 0 && param->vui.i_colmatrix <= 10 ? param->vui.i_colmatrix : ( csp >= X264_CSP_BGR ? 0 : 2 ) ); if( sps->vui.i_colorprim != 2 || sps->vui.i_transfer != 2 || sps->vui.i_colmatrix != 2 ) { sps->vui.b_color_description_present = 1; } if( sps->vui.i_vidformat != 5 || sps->vui.b_fullrange || sps->vui.b_color_description_present ) { sps->vui.b_signal_type_present = 1; } /* FIXME: not sufficient for interlaced video */ sps->vui.b_chroma_loc_info_present = param->vui.i_chroma_loc > 0 && param->vui.i_chroma_loc <= 5 && sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_420; if( sps->vui.b_chroma_loc_info_present ) { sps->vui.i_chroma_loc_top = param->vui.i_chroma_loc; sps->vui.i_chroma_loc_bottom = param->vui.i_chroma_loc; } sps->vui.b_timing_info_present = param->i_timebase_num > 0 && param->i_timebase_den > 0; if( sps->vui.b_timing_info_present ) { sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick = param->i_timebase_num; sps->vui.i_time_scale = param->i_timebase_den * 2; sps->vui.b_fixed_frame_rate = !param->b_vfr_input; } sps->vui.b_vcl_hrd_parameters_present = 0; // we don't support VCL HRD sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present = !!param->i_nal_hrd; sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present = param->b_pic_struct; // NOTE: HRD related parts of the SPS are initialised in x264_ratecontrol_init_reconfigurable sps->vui.b_bitstream_restriction = param->i_keyint_max > 1; if( sps->vui.b_bitstream_restriction ) { sps->vui.b_motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries = 1; sps->vui.i_max_bytes_per_pic_denom = 0; sps->vui.i_max_bits_per_mb_denom = 0; sps->vui.i_log2_max_mv_length_horizontal = sps->vui.i_log2_max_mv_length_vertical = (int)log2f( X264_MAX( 1, param->analyse.i_mv_range*4-1 ) ) + 1; } }
x264_pps_init()根据输入参数生成H.264码流的PPS(Picture Parameter Set,图像参数集)信息,即根据输入参数集x264_param_t中的信息,初始化了PPS结构体中的成员变量。该函数的定义位于encoder\set.c,对应的代码如下:
////////////////初始化PPS void x264_pps_init( x264_pps_t *pps, int i_id, x264_param_t *param, x264_sps_t *sps ) { pps->i_id = i_id; pps->i_sps_id = sps->i_id; //所属的SPS pps->b_cabac = param->b_cabac; //是否使用CABAC? pps->b_pic_order = !param->i_avcintra_class && param->b_interlaced; pps->i_num_slice_groups = 1; //目前参考帧队列的长度 //注意是这个队列中当前实际的、已存在的参考帧数目,这从它的名字“active”中也可以看出来。 pps->i_num_ref_idx_l0_default_active = param->i_frame_reference; pps->i_num_ref_idx_l1_default_active = 1; //加权预测 pps->b_weighted_pred = param->analyse.i_weighted_pred > 0; pps->b_weighted_bipred = param->analyse.b_weighted_bipred ? 2 : 0; //量化参数QP的初始值 pps->i_pic_init_qp = param->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_ABR || param->b_stitchable ? 26 + QP_BD_OFFSET : SPEC_QP( param->rc.i_qp_constant ); pps->i_pic_init_qs = 26 + QP_BD_OFFSET; pps->i_chroma_qp_index_offset = param->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset; pps->b_deblocking_filter_control = 1; pps->b_constrained_intra_pred = param->b_constrained_intra; pps->b_redundant_pic_cnt = 0; pps->b_transform_8x8_mode = param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 ? 1 : 0; pps->i_cqm_preset = param->i_cqm_preset; switch( pps->i_cqm_preset ) { case X264_CQM_FLAT: for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_flat16; break; case X264_CQM_JVT: for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_jvt[i]; break; case X264_CQM_CUSTOM: /* match the transposed DCT & zigzag */ transpose( param->cqm_4iy, 4 ); transpose( param->cqm_4py, 4 ); transpose( param->cqm_4ic, 4 ); transpose( param->cqm_4pc, 4 ); transpose( param->cqm_8iy, 8 ); transpose( param->cqm_8py, 8 ); transpose( param->cqm_8ic, 8 ); transpose( param->cqm_8pc, 8 ); pps->scaling_list[CQM_4IY] = param->cqm_4iy; pps->scaling_list[CQM_4PY] = param->cqm_4py; pps->scaling_list[CQM_4IC] = param->cqm_4ic; pps->scaling_list[CQM_4PC] = param->cqm_4pc; pps->scaling_list[CQM_8IY+4] = param->cqm_8iy; pps->scaling_list[CQM_8PY+4] = param->cqm_8py; pps->scaling_list[CQM_8IC+4] = param->cqm_8ic; pps->scaling_list[CQM_8PC+4] = param->cqm_8pc; for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) for( int j = 0; j < (i < 4 ? 16 : 64); j++ ) if( pps->scaling_list[i][j] == 0 ) pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_jvt[i]; break; } }
/******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* ======Analysed by RuiDong Fang ======Csdn Blog:http://blog.csdn.net/frd2009041510 ======Date:2016.03.09 */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /************====== x264_encoder_headers()函数 ======************/ /* 功能:x264_encoder_headers()是libx264的一个API函数,用于输出SPS/PPS/SEI这些H.264码流的头信息 */ /**************************************************************************** * x264_encoder_headers: ****************************************************************************/ int x264_encoder_headers( x264_t *h, x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal ) { int frame_size = 0; /* init bitstream context */ h->out.i_nal = 0; bs_init( &h->out.bs, h->out.p_bitstream, h->out.i_bitstream ); /* Write SEI, SPS and PPS. */ /*在输出每个NALU之前,需要调用x264_nal_start(),在输出NALU之后,需要调用x264_nal_end()*/ /* generate sequence parameters */ x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); x264_sps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps ); //////////////////////////输出SPS if( x264_nal_end( h ) ) return -1; /* generate picture parameters */ x264_nal_start( h, NAL_PPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); x264_pps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps, h->pps ); //////////////////////////输出PPS if( x264_nal_end( h ) ) return -1; /* identify ourselves */ x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE ); if( x264_sei_version_write( h, &h->out.bs ) ) //////////////////////////输出SEI(其中包含了配置信息) return -1; if( x264_nal_end( h ) ) return -1; frame_size = x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( h, 0 ); if( frame_size < 0 ) return -1; /* now set output*/ *pi_nal = h->out.i_nal; *pp_nal = &h->out.nal[0]; h->out.i_nal = 0; return frame_size; }
////////////////输出SPS void x264_sps_write( bs_t *s, x264_sps_t *sps ) { bs_realign( s ); bs_write( s, 8, sps->i_profile_idc ); //型profile,8bit bs_write1( s, sps->b_constraint_set0 ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_constraint_set1 ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_constraint_set2 ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_constraint_set3 ); bs_write( s, 4, 0 ); /* reserved */ bs_write( s, 8, sps->i_level_idc ); //级level,8bit bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_id ); //本SPS的 id号 if( sps->i_profile_idc >= PROFILE_HIGH ) { //色度取样格式 //0代表单色 //1代表4:2:0 //2代表4:2:2 //3代表4:4:4 bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_chroma_format_idc ); if( sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_444 ) bs_write1( s, 0 ); // separate_colour_plane_flag //亮度 //颜色位深=bit_depth_luma_minus8+8 bs_write_ue( s, BIT_DEPTH-8 ); // bit_depth_luma_minus8 //色度与亮度一样 bs_write_ue( s, BIT_DEPTH-8 ); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8 bs_write1( s, sps->b_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass ); bs_write1( s, 0 ); // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag } //log2_max_frame_num_minus4主要是为读取另一个句法元素frame_num服务的 //frame_num 是最重要的句法元素之一 //这个句法元素指明了frame_num的所能达到的最大值: //MaxFrameNum = 2^( log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4 ) bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_log2_max_frame_num - 4 ); //pic_order_cnt_type 指明了poc (picture order count) 的编码方法 //poc标识图像的播放顺序。 //由于H.264使用了B帧预测,使得图像的解码顺序并不一定等于播放顺序,但它们之间存在一定的映射关系 //poc 可以由frame-num 通过映射关系计算得来,也可以索性由编码器显式地传送。 //H.264 中一共定义了三种poc 的编码方法 bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_poc_type ); if( sps->i_poc_type == 0 ) bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_log2_max_poc_lsb - 4 ); //num_ref_frames 指定参考帧队列可能达到的最大长度,解码器依照这个句法元素的值开辟存储区,这个存储区用于存放已解码的参考帧, //H.264 规定最多可用16 个参考帧,因此最大值为16。 bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_num_ref_frames ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed ); //pic_width_in_mbs_minus1加1后为图像宽(以宏块为单位): // PicWidthInMbs = pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1 //以像素为单位图像宽度(亮度):width=PicWidthInMbs*16 bs_write_ue( s, sps->i_mb_width - 1 ); //pic_height_in_map_units_minus1加1后指明图像高度(以宏块为单位) bs_write_ue( s, (sps->i_mb_height >> !sps->b_frame_mbs_only) - 1); bs_write1( s, sps->b_frame_mbs_only ); if( !sps->b_frame_mbs_only ) bs_write1( s, sps->b_mb_adaptive_frame_field ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_direct8x8_inference ); bs_write1( s, sps->b_crop ); if( sps->b_crop ) { int h_shift = sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_420 || sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_422; int v_shift = sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_420; bs_write_ue( s, sps->crop.i_left >> h_shift ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->crop.i_right >> h_shift ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->crop.i_top >> v_shift ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->crop.i_bottom >> v_shift ); } bs_write1( s, sps->b_vui ); if( sps->b_vui ) { bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_aspect_ratio_info_present ); if( sps->vui.b_aspect_ratio_info_present ) { int i; static const struct { uint8_t w, h, sar; } sar[] = { // aspect_ratio_idc = 0 -> unspecified { 1, 1, 1 }, { 12, 11, 2 }, { 10, 11, 3 }, { 16, 11, 4 }, { 40, 33, 5 }, { 24, 11, 6 }, { 20, 11, 7 }, { 32, 11, 8 }, { 80, 33, 9 }, { 18, 11, 10}, { 15, 11, 11}, { 64, 33, 12}, {160, 99, 13}, { 4, 3, 14}, { 3, 2, 15}, { 2, 1, 16}, // aspect_ratio_idc = [17..254] -> reserved { 0, 0, 255 } }; for( i = 0; sar[i].sar != 255; i++ ) { if( sar[i].w == sps->vui.i_sar_width && sar[i].h == sps->vui.i_sar_height ) break; } bs_write( s, 8, sar[i].sar ); if( sar[i].sar == 255 ) /* aspect_ratio_idc (extended) */ { bs_write( s, 16, sps->vui.i_sar_width ); bs_write( s, 16, sps->vui.i_sar_height ); } } bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_overscan_info_present ); if( sps->vui.b_overscan_info_present ) bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_overscan_info ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_signal_type_present ); if( sps->vui.b_signal_type_present ) { bs_write( s, 3, sps->vui.i_vidformat ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_fullrange ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_color_description_present ); if( sps->vui.b_color_description_present ) { bs_write( s, 8, sps->vui.i_colorprim ); bs_write( s, 8, sps->vui.i_transfer ); bs_write( s, 8, sps->vui.i_colmatrix ); } } bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_chroma_loc_info_present ); if( sps->vui.b_chroma_loc_info_present ) { bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_chroma_loc_top ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_chroma_loc_bottom ); } bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_timing_info_present ); if( sps->vui.b_timing_info_present ) { bs_write32( s, sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick ); bs_write32( s, sps->vui.i_time_scale ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_fixed_frame_rate ); } bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present ); if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present ) { bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_cnt - 1 ); bs_write( s, 4, sps->vui.hrd.i_bit_rate_scale ); bs_write( s, 4, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_size_scale ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_bit_rate_value - 1 ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_size_value - 1 ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.hrd.b_cbr_hrd ); bs_write( s, 5, sps->vui.hrd.i_initial_cpb_removal_delay_length - 1 ); bs_write( s, 5, sps->vui.hrd.i_cpb_removal_delay_length - 1 ); bs_write( s, 5, sps->vui.hrd.i_dpb_output_delay_length - 1 ); bs_write( s, 5, sps->vui.hrd.i_time_offset_length ); } bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_vcl_hrd_parameters_present ); if( sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present || sps->vui.b_vcl_hrd_parameters_present ) bs_write1( s, 0 ); /* low_delay_hrd_flag */ bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present ); bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_bitstream_restriction ); if( sps->vui.b_bitstream_restriction ) { bs_write1( s, sps->vui.b_motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_max_bytes_per_pic_denom ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_max_bits_per_mb_denom ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_log2_max_mv_length_horizontal ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_log2_max_mv_length_vertical ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_num_reorder_frames ); bs_write_ue( s, sps->vui.i_max_dec_frame_buffering ); } } //RBSP拖尾 //无论比特流当前位置是否字节对齐 , 都向其中写入一个比特1及若干个(0~7个)比特0 , 使其字节对齐 bs_rbsp_trailing( s ); bs_flush( s ); }
////////////////输出PPS void x264_pps_write( bs_t *s, x264_sps_t *sps, x264_pps_t *pps ) { bs_realign( s ); bs_write_ue( s, pps->i_id ); //PPS的ID bs_write_ue( s, pps->i_sps_id );//该PPS引用的SPS的ID //entropy_coding_mode_flag //0表示熵编码使用CAVLC,1表示熵编码使用CABAC bs_write1( s, pps->b_cabac ); bs_write1( s, pps->b_pic_order ); bs_write_ue( s, pps->i_num_slice_groups - 1 ); bs_write_ue( s, pps->i_num_ref_idx_l0_default_active - 1 ); bs_write_ue( s, pps->i_num_ref_idx_l1_default_active - 1 ); //P Slice 是否使用加权预测? bs_write1( s, pps->b_weighted_pred ); //B Slice 是否使用加权预测? bs_write( s, 2, pps->b_weighted_bipred ); //pic_init_qp_minus26加26后用以指明亮度分量的QP的初始值。 bs_write_se( s, pps->i_pic_init_qp - 26 - QP_BD_OFFSET ); bs_write_se( s, pps->i_pic_init_qs - 26 - QP_BD_OFFSET ); bs_write_se( s, pps->i_chroma_qp_index_offset ); bs_write1( s, pps->b_deblocking_filter_control ); bs_write1( s, pps->b_constrained_intra_pred ); bs_write1( s, pps->b_redundant_pic_cnt ); if( pps->b_transform_8x8_mode || pps->i_cqm_preset != X264_CQM_FLAT ) { bs_write1( s, pps->b_transform_8x8_mode ); bs_write1( s, (pps->i_cqm_preset != X264_CQM_FLAT) ); if( pps->i_cqm_preset != X264_CQM_FLAT ) { scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_4IY ); scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_4IC ); bs_write1( s, 0 ); // Cr = Cb scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_4PY ); scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_4PC ); bs_write1( s, 0 ); // Cr = Cb if( pps->b_transform_8x8_mode ) { if( sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_444 ) { scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8IY+4 ); scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8IC+4 ); bs_write1( s, 0 ); // Cr = Cb scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8PY+4 ); scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8PC+4 ); bs_write1( s, 0 ); // Cr = Cb } else { scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8IY+4 ); scaling_list_write( s, pps, CQM_8PY+4 ); } } } bs_write_se( s, pps->i_chroma_qp_index_offset ); } //RBSP拖尾 //无论比特流当前位置是否字节对齐 , 都向其中写入一个比特1及若干个(0~7个)比特0 , 使其字节对齐 bs_rbsp_trailing( s ); bs_flush( s ); }
////////////////输出SEI(其中包含了配置信息) int x264_sei_version_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s ) { // random ID number generated according to ISO-11578 static const uint8_t uuid[16] = { 0xdc, 0x45, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0x48, 0xb7, 0x96, 0x2c, 0xd8, 0x20, 0xd9, 0x23, 0xee, 0xef }; char *opts = x264_param2string( &h->param, 0 );//////////////把设置信息转换为字符串 char *payload; int length; if( !opts ) return -1; CHECKED_MALLOC( payload, 200 + strlen( opts ) ); memcpy( payload, uuid, 16 ); //配置信息的内容 //opts字符串内容还是挺多的 sprintf( payload+16, "x264 - core %d%s - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - " "Copy%s 2003-2016 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: %s", X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION, HAVE_GPL?"left":"right", opts ); length = strlen(payload)+1; //输出SEI //数据类型为USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED x264_sei_write( s, (uint8_t *)payload, length, SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED ); x264_free( opts ); x264_free( payload ); return 0; fail: x264_free( opts ); return -1; }
其中,x264_param2string()用于将当前设置转换为字符串输出出来,x264_param2string()的定义位于common\common.c,可以看出x264_param2string()几乎遍历了libx264的所有设置选项,使用“s += sprintf()”的形式将它们连接成一个很长的字符串,并最终将该字符串返回。对应的代码如下:
/**************************************************************************** * x264_param2string: ****************************************************************************/ //////////////////////把设置信息转换为字符串 char *x264_param2string( x264_param_t *p, int b_res ) { int len = 1000; char *buf, *s; if( p->rc.psz_zones ) len += strlen(p->rc.psz_zones); buf = s = x264_malloc( len ); if( !buf ) return NULL; if( b_res ) { s += sprintf( s, "%dx%d ", p->i_width, p->i_height ); s += sprintf( s, "fps=%u/%u ", p->i_fps_num, p->i_fps_den ); s += sprintf( s, "timebase=%u/%u ", p->i_timebase_num, p->i_timebase_den ); s += sprintf( s, "bitdepth=%d ", BIT_DEPTH ); } if( p->b_opencl ) s += sprintf( s, "opencl=%d ", p->b_opencl ); s += sprintf( s, "cabac=%d", p->b_cabac ); s += sprintf( s, " ref=%d", p->i_frame_reference ); s += sprintf( s, " deblock=%d:%d:%d", p->b_deblocking_filter, p->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, p->i_deblocking_filter_beta ); s += sprintf( s, " analyse=%#x:%#x", p->analyse.intra, p->analyse.inter ); s += sprintf( s, " me=%s", x264_motion_est_names[ p->analyse.i_me_method ] ); s += sprintf( s, " subme=%d", p->analyse.i_subpel_refine ); s += sprintf( s, " psy=%d", p->analyse.b_psy ); if( p->analyse.b_psy ) s += sprintf( s, " psy_rd=%.2f:%.2f", p->analyse.f_psy_rd, p->analyse.f_psy_trellis ); s += sprintf( s, " mixed_ref=%d", p->analyse.b_mixed_references ); s += sprintf( s, " me_range=%d", p->analyse.i_me_range ); s += sprintf( s, " chroma_me=%d", p->analyse.b_chroma_me ); s += sprintf( s, " trellis=%d", p->analyse.i_trellis ); s += sprintf( s, " 8x8dct=%d", p->analyse.b_transform_8x8 ); s += sprintf( s, " cqm=%d", p->i_cqm_preset ); s += sprintf( s, " deadzone=%d,%d", p->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0], p->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] ); s += sprintf( s, " fast_pskip=%d", p->analyse.b_fast_pskip ); s += sprintf( s, " chroma_qp_offset=%d", p->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset ); s += sprintf( s, " threads=%d", p->i_threads ); s += sprintf( s, " lookahead_threads=%d", p->i_lookahead_threads ); s += sprintf( s, " sliced_threads=%d", p->b_sliced_threads ); if( p->i_slice_count ) s += sprintf( s, " slices=%d", p->i_slice_count ); if( p->i_slice_count_max ) s += sprintf( s, " slices_max=%d", p->i_slice_count_max ); if( p->i_slice_max_size ) s += sprintf( s, " slice_max_size=%d", p->i_slice_max_size ); if( p->i_slice_max_mbs ) s += sprintf( s, " slice_max_mbs=%d", p->i_slice_max_mbs ); if( p->i_slice_min_mbs ) s += sprintf( s, " slice_min_mbs=%d", p->i_slice_min_mbs ); s += sprintf( s, " nr=%d", p->analyse.i_noise_reduction ); s += sprintf( s, " decimate=%d", p->analyse.b_dct_decimate ); s += sprintf( s, " interlaced=%s", p->b_interlaced ? p->b_tff ? "tff" : "bff" : p->b_fake_interlaced ? "fake" : "0" ); s += sprintf( s, " bluray_compat=%d", p->b_bluray_compat ); if( p->b_stitchable ) s += sprintf( s, " stitchable=%d", p->b_stitchable ); s += sprintf( s, " constrained_intra=%d", p->b_constrained_intra ); s += sprintf( s, " bframes=%d", p->i_bframe ); if( p->i_bframe ) { s += sprintf( s, " b_pyramid=%d b_adapt=%d b_bias=%d direct=%d weightb=%d open_gop=%d", p->i_bframe_pyramid, p->i_bframe_adaptive, p->i_bframe_bias, p->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred, p->analyse.b_weighted_bipred, p->b_open_gop ); } s += sprintf( s, " weightp=%d", p->analyse.i_weighted_pred > 0 ? p->analyse.i_weighted_pred : 0 ); if( p->i_keyint_max == X264_KEYINT_MAX_INFINITE ) s += sprintf( s, " keyint=infinite" ); else s += sprintf( s, " keyint=%d", p->i_keyint_max ); s += sprintf( s, " keyint_min=%d scenecut=%d intra_refresh=%d", p->i_keyint_min, p->i_scenecut_threshold, p->b_intra_refresh ); if( p->rc.b_mb_tree || p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size ) s += sprintf( s, " rc_lookahead=%d", p->rc.i_lookahead ); s += sprintf( s, " rc=%s mbtree=%d", p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_ABR ? ( p->rc.b_stat_read ? "2pass" : p->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate == p->rc.i_bitrate ? "cbr" : "abr" ) : p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CRF ? "crf" : "cqp", p->rc.b_mb_tree ); if( p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_ABR || p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CRF ) { if( p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CRF ) s += sprintf( s, " crf=%.1f", p->rc.f_rf_constant ); else s += sprintf( s, " bitrate=%d ratetol=%.1f", p->rc.i_bitrate, p->rc.f_rate_tolerance ); s += sprintf( s, " qcomp=%.2f qpmin=%d qpmax=%d qpstep=%d", p->rc.f_qcompress, p->rc.i_qp_min, p->rc.i_qp_max, p->rc.i_qp_step ); if( p->rc.b_stat_read ) s += sprintf( s, " cplxblur=%.1f qblur=%.1f", p->rc.f_complexity_blur, p->rc.f_qblur ); if( p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size ) { s += sprintf( s, " vbv_maxrate=%d vbv_bufsize=%d", p->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate, p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size ); if( p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CRF ) s += sprintf( s, " crf_max=%.1f", p->rc.f_rf_constant_max ); } } else if( p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CQP ) s += sprintf( s, " qp=%d", p->rc.i_qp_constant ); if( p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size ) s += sprintf( s, " nal_hrd=%s filler=%d", x264_nal_hrd_names[p->i_nal_hrd], p->rc.b_filler ); if( p->crop_rect.i_left | p->crop_rect.i_top | p->crop_rect.i_right | p->crop_rect.i_bottom ) s += sprintf( s, " crop_rect=%u,%u,%u,%u", p->crop_rect.i_left, p->crop_rect.i_top, p->crop_rect.i_right, p->crop_rect.i_bottom ); if( p->i_frame_packing >= 0 ) s += sprintf( s, " frame-packing=%d", p->i_frame_packing ); if( !(p->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CQP && p->rc.i_qp_constant == 0) ) { s += sprintf( s, " ip_ratio=%.2f", p->rc.f_ip_factor ); if( p->i_bframe && !p->rc.b_mb_tree ) s += sprintf( s, " pb_ratio=%.2f", p->rc.f_pb_factor ); s += sprintf( s, " aq=%d", p->rc.i_aq_mode ); if( p->rc.i_aq_mode ) s += sprintf( s, ":%.2f", p->rc.f_aq_strength ); if( p->rc.psz_zones ) s += sprintf( s, " zones=%s", p->rc.psz_zones ); else if( p->rc.i_zones ) s += sprintf( s, " zones" ); } return buf; }