Windows Azure初学者非常重要的学习资料Training Kit

Windows Azure初学者非常重要的学习资料--Training Kit在8月的下旬又进行了一次小的更新,增加了两套讲课用针对Windows Azure Mobile Service的PPT,以及15个动手案例。个人认为最主要的更新来自于对Mobile Service的案例,这对于Windows 8开发者的学习非常重要。

Hands On Labs:
1. Introduction to Windows Azure
2. Exploring Windows Azure Storage
3. Deploying and Monitoring Applications in Windows Azure
4. Windows Azure: Worker Role Communication
5. Federated Authentication in a Windows Azure Web Role Application
6. Building ASP.NET Web Form Applications with
7.Introduction to SQL Azure
8.SQL Azure: Tips and Tricks
9.Intro to Dallas
10.Introduction to the .NET Service Bus
11.Introduction to the .NET
12.Access Control Service
13.Service Remoting with Service Bus
14.Eventing with the Service Bus

Presentations and Videos:
1. Windows Azure PlatformOverview (C9 - VIDEO)
2. What is Windows Azure? (C9 - VIDEO)
3. Windows Azure Storage Overview (C9 - VIDEO)
4. Deploying Applications on Windows Azure (C9 - VIDEO)
5. Windows Azure Compute (C9 -VIDEO)
6. Introduction to Windows Azure (PPTX)

7. Building Services with Windows Azure (PPTX)
8. What is SQL Azure? (C9 - VIDEO)
9. Introduction to SQL Azure (PPTX)
10 Building Applications using SQL Azure (PPTX)
11 Scaling out with SQL Azure
12. What is Microsoft Codename "Dallas"? (C9 - VIDEO)
13. Introduction to Microsoft Codename "Dallas" (PPTX)
14. What is the Access
15. Control Service (C9 - VIDEO)-Introduction to the Service Bus (C9 - VIDEO)

1. Deploying Windows Azure Services
2. Hello Windows Azure
3. Windows Azure Guestbook Demo
4. Windows Azure Logging and Configuration Demo
5. Windows Azure using Blobs Demo
6. Windows Azure Worker Role Demo
7. Windows Azure Using Queues Demo
8. Windows Azure Using Tables Demo
9. Preparing your SQL Azure Account· Connecting to SQL Azure
10. Managing Logins and Security in SQL Azure
11. Creating Objects in SQL Azure
12. Migrating a Database Schema to SQL Azure
13. Moving Data Into and Out Of SQL Azure using SSIS
14. Building a Simple SQL Azure App
15. Scaling Out SQL Azure with Database Sharding
16. AppFabric Service Bus Direct Connection Demo
17. AppFabric Service Bus webHttpRelayBinding
18. AppFabric Service Bus Publish and Subscribe
19. AppFabric Service Bus Service Registry
20. AppFabric Service Bus NetOneWayRelayBinding

Samples and Tools:

1. Windows Azure MMC
2. Windows Azure Service Management CmdLets
3. PhluffyFotos


时间: 2024-10-26 10:35:10

Windows Azure初学者非常重要的学习资料Training Kit的相关文章


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