OpenRules v5.4.1发布 java开放源代码商业规则管理框架

OpenRules基于java完全开放源代码的商业规则管理框架。它有效的利用了MS Excel, Eclipse IDE 和其它java开源类库去构造,维护,部署,执行不同的复杂商业逻辑的规则引擎。

OpenRules® Release 5.4.1 introduces a new version of Rule Solver for defining and solving constraint satisfaction and optimization problems. Rule Solver allows subject matter experts (not necessarily developers) to define and reconfigure their scheduling, resource allocation, and other complex constraint satisfaction problems directly in Excel by extending predefined OpenRules® templates.  Then Rule Solver will automatically solve the proper problem using a standard constraint solver. Such combination of business rules and constraint programming provides OpenRules® customers with unprecedented power of solving decision support problems that are usually beyond the reach of pure rule engines.

Rule Solver is based on the latest version of the JSR-331 "Constraint Programming API", an oncoming Java Community Process (JCP) standard that recently  received the JCP award as "The Most Innovative JSR of 2010". OpenRules® CTO Dr. Jacob Feldman is the Specification Lead of this JSR.

Rule Solver comes with the detailed User Manual that includes many introductory examples. Rule Solver includes all JSR-331 jars (with 3 preliminary implementation solvers) available under open source licenses.

OpenRules® Release 5.4.1 also provides some additional improvements:
1) A new release of ORD (Questionnaire Builder) is available for downloads - see updated ORD's User Manual

2) A new sample project HelloJavaScript demonstrates how to use JScripts within OpenRules® Forms projects. It is available from the Inside Track program.

时间: 2025-01-20 14:06:10

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