Intercepting Calls to COM Interfaces

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Some
    Basic Concepts of COM
  3. Practical

    1. Approach
      #1: Proxy Object

    2. Approach
      #2: Vtable Patching
  4. Conclusion
  5. References
  6. History


In this article, I’m going to describe how to implement COM
interface hooks. COM
hooks have something in com
mon with the user-mode API hooks
(both in goals and in methods), but there are also some significant
differences due to the features of COM
technology. I’m going to show two of the most often used approaches to
the problem, emphasizing advantages and disadvantages of each one. The
code sample is simplified as much as possible, so we can concentrate on
the most important parts of the problem.

Some Basic Concepts
of COM

Before we start with intercepting calls to COM
objects, I’d like to mention some
underlying concepts of COM

technology. If you know this stuff well, you can just skip this boring
theory and move straight to the practical part.

classes implement one
or several interfaces. All the interfaces must be derived from IUnknown
It’s used for reference counting and obtaining pointers to other
interfaces implemented by an object. Every interface has a globally
unique interface identifier - IID
. Clients use interface
pointers to call all methods of COM

This feature makes COM
ponents independent on the binary
level. It means if a COM
server is
changed, it doesn’t require its clients to be recom
piled (as long as the new version of
the server provides the same interfaces). It is even possible to replace
server with your own

All calls of COM
methods are executed by means of virtual method table (or simply vtable
A pointer to vtable
is always the first field of every COM
class. This table is, in brief, an
array of pointers - pointers to the class methods (in order of their
declaration). When the client invokes a method, it makes a call by the
according pointer.

servers work either in the
context of a client process or in the context of some another process.
In the first case, the server is a DLL which is loaded into client
process. In the second case, the server executes as another process
(maybe even on another com
To com
municate with the server,
the client loads so-called Proxy/Stub DLL. It redirects calls from the
client to the server.

To be easily accessible, a COM

server should be registered in the system registry. There are several
functions, which clients can use to create an instance of COM
, but usually it is CoGetClassObject
or (the most com
mon) CoCreateInstance

If you want to get more detailed information, you can use MSDN
or one of the sources in the References section.

Practical Example

Let’s see how we can intercept calls to COM
interface. There are several
different approaches to this problem. For instance, we can modify
registry or use CoTreatAsClass
or CoGetInterceptor
functions. In this article, two of the most com
monly used approaches are covered:
use of proxy object and patching of the virtual method table. Each of
them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so what to choose depends
on the task.

A piece of code for this article contains the implementation for the
simplest COM
server DLL, client
application and two samples of COM
hooking that demonstrate the approaches I’m going to describe.

Let’s run the client application without hooks installed. First, we
register the COM
server invoking
the com
mand regsvr32 Com

. And then we run Com

or SrciptCleint.js
to see how the client of the sample server works. Now it’s time to set
some hooks.

Approach #1: Proxy

is pretty much about binary
encapsulation. Client uses any COM
server via interface and one implementation of the server can be
changed to another without rebuilding the client. This feature can be
used in order to intercept calls to COM

The main idea of this method is to intercept the COM
object creation request and
substitute the newly created instance with our own proxy object. This
proxy object is a COM
object with
the same interface as the original object. The client code interacts
with it as it is the original object. The proxy object usually stores a
pointer to the original object, so it can call original object’s

As I mentioned, proxy object has to implement all interfaces of the
target object. In our sample, it will be just one interface: ISampleObject
The proxy class is implemented with ATL:


 ATL_NO_VTABLE CSampleObjectProxy :public
CSampleObjectProxy, &CLSID_SampleObject>
ISampleObject, &IID_ISampleObject,
SampleLib, 1
, 0





	HRESULT FinalConstruct();void

    HRESULT static
 CreateInstance(IUnknown* original, REFIID riid, void

    STDMETHOD(get_ObjectName)(BSTR* pVal);
    STDMETHOD(put_ObjectName)(BSTR newVal);
    STDMETHOD(DoWork)(LONG arg1, LONG arg2, LONG* result);



STDMETHODIMP CSampleObjectProxy::get_ObjectName(BSTR* pVal)

STDMETHODIMP CSampleObjectProxy::DoWork(LONG arg1, LONG arg2, LONG* result)
    *result = 42

STDMETHODIMP CSampleObjectProxy::put_ObjectName(BSTR newVal)

Notice that if there are methods you’re not interested in (for
example, put_ObjectName
), you have to implement them in the
proxy anyway.

Now, we have to intercept creation of the target object to replace it
with our proxy. There are several Windows API functions capable of
creating COM
objects, but usually CoCreateInstance
is used.

To intercept target object creation, I’ve used mhook
library to hook CoCreateInstance
and CoGetClassObject
. The technique of setting API hooks
is a widely covered topic. If you want to get more detailed information
about it you can see, for example, Easy way to
set up global API hooks

article by Sergey Podobry.

Here is the implementation of the CoCreateInstance


 HRESULT WINAPI Hook::CoCreateInstance
   (REFCLSID rclsid, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, DWORD dwClsContext, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv)
 (rclsid == CLSID_SampleObject)

        HRESULT hr = Original::CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pUnkOuter,
		dwClsContext, riid, (void

 CSampleObjectProxy::CreateInstance(originalObject, riid, ppv);

 Original::CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pUnkOuter, dwClsContext, riid, ppv);

To see how the sample of proxy object the approach works, specify the
full name of the Com

in the AppInit_DLLs
registry value (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows

). Now you can run Com

or ScriptClient.js
and see that calls to the target object method are intercepted.

Approach #2: Vtable

The other way of intercepting calls to a COM
object is to modify the object’s
virtual methods table. It contains pointers to all public
of a COM
object, so they can be
replaced with the pointers to hook functions.

Unlike the previous one, this approach doesn’t require hooks to be
set before the client gets pointer to the target object. They can be set
at any place where a pointer to the object is accessible.

Here is the HookMethod
function code which sets a hook
for a COM


HRESULT HookMethod(IUnknown* original, PVOID proxyMethod,
	PVOID* originalMethod, DWORD vtableOffset)
    PVOID* originalVtable = *(PVOID**)original;

 (originalVtable[vtableOffset] == proxyMethod)return

*originalMethod = originalVtable[vtableOffset];
    originalVtable[vtableOffset] = proxyMethod;


To set hooks for the ISampleObject
interface methods,
the InstallCom

function is used:


HRESULT InstallCom
InterfaceHooks(IUnknown* originalInterface)
 Only single instance of a target object is supported in the sample

    HRESULT hr = originalInterface->
QueryInterface(IID_ISampleObject, (void
 hr; //
 we need this interface to be present

 remove protection from the vtable
    DWORD dwOld = 0

 hook interface methods
    HookMethod(so, (PVOID)Hook::QueryInterface, &g_Context->
m_OriginalQueryInterface, 0
    HookMethod(so, (PVOID)Hook::get_ObjectName, &g_Context->
m_OriginalGetObjectName, 7
    HookMethod(so, (PVOID)Hook::DoWork, &g_Context->
m_OriginalDoWork, 9


Virtual method table may be in a write-protected area, so we have to
remove the protection with VirtualProtect
before setting

Variable g_Context
is a structure, which contains data
associated with the target object. I’ve made g_Context
to simplify the sample though it supports only one target object to
exist at the same time.

Here is the hook functions code:


 HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface_T)
	(IUnknown* This, REFIID riid, void

STDMETHODIMP Hook::QueryInterface(IUnknown* This, REFIID riid, void
    QueryInterface_T qi = (QueryInterface_T)g_Context->
    HRESULT hr = qi(This, riid, ppvObject);return

STDMETHODIMP Hook::get_ObjectName(IUnknown* This, BSTR* pVal)

STDMETHODIMP Hook::DoWork(IUnknown* This, LONG arg1, LONG arg2, LONG* result)
    *result = 42

Take a look at the hook functions definitions. Their prototypes are
exactly as the target interface methods prototypes except that they are
free functions (not class methods) and they have one extra parameter - this
pointer. That’s because COM

methods are usually declared as stdcall
, this

is passed as an implicit stack parameter.

When using this approach, you have several things to remember. First
of all, when you set a method hook, it will work not only for the
current instance of the COM

object. It’ll work for all objects of the same class (but not for all
the classes implementing the interface hooked). If there are several
classes implementing the same interface and you want to intercept calls
for all instances of this interface, you will need to patch vtables

of all this classes.

If you want to store some data, which is specific for every object,
you have to store in the static memory area a collection of contexts
accessible by the target object pointer value. You also have to watch
target object’s lifetime. And if you expect multithreaded access for the
target object, you have to provide synchronization for the static

If you need to call the target object’s method from your hook
function, you have to be careful. You can’t just call a hooked method by
an interface pointer because it will cause an access to vtable
a call of the hook function (which is not what you want). So you have
to save the pointer to the original method and use it directly to call
the method.

Here is another tricky thing. When you set a hook, be careful and do
not hook the same method twice. If you save a pointer to the original
method, it will be rewritten on the second hook attempt.

The good news is that in this approach, you don’t have to implement
hooks for the methods you don’t need to intercept. And intercepting
object’s creation is not necessary too.

To see how this part of the sample works, specify the full name of Com

in the
registry value, just like you did before, and
run the client.


Both approaches described in the article have advantages and
disadvantages. The proxy object approach is much easier to implement,
especially if you need sophisticated logic in your proxy. But you have
to replace the target object with your proxy before the client gets the
pointer to the original object, and it may be difficult or simply
impossible in some cases. Also you have to provide in your proxy the
same interface as the target object has, even if you have only a couple
of methods to intercept. And real-world COM
interfaces can be really
large. If the target object has
several interfaces, you’ll probably need to implement them all.

The vtable
patching approach demands much more careful
implementation and requires a developer to remember a lot of things. It
needs some extra amount of code for handling several target object
instances of the same interface or calling the target’s methods. But it
doesn’t require to set hooks directly after target’s creation, the hooks
can be set at any moment. It also allows implementing hooks only for
methods you actually need to intercept.

Which approach is handier at the moment usually depends on the

时间: 2025-01-30 05:56:22

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