
The problem here is that you've defined an anonymous method which returns a string but are trying to assign it directly to a string. It's an expression which when invoked produces a string it's not directly a string. It needs to be assigned to a compatible delegate type. In this case the easiest choice is Func<string>

Func<string> temp = () => {return "test";};

This can be done in one line by a bit of casting or using the delegate constructor to establish the type of the lambda followed by an invocation.

string temp = ((Func<string>)(() => { return "test"; }))();
string temp = new Func<string>(() => { return "test"; })();

Note: Both samples could be shorted to the expression form which lacks the { return ... }

Func<string> temp = () => "test";
string temp = ((Func<string>)(() => "test"))();
string temp = new Func<string>(() => "test")();


时间: 2024-10-09 11:32:49


java反射机制 getreturntype是如何知道方法返回值类型的

问题描述 java反射机制 getreturntype是如何知道方法返回值类型的 各位大神,小弟有一事不明 我们有一个变量,就是方法名 java反射机制 getReturnType()是如何知道我要定义的这个方法的返回值类型. 它怎么知道我要的这个方法应该返回什么值?? 解决方案 java编译后的.class文件里面记录了类的全部信息,包括方法的返回值.参数.异常等.程序运行时,.class文件会被加载到运行时数据区,java反射 机制就是从类型信息中获取装载类解析后的详细信息的. 解决方案二:

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c++ atl-Atl引用时,方法返回值问题。

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将AJAX的返回数据赋值给一个变量. 例如 responseText 返回 ['a','b','c','d']  数组的字符串. 将他赋值给一个数组变量,示例代码如下: 以下是HTML网页特效代码,点击运行按钮可查看效果: [Ctrl+A 全部选择 提示:你可先修改部分代码,再按运行]

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