ASP 高级模板引擎实现类

复制代码 代码如下:

Class template

Private c_Char, c_Path, c_FileName, c_Content, c_PageUrl, c_CurrentPage, c_PageStr, ReplacePageStr

    Private TagName

' ***************************************

    '    设置编码

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let Char(ByVal Str)

        c_Char = Str

    End Property

    Public Property Get Char

        Char = c_Char

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    设置模板文件夹路径

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let Path(ByVal Str)

        c_Path = Str

    End Property

    Public Property Get Path

        Path = c_Path

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    设置模板文件名

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let FileName(ByVal Str)

        c_FileName = Str

    End Property

    Public Property Get FileName

        FileName = c_FileName

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    获得模板文件具体路径

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Get FilePath

        If Len(Path) > 0 Then Path = Replace(Path, "\", "/")

        If Right(Path, 1) <> "/" Then Path = Path & "/"

        FilePath = Path & FileName

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    设置分页URL

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let PageUrl(ByVal Str)

        c_PageUrl = Str

    End Property

    Public Property Get PageUrl

        PageUrl = c_PageUrl

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    设置分页 当前页

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let CurrentPage(ByVal Str)

        c_CurrentPage = Str

    End Property

    Public Property Get CurrentPage

        CurrentPage = c_CurrentPage

    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    输出内容

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Get Flush


    End Property

' ***************************************

    '    类初始化

    ' ***************************************

    Private Sub Class_Initialize

        TagName = "pjblog"

        c_Char = "UTF-8"

        ReplacePageStr = Array("", "")

    End Sub

' ***************************************

    '    过滤冲突字符

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function doQuote(ByVal Str)

        doQuote = Replace(Str, Chr(34), """)

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    类终结

    ' ***************************************

    Private Sub Class_Terminate

    End Sub

' ***************************************

    '    加载文件方法

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function LoadFromFile(ByVal cPath)

        Dim obj

        Set obj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

            With obj

             .Type = 2

                .Mode = 3


                .Charset = Char

                .Position = .Size

                .LoadFromFile Server.MapPath(cPath)

                LoadFromFile = .ReadText


            End With

        Set obj = Nothing

    End Function

' ***********************************************

    '    获取正则匹配对象

    ' ***********************************************

    Public Function GetMatch(ByVal Str, ByVal Rex)

        Dim Reg, Mag

        Set Reg = New RegExp

        With Reg

            .IgnoreCase = True

            .Global = True

            .Pattern = Rex

            Set Mag = .Execute(Str)

            If Mag.Count > 0 Then

                Set GetMatch = Mag


                Set GetMatch = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

            End If

        End With

        Set Reg = nothing

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    打开文档

    ' ***************************************

    Public Sub open

        c_Content = LoadFromFile(FilePath)

    End Sub

' ***************************************

    '    缓冲执行

    ' ***************************************

    Public Sub Buffer

        c_Content = GridView(c_Content)

        Call ExecuteFunction

    End Sub

' ***************************************

    '    GridView

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function GridView(ByVal o_Content)

        Dim Matches, SubMatches, SubText

        Dim Attribute, Content

        Set Matches = GetMatch(o_Content, "\<" & TagName & "\:(\d+?)(.+?)\>([\s\S]+?)<\/" & TagName & "\:\1\>")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                Attribute = SubMatches.SubMatches(1)     ' kocms

                Content = SubMatches.SubMatches(2)     ' <Columns>...</Columns>

                SubText = Process(Attribute, Content)     ' 返回所有过程执行后的结果

                o_Content = Replace(o_Content, SubMatches.value, "<" & SubText(2) & SubText(0) & ">" & SubText(1) & "</" & SubText(2) & ">", 1, -1, 1)                                            ' 替换标签变量


        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

        If Len(ReplacePageStr(0)) > 0 Then                ' 判断是否标签变量有值,如果有就替换掉.

            o_Content = Replace(o_Content, ReplacePageStr(0), ReplacePageStr(1), 1, -1, 1)

            ReplacePageStr = Array("", "")                ' 替换后清空该数组变量

        End If

        GridView = o_Content

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    确定属性

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function Process(ByVal Attribute, ByVal Content)

        Dim Matches, SubMatches, Text

        Dim MatchTag, MatchContent

        Dim datasource, Name, Element, page, id

        datasource = "" : Name = "" : Element = "" : page = 0 : id = ""

        Set Matches = GetMatch(Attribute, "\s(.+?)\=\""(.+?)\""")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                MatchTag = SubMatches.SubMatches(0)                                ' 取得属性名

                MatchContent = SubMatches.SubMatches(1)                            ' 取得属性值

                If Lcase(MatchTag) = "name" Then Name = MatchContent            ' 取得name属性值

                If Lcase(MatchTag) = "datasource" Then datasource = MatchContent' 取得datasource属性值

                If Lcase(MatchTag) = "element" Then Element = MatchContent        ' 取得element属性值

                If Lcase(MatchTag) = "page" Then page = MatchContent            ' 取得page属性值

                If Lcase(MatchTag) = "id" Then id = MatchContent                ' 取得id属性值


            If Len(Name) > 0 And Len(MatchContent) > 0 Then

                Text = Analysis(datasource, Name, Content, page, id)            ' 执行解析属性

                If Len(datasource) > 0 Then Attribute = Replace(Attribute, "datasource=""" & datasource & """", "")

                If page > 0 Then Attribute = Replace(Attribute, "page=""" & page & """", "")

                Attribute = Replace(Attribute, "name=""" & Name & """", "", 1, -1, 1)

                Attribute = Replace(Attribute, "element=""" & Element & """", "", 1, -1, 1)

                Process = Array(Attribute, Text, Element)


                Process = Array(Attribute, "", "div")

            End If


            Process = Array(Attribute, "", "div")

        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    解析

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function Analysis(ByVal id, ByVal Name, ByVal Content, ByVal page, ByVal PageID)

        Dim Data

        Select Case Lcase(Name)                                                    ' 选择数据源

            Case "loop" Data = DataBind(id, Content, page, PageID)

            Case "for" Data = DataFor(id, Content, page, PageID)

        End Select

        Analysis = Data

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    绑定数据源

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function DataBind(ByVal id, ByVal Content, ByVal page, ByVal PageID)

        Dim Text, Matches, SubMatches, SubText

        Execute "Text = " & id & "(1)"                                            ' 加载数据源

        Set Matches = GetMatch(Content, "\<Columns\>([\s\S]+)\<\/Columns\>")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                SubText = ItemTemplate(SubMatches.SubMatches(0), Text, page, PageID)' 执行模块替换

                Content = Replace(Content, SubMatches.value, SubText, 1, -1, 1)


            DataBind = Content


            DataBind = ""

        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    匹配模板实例

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function ItemTemplate(ByVal TextTag, ByVal Text, ByVal page, ByVal PageID)

        Dim Matches, SubMatches, SubMatchText

        Dim SecMatch, SecSubMatch

        Dim i, TempText

        Dim TextLen, TextLeft, TextRight

        Set Matches = GetMatch(TextTag, "\<ItemTemplate\>([\s\S]+)\<\/ItemTemplate\>")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                SubMatchText = SubMatches.SubMatches(0)

                ' ---------------------------------------------

                '    循环嵌套开始

                ' ---------------------------------------------

                SubMatchText = GridView(SubMatchText)

                ' ---------------------------------------------

                '    循环嵌套结束

                ' ---------------------------------------------

                If UBound(Text, 1) = 0 Then

                    TempText = ""


                    TempText = ""

                    ' -----------------------------------------------

                    '    开始分页

                    ' -----------------------------------------------

                    If Len(page) > 0 And page > 0 Then

                        If Len(CurrentPage) = 0 Or CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1

                        TextLen = UBound(Text, 2)

                        TextLeft = (CurrentPage - 1) * page

                        TextRight = CurrentPage * page - 1

                        If TextLeft < 0 Then TextLeft = 0

                        If TextRight > TextLen Then TextRight = TextLen

                        c_PageStr = MultiPage(TextLen + 1, page, CurrentPage, PageUrl, "float:right", "", False)

If Int(Len(c_PageStr)) > 0 Then

                            ReplacePageStr = Array("<page:" & Trim(PageID) & "/>", c_PageStr)


                            ReplacePageStr = Array("<page:" & Trim(PageID) & "/>", "")

                        End If


                        TextLeft = 0

                        TextRight = UBound(Text, 2)

                    End If

For i = TextLeft To TextRight

                        TempText = TempText & ItemReSec(i, SubMatchText, Text)        ' 加载模板内容


                End If


            ItemTemplate = TempText


            ItemTemplate = ""

        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    替换模板字符串

    ' ***************************************

    Private Function ItemReSec(ByVal i, ByVal Text, ByVal Arrays)

        Dim Matches, SubMatches

        Set Matches = GetMatch(Text, "\$(\d+?)")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                Text = Replace(Text, SubMatches.value, doQuote(Arrays(SubMatches.SubMatches(0), i)), 1, -1, 1) '执行替换


            ItemReSec = Text


            ItemReSec = ""

        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

    End Function

' ***************************************

    '    全局变量函数

    ' ***************************************

    Private Sub ExecuteFunction

        Dim Matches, SubMatches, Text, ExeText

        Set Matches = GetMatch(c_Content, "\<function\:([0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*?)\((.*?)\""(.+?)\""(.*?)\)\/\>")

        If Matches.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SubMatches In Matches

                Text = SubMatches.SubMatches(0) & "(" & SubMatches.SubMatches(1) & """" & SubMatches.SubMatches(2) & """" & SubMatches.SubMatches(3) & ")"

                Execute "ExeText=" & Text

                c_Content = Replace(c_Content, SubMatches.value, ExeText, 1, -1, 1)


        End If

        Set Matches = Nothing

    End Sub

' ***************************************

    '    普通替换全局标签

    ' ***************************************

    Public Property Let Sets(ByVal t, ByVal s)

        Dim SetMatch, Bstr, SetSubMatch

        Set SetMatch = GetMatch(c_Content, "(\<Set\:([0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*?)\(((.*?)" & t & "(.*?))?\)\/\>)")

        If SetMatch.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SetSubMatch In SetMatch

                Execute "Bstr = " & SetSubMatch.SubMatches(1) & "(" & SetSubMatch.SubMatches(3) & """" & s & """" & SetSubMatch.SubMatches(4) & ")"

                c_Content = Replace(c_Content, SetSubMatch.Value, Bstr, 1, -1, 1)


        End If

        Set SetMatch = Nothing

        Set SetMatch = GetMatch(c_Content, "(\<Set\:" & t & "\/\>)")

        If SetMatch.Count > 0 Then

            For Each SetSubMatch In SetMatch

                c_Content = Replace(c_Content, SetSubMatch.Value, s, 1, -1, 1)


        End If

        Set SetMatch = Nothing

    End Property

End Class

时间: 2024-07-29 02:42:52

ASP 高级模板引擎实现类的相关文章


本文实例讲述了asp.net模板引擎Razor调用外部方法用法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: 首先使用Razor的步骤:读取cshtml.解析cshtml同时指定cacheName. 而这个步骤是重复的,为了遵循DRY原则,将这段代码封装为一个RazorHelper()方法 public class RazorHelper { public static string ParseRazor(HttpContext context, string csHtmlVirtualPath, obje


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以前听我朋友说起php的模板引擎技术的时候似懂非懂哪时感觉真的很强,一直在想asp.net有这种技术吗?我不知道我的理解是不是对的.其实 asp.net的模板引擎技术就是先建好一个静态的html页面我们称它为模板页,你如果有不同形式的页面哪就得建立不同的静态模板页,然后在后台用文件操作往这个文件里写东西然后在把这个模板页另存到一个静态页面的目录,不好意思可能我的理解太俗,如果有更好的理解和想法可以在apolov发文章告诉我谢谢.现在我附加一下代码 Default.aspx这个页面只有几个text


 首先使用Razor的步骤:读取cshtml.解析cshtml同时指定cacheName. 而这个步骤是重复的,为了遵循DRY原则,将这段代码封装为一个RazorHelper()方法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 public class RazorHelper { public static string ParseRazor(HttpContext context, string csHtmlVirtualPath, object model) { string fullP


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ThinkPHP2.1 增加PHPCMS模板引擎,支持PC标签(get,json)

本人经常使用PHPCMS模板引擎. 用ThinkPHP2.1 自带的,感觉不爽,花点时间增加了个PHPCMS模板引擎 BY 夜色紫宸風 功能:PHPCMS模板解析引擎,支持PC标签(get,json),也可以使用ThinkPHP2.1的模板数据,都支持 TemplatePhpcms.class.php 把这个文件放到 ThinkPHP\Lib\Think\Util\Template 文件夹中 <?php /** +-----------------------------------------


阐述一种全新的ASP模板引擎,实现代码(逻辑)层与HTML(表现)层的分离.这种模板实现方法避免了一 般ASP模板加载模板文件(加载组件)和替换所浪费的资源,实现编译型的模板引擎,提高程序的执行速度和稳定性. 内容:        当前,WEB开发已经变得非常火爆,因为各种应用,已经约来越要求表现层和逻辑层的分离.ASP和HTML夹在一起程序将变得难于维护,可读性也差.在PHP领域,模板引擎已经非常普遍,如phplib,SMARTY,等等.有使用替换方式的,也有编译方式的(SMARTY),它们都

ASP.NET Razor模板引擎中输出Html的两种方式_实用技巧

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为ASP.NET MVC 2.0添加Razor模板引擎 (on .NET4)

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