SAP WM RF Defining a Queue and Changing the Assignment

SAP WM RF Defining a Queue and Changing
the Assignment 


A queue supports the
coordination of warehouse activities and increases work efficiency. You can
define a queue that groups similar activities (for example, putaway activities)
and then assign operators to this queue. The operators will process transfer
orders assigned to this queue.

Queues can be
defined for different activities, doors, and areas in the warehouse. The assignment
of a queue can be changed due to a change in the workload.


In Customizing for Mobile
Data Entry, you can define a queue
and assign processors to it by choosing RF Queue Management.

You can also
determine whether a transfer order that is assigned to a specific queue can
only be processed by users that are assigned to this queue or by each user.
Choose RF Queue Management ? Define

The Access field determines the access to transfer orders
that do not belong to the user's queue:


No limitation

Transfer orders assigned to a queue
with no limitation can be
processed by users irrespective of their queue assignment.

Strict limitation or no value

An error message will be displayed,
informing the user that he or she is about to process a transfer order from a
queue to which he or she is not assigned.


A warning message will be displayed
informing the user that he or she is about to process a transfer order from a
queue to which he or she is not assigned.

The settings mentioned
above are overridden if the respective queue, for which the settings are made,
is a forwarding queue. For more information, see

RF Activity Control Using the RF Monitor.



Change the queue

1.    Choose Internal
Warehouse Processes ? Queue Change.

2.    Enter the modified
queue and with F1 Save, save
your entry.

3.    According to the
limitation criteria mentioned above, you must be assigned to a queue with strict
limitation if you want to process
TOs assigned to it.


时间: 2024-09-20 16:45:40

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