



A long time ago I received a call from a customer saying that there were some errors in the database instance. Well,
interestingly the databases were executing DMLs properly without any issue. I asked the customer if these errors
appeared only with one specific operation like an Insert, or like a CREATE <something>, etc.; and he said that he was
running a script received from the application team to create several tablespaces with its datafiles.  When he was
running the script he was receiving the following errors:

ORA-01119: error in creating database file '+DATA'
ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:open failed with status: 2
ORA-27301: OS failure message: No such file or directory
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: sskgmsmr_7

--//有人意外删除 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ab_<ASM SID>.dat.注意是grid用户下dbs目录.
# locate ab_+ASM1.dat

First, you can see that the set of errors says that there is a directory or file that don't exist in the OS on the other
hand, it points to the ASM disk group, which in this case is "+DATA". So this is confusing, because either the file that
the database is looking for is in ASM or it is in the OS.  I did a quick check of the database instance and it was OK.
There were no errors in the alert log, all the disks were healthy. On the database side, however, there seemed to be
some issues, specifically with the sentences "CREATE TABLESPACE" which the customer had in the script provided by the
application team.

So, the clues were:

    No issues with the ASM Instance
    DMLs were being executed successfully in the database instance.
    CREATE TABLESPACE statements fail in the database instance.
    ASM and OS are both involved in a "file" or "directory" that doesn't exist.

With these four clues to go by, you should be on the right track if your concepts are solid. The root cause you would be
thinking about would involve the file that the database instance uses to communicate with the ASM instance This file is
named "ab_<ASM SID>.dat" and it is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. You need to know about the existence of this file
and what its function is.This file rarely has issues, or rarely causes problems…but sometimes it happens,

Let's define this file:

What is the "ab_<ASM SID>.dat" file? This file is used by the database instance to message an ASM instance. When the
database instance needs to send a message to the ASM instance, the database instance reads this file in order to find
out the information required for getting connected to the ASM instance. This file is in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. If this file
doesn't exist the database will not be able to connect to the ASM instance and you will receive an error. This file is
important because it is involved in the database instance work.

Some time ago I wrote an article with several tests of where this file is required to execute some sentences in the
database and in which sentences the file is not required. You can read the details here.

The conclusion of that earlier article indicates:

    Tablespace creation – required
    Datafile creation – required
    Table creation – not required
    DML operations – not required
    Drop tablespace – not required
    Delete datafile – not required
    Startup database instance – required
    Shutdown database instance – not required

Well, taking that into account, to solve this customer's issue, I listed all the files in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and the root
cause was confirmed. The file "ab_<ASM SID>.dat" did not exist in the directory. I asked the customer if he had moved
the file somewhere else or if he'd deleted it and he said that the day before the junior DBA was "cleaning" logs and
traces that were using space and that could be deleted. I think that one of those files that "could be deleted" was
"ab_<ASM SID>.dat". As I said before, this situation happens rarely. Solving the problem is not a big deal; what we have
to do is reboot the ASM instance, but in order to do that we have to reboot the database instance as well.  After
rebooting the ASM instance the file was recreated and the database was able to use it. The script that the customer had
was executed successfully and all the CREATE TABLESPACE operations were success.


Sometimes there are issues whose root cause is very rare, and in order to determine it quickly we have to have all our
concepts solid; otherwise, we might spend several hours trying to figure out what's going on, reading notes and so on.

In this case, it was very important to identify the clues. We had four clues here which pointed us to the right root
cause.  Sometimes the customer is stressed and under pressure and wants us to fix the problem fast, but DBAs have to
stay calm, we have to extract the clues (syntomps), to think about the root cause,  to create an hypothesis and work to
prove it. To shorten diagnostic time make sure you're on solid ground conceptually, which you can do by practicing
various scenarios while you are getting prepared for a certification.

时间: 2024-08-04 05:24:35



--接着rman的做 在rman恢复时,数据库是mount状态的,这里需要将数据打开!ORCL>conn system/yang[@]orcl as sysdba已连接.ORCL>alter database open;数据库已更改.--将日志文件迁移到ASM 磁盘组中.在ASM中建立3组新的redo logORCL>alter database add logfile group 4 '+SYS_DATA/redo04.log' size 50m;数据库已更改.ORCL>alte


做到这里 ,费了一番功夫,对一些步骤不了解,第一次迁移时 失败!(怪自己没有仔细阅读文档!) 步入正题:迁移数据库使用rman 来做(我在做的过程中没有记录日志,只是截了几张图,还是出错的,不过只要写对rman 的命令就可以了!) 第一步:修改控制文件的位置, SQL>set sqlprompt "ORCL>" ORCL>conn [email=system/yang@orcl]system/yang[at]orcl[/email] as sysdba 已连接. OR


一.基本信息及概念 1.ASM是ORACLE公司的自动存储管理软件.它使用裸设备和ASM磁盘.在使用该软件之前需要安全相应平台的ASM库驱动程序. 2.ASM将多块磁盘组合起来形成一个磁盘组,磁盘组具有裸设备的读写性能和文件系统的管理性能,是集二者优点的存在. 3.ASM磁盘组由多块磁盘组成,每块磁盘由多个AU(allocate unit:分配单元)组成,每个AU大小为1MB. 4.ASM磁盘组实现了数据容错的功能,其包含三种冗余级别: 外部冗余(EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY) :同一


一.ASM相关概念 1.什么是ASM(Auto Storage Management) 简称自动存储管理,是一种用于管理磁盘的工具 能够在多个物理设备之间实现条带化.镜像数据文件.恢复文件等 文件按分配单元AUs(allocation units)平衡分布在磁盘组的所有磁盘中,ASM使用索引技术来跟踪每个AUs的位置 支持联机磁盘的动态增加和减少,当磁盘发生变化后,AUs会自动重新实现动态分布 支持RAC集群技术,每一节点上运行一个ASM实例,各ASM实例间能实现点对点通讯 是一个纯软件级别的实


--======================== -- 创建ASM实例及ASM数据库 --========================   一.ASM相关概念     1.什么是ASM(Auto Storage Management)         简称自动存储管理,是一种用于管理磁盘的工具         能够在多个物理设备之间实现条带化.镜像数据文件.恢复文件等         文件按分配单元AUs(allocation units)平衡分布在磁盘组的所有磁盘中,ASM使用索引技术 ASM实例出现ORA-4031错误导致数据库归档失败

环境:平台:RedHat EnterPrise 5.8 X86_X64 数据库:Oracle EnterPrise 集群软件:Oracle grid 故障现象:数据库出现了归档失败,其中有一个节点的实例出现HANG死的状况. 日志信息如下: Fri Feb 28 19:49:04 2014 ARC1: Error 19504 Creating archive log file to '+DATA02' ARCH: Archival stopped, error


对于Oracle 网络配置,我们通常通过negmgr或者netca来完成客户端连接到数据库实例.而对于连接到ASM实例,同样可以实现从客户端来进行连接.不过Oracle并未为我们提供工具来完成配置,我们可以通过手动配置监听以及客户端tnsnames来实现.本文对此给出描述与示例. 1.服务器端.客户端的环境    #服务器端环境,host信息    oracle@bo2dbp:~> cat /etc/hosts |grep vip   bo2dbp-vip.2go

【ASM学习】在windows 环境下创建ASM实例

一[如何在window环境下创建ASM实例] 第一步 使用asmtool 创建 asm Microsoft Windows [版本 5.2.3790] (C) 版权所有 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>asmtool -create d:\asm\asmdisk1 500 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>asmtool -create d:\asm


--================================== -- 使用RMAN迁移文件系统数据库到ASM --==================================       在实际的工作过程中,由于ASM磁盘管理的便利性,因此很多时候需要将文件系统的数据库迁移到ASM,本文演示了如何将文件系统数据库迁移到ASM实例.     有关如何创建ASM实例及ASM磁盘管理请参考         创建ASM实例及数据库         ASM 磁盘组及磁盘的管理