SAP HUM Goods Receipt in HUM Storage Location【转载】

SAP HUM Goods Receipt in HUM Storage Location【转载】




This article intends to provide information about
standard process of receiving stock directly into HU managed storage location.



This article shows step by step information of
the instructions for MB1C and VL32N transactions which perform the stock
placement of material for HU managed location. It has screenshot used in this
example as well as hyperlinks to other forms of HU creation.


creation summary

In this case the HU is created in ERP logistics directly
in case where the packing occurs before the delivery takes place, in this case
it occurs on a HU managed storage location hence the inventory of
the HU is not taken place in MM-IV-GF (storage location inventory
level)until it is packed. It needs to be done with assistances of two
transactions and it is required to have some pre-settings like material package
already created and storage location already set as HU managed.



The example below was done after some basic
settings on the material and its package material for that plant
and storage location.


Go to transaction MB1C:


1>Enter movement type 501 and
plant/storage location to the HUM location, depress <enter>;

2>Enter material and quantity to be
received, depress <enter>;

3>Save it (notice that  rather
material document creation system creates a delivery document).Notice that
stock still does not present the quantity done in this process (MMBE

Go to transaction VL32N:

1>Enter the delivery document just created from MB1C;

2>Go to pack screen and performing packing for the whole
quantity in the delivery, then save it;

3>Once delivery document status shows packing as completed
(along any other necessarry actions completed) you post PGR. Notice that stock
now presents the quantity done in this process (MMBE transaction);

If you perform check on the stock placement availability you see that before
VL32N Goods Receipt the stock is not received. In HUM location it is only
available after delivery goods receipt.


时间: 2024-09-20 14:38:11

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