JAVA-String 中删除指定字符(11种方法)

JAVA老师给我们留了一个课后作业,要求我们通过搜索JDK用尽可能多的方法删除String类中的指定字符,我只想到了 11 种方法,如果有不足或者遗漏希望读者能够不吝赐教。

第一种方法 – 通过循环从前往后遍历,如果不是要删除的字符则加到处理后的字符串中,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString0(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

for (int i = 0; i < sourceString.length(); i++) {

if (sourceString.charAt(i) != chElemData) {

deleteString += sourceString.charAt(i);



return deleteString;


第二种方法 — 通过循环确定要删除字符的位置索引,然后通过分割字符串的形式,将子字符串拼接,注意最后一段子字符串和源字符串中没有要删除字符的情况,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString1(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

int iIndex = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < sourceString.length(); i++) {

if (sourceString.charAt(i) == chElemData) {

if (i > 0) {

deleteString += sourceString.substring(iIndex, i);


iIndex = i + 1;



if (iIndex <= sourceString.length()) {

deleteString += sourceString.substring(iIndex, sourceString.length());


return deleteString;


第三种方法 — 原理同上,只不过查找要删除字符位置采用String类中的函数执行,效率不如上面的高,java班级资料群,首先是一二六,中间是五三四,最后是五一九,也可以交流,里面都是从事java工作代码如下:

public String deleteCharString2(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

int iIndex = 0;

int tmpCount = 0;

do {

tmpCount = sourceString.indexOf(chElemData, iIndex);

if (tmpCount > 0) {

deleteString += sourceString.substring(iIndex, tmpCount);


if (tmpCount != -1) {

iIndex = tmpCount + 1;


} while (tmpCount != -1);

if (iIndex <= sourceString.length()) {

deleteString += sourceString.substring(iIndex, sourceString.length());


return deleteString;


第四种方法 — 原理与上方基本一致,只不过这次采用倒序方式,这里的坑就更多了,一定要注意索引的取值范围和是否合法,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString3(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

int iIndex = sourceString.length();

int tmpCount = 0;

do {

tmpCount = sourceString.lastIndexOf(chElemData, iIndex - 1);

if (tmpCount < sourceString.length() && tmpCount >= 0) {

deleteString = sourceString.substring(tmpCount + 1, iIndex) + deleteString;


if (tmpCount != -1) {

iIndex = tmpCount;


} while (tmpCount != -1);

if (iIndex >= 0) {

deleteString = sourceString.substring(0, iIndex) + deleteString;


return deleteString;


第五种方法 — 通过采用正则的方式和replaceAll函数,本种方法要注意特殊字符,例如正则中的 “.”字符,需要对特殊字符进行转义,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString4(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

final String strTable = "|^$*+?.(){}\\";

String tmpRegex = "[";

for (int i = 0; i < strTable.length(); i++) {

if (strTable.charAt(i) == chElemData) {

tmpRegex += "\\";




tmpRegex += chElemData + "]";

deleteString = sourceString.replaceAll(tmpRegex, "");

return deleteString;


第六种方法 — 采用正则的方式将字符串分割成几个子字符串,再将子字符串进行拼接,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString5(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

final String strTable = "|^$*+?.(){}\\";

String tmpRegex = "[";

for (int i = 0; i < strTable.length(); i++) {

if (strTable.charAt(i) == chElemData) {

tmpRegex += "\\";




tmpRegex += chElemData + "]";

String[] tmpStringArray = sourceString.split(tmpRegex);

for (int i = 0; i < tmpStringArray.length; i++) {

deleteString += tmpStringArray[i];


return deleteString;


第七种方法 — 将字符编程可读序列,在通过 String 类中的方法替换,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString6(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String tmpString = "";

tmpString += chElemData;

tmpString.subSequence(0, 0);

String deleteString = "";

deleteString = sourceString.replace(tmpString, deleteString.subSequence(0, 0));

return deleteString;


第八种方法 — 把原字符串转化为字符数组,然后原理与直接插入排序原理类似,代码如下:

public String deleteCharString7(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String deleteString = "";

char[] Bytes = sourceString.toCharArray();

int iSize = Bytes.length;

for (int i = Bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

if (Bytes[i] == chElemData) {

for (int j = i; j < iSize - 1; j++) {

Bytes[j] = Bytes[j + 1];





for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) {

deleteString += Bytes[i];


return deleteString;


第九种方法 — 原理与 第一种方法 类似,本次采用 stringBuffer 类中的 append 方法进行操作,我认为效率应该高于第一种。

public String deleteCharString8(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer("");

for (int i = 0; i < sourceString.length(); i++) {

if (sourceString.charAt(i) != chElemData) {




return stringBuffer.toString();


第十种方法 — 采用 stringBuffer 类中的 replace and indexOf 方法(^_^ 故意凑方法),代码如下:

public String deleteCharString9(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String tmpString = "";

tmpString += chElemData;

StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(sourceString);

int iFlag = -1;

do {

iFlag = stringBuffer.indexOf(tmpString);

if (iFlag != -1) {

stringBuffer = stringBuffer.replace(iFlag, iFlag + 1, "");


} while (iFlag != -1);

return stringBuffer.toString();


第十一种方法 — 采用 stringBuffer 类中的 deleteCharAt 和 indexOf 直接删除

public String deleteCharString10(String sourceString, char chElemData) {

String tmpString = "";

tmpString += chElemData;

StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(sourceString);

int iFlag = -1;

do {

iFlag = stringBuffer.indexOf(tmpString);

if (iFlag != -1) {




} while (iFlag != -1);

return stringBuffer.toString();



时间: 2024-11-29 16:49:26

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