[example]Sync data from PostgreSQL database to another PostgreSQL database

利用EDB的database link实现从PostgreSQL到PostgreSQL的数据同步。

Source Database : PostgreSQL
Destination Database : PostgreSQL
Sync Database : EnterpriseDB

SD_table : 
                                      Table "public.s_table"
    Column    |            Type             |                             Modifiers                              
 id           | bigint                      | not null default nextval('s_table_id_seq'::regclass)
 create_time  | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 s_id         | integer                     | 
 url          | character varying(1000)     | 
 ip           | character varying(32)       | 
 module       | character varying(64)       | 
 resource_id  | character varying(100)      | 
 source       | character varying(64)       | 
 refer_url    | character varying(1000)     | 
 app_id       | integer                     | 
 last_foot_id | bigint                      | 
    "pk_s_table" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "create_time_index" btree (create_time)

DD_table : 
            Table "sync.d_table"
   Column   |            Type             |   Modifiers   
 id         | bigint                      | not null
 appid      | integer                     | 
 module     | character varying(64)       | 
 createtime | timestamp without time zone | default now()
    "pk_d_table" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "idx_d_table_1" btree (createtime)

SD_database_link :
                                             List of database links
         Link          | Access |    Owner     | Type  |   User   |              Connection String               
 sync_s | PUBLIC | enterprisedb | LIBPQ | s_user | host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port=xxxx dbname=s_database_name
 sync_d | PUBLIC | enterprisedb | LIBPQ | d_user | host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port=xxxx dbname=d_database_name

SD_sync_function : 
create or replace function f_sync_d_table () returns void as $BODY$
s_max_time timestamp without time zone;
d_max_time timestamp without time zone;
del_time timestamp without time zone;
return_rows int;
del_time := now() - interval '2 hour';
select max(createtime) into d_max_time from d_table@sync_d;
raise notice 'd_max_time is %.',d_max_time;
select max(create_time) into s_max_time from s_table@sync_s where create_time>d_max_time;
raise notice 'The record time before % and after % will be synced.',s_max_time,d_max_time;
insert into d_table@sync_d (id,appid,module,createtime) select id,app_id,module,create_time from s_table@sync_s where create_time>d_max_time and create_time<s_max_time;
raise notice 'sync row count is %.',return_rows;
raise notice 'The record time before % and before % will be deleted.',d_max_time,del_time;
delete from d_table@sync_d where createtime < d_max_time and createtime < del_time;
raise notice 'del row count is %.',return_rows;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;

select * from f_sync_d_table();
NOTICE:  d_max_time is 04-NOV-10 11:06:06.186422.
NOTICE:  The record time before 04-NOV-10 11:08:06.193542 and after 04-NOV-10 11:06:06.186422 will be synced.
NOTICE:  sync row count is 164.
NOTICE:  The record time before 04-NOV-10 11:06:06.186422 and before 04-NOV-10 09:09:01.409094 will be deleted.
NOTICE:  del row count is 0.
(1 row)


时间: 2024-08-02 23:02:42

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