
; * Microsoft Confidential
; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1983 - 1991
; * All Rights Reserved.
; */
; BOOT - IBM hard disk boot record 6/8/82
; This is the standard boot record that will be shipped on all hard disks. It contains:
; 1. Code to load (and give control to) the boot record for 1 of 4 possible
; operating systems.
; 2. A partition table at the end of the boot record, followed by the required signature.
_data segment public
assume cs:_data,ds:_data
  org 600h

cli ;no interrupts for now
xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,7c00h ;new stack at 0:7c00
mov si,sp ;where this boot record starts - 0:7c00
push ax
pop es ;seg regs the same
push ax
pop ds
sti ;interrupts ok now
mov di,0600h ;where to relocate this boot record to
mov cx,100h
repnz movsw ;relocate to 0:0600
; jmp entry2
db 0eah
dw $+4,0
mov si,offset tab ;partition table
mov bl,4 ;number of table entries
cmp byte ptr[si],80h ;is this a bootable entry?
je boot ;yes
cmp byte ptr[si],0 ;no, is boot indicator zero?
jne bad ;no, it must be x"00" or x"80" to be valid
add si,16 ;yes, go to next entry
dec bl
jnz next
int 18h ;no bootable entries - go to rom basic
mov dx,[si] ;head and drive to boot from
mov cx,[si+2] ;cyl, sector to boot from
mov bp,si ;save table entry address to pass to partition boot record
add si,16 ;next table entry
dec bl ;# entries left
jz tabok ;all entries look ok
cmp byte ptr[si],0 ;all remaining entries should begin with zero
je next1 ;this one is ok
mov si,offset m1 ;oops - found a non-zero entry - the table is bad
lodsb ;get a message character
cmp al,0
je hold
push si
mov bx,7
mov ah,14
int 10h ;and display it
pop si
jmp msg ;do the entire message
hold: jmp hold ;spin here - nothing more to do
mov di,5 ;retry count
mov bx,7c00h ;where to read system boot record
mov ax,0201h ;read 1 sector
push di
int 13h ;get the boot record
pop di
jnc goboot ;successful - now give it control
xor ax,ax ;had an error, so
int 13h ;recalibrate
dec di ;reduce retry count
jnz rdboot ;if retry count above zero, go retry
mov si,offset m2 ;all retries done - permanent error - point to message,
jmp msg ;go display message and loop
mov si,offset m3 ;prepare for invalid boot record
mov di,07dfeh
cmp word ptr [di],0aa55h ;does the boot record have the
; required signature?
jne msg ;no, display invalid system boot record message
mov si,bp ;yes, pass partition table entry address
db 0eah
dw 7c00h,0

include fdisk5.cl1

org 7beh
tab: ;partition table
dw 0,0 ;partition 1 begin
dw 0,0 ;partition 1 end
dw 0,0 ;partition 1 relative sector (low, high parts)
dw 0,0 ;partition 1 # of sectors (low, high parts)
dw 0,0 ;partition 2 begin
dw 0,0 ;partition 2 end
dw 0,0 ;partition 2 relative sector
dw 0,0 ;partition 2 # of sectors
dw 0,0 ;partition 3 begin
dw 0,0 ;partition 3 end
dw 0,0 ;partition 3 relative sector
dw 0,0 ;partition 3 # of sectors
dw 0,0 ;partition 4 begin
dw 0,0 ;partition 4 end
dw 0,0 ;partition 4 relative sector
dw 0,0 ;partition 4 # of sectors
signa db 55h,0aah ;signature

_data ends

时间: 2024-10-24 00:23:21



问题描述 数据的输入一定要在源程序中吗 数据的输入一定要在源程序中吗, 我定义了一个类,其中有一个关于数据输入的成员函数(就是我是在调用这个成员函数进行数据的输入的),但编译的时候没有错,如果运行进行数据输入的时候就发生中断了,这是怎么回事呢? 解决方案 说明程序丢出了异常,检查下数据类型是否兼容.指针等问题. 解决方案二: 输入的数据,你处理的时候有问题,自己调试一下.


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ASP.NET 2.0应用中定制安全凭证之理论篇

阅读提要 在缺省状况下,你只能使用Visual Studio 2005的一个本机实例来 管理与ASP.NET 2.0一同发行的SQL Server数据库中的安全凭证.本文将向你展 示怎样用一个Web服务来包装ASP.NET 2.0提供者并通过使用一个Windows表单应 用程序来管理凭证存储从而扩展这种管理能力. 如今,无论是互联网还是企业内部局域网程序一般都要求使用定制的方式来 存储和管理用户帐户和角色.为此,ASP.NET 2.0提供了一个现成的提供者模型 和一个SQL Sever数据库.不