调用 API 服务后返回数据采用统一格式,返回的 HTTP 状态码为 2xx,代表调用成功;返回 4xx 或 5xx 的 HTTP 状态码代表调用失败。调用成功返回的数据格式主要有 XML 和 JSON 两种,外部系统可以在请求时传入参数来制定返回的数据格式,默认为 XML 格式。本文档中的返回示例为了便于用户查看,做了格式化处理,实际返回结果是没有进行换行、缩进等处理的。
调用接口出错后,将不会返回结果数据。调用方可根据每个接口对应的错误码以及下述 2.3.3 的公共错误码来定位错误原因。当调用出错时,HTTP 请求返回一个 4xx 或 5xx 的 HTTP 状态码。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息。另外还包含一个全局唯一的请求 ID:RequestId 和一个您该次请求访问的站点 ID:HostId。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系阿里云客服,并提供该 HostId 和 RequestId,以便我们尽快帮您解决问题。
错误代码 | 描述 | Http 状态码 | 语义 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “Action” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied | 400 | 缺少 Action 字段 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “AccessKeyId” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied | 400 | 缺少 AccessKeyId 字段 |
MissingParameter | An input parameter “Signature” that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | 400 | 缺少 Signature 字段 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “TimeStamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied | 400 | 缺少 Timestamp 字段 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “Version” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied | 400 | 缺少 Version 字段 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 Action 值(该 API 不存在) |
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records. | 400 | 无效的 AccessKeyId 值(该 key 不存在) |
Forbidden.AccessKeyDisabled | The Access Key is disabled. | 403 | 该 AccessKey 处于禁用状态 |
IncompleteSignature | The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. | 400 | 无效的 Signature 取值(签名结果错误) |
InvalidParamater | The specified parameter “SignatureMethod” is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 SignatureMethod 取值 |
InvalidParamater | The specified parameter “SignatureVersion” is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 SignatureVersion 取值 |
IllegalTimestamp | The input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 | 无效的 Timestamp 取值(Timestamp 与服务器时间相差超过了 1 个小时) |
SignatureNonceUsed | The request signature nonce has been used. | 400 | 无效的 SignatureNonce(该 SignatureNonce 值已被使用过) |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 Version 取值 |
InvalidOwnerId | The specified OwnerId is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 OwnerId 取值 |
InvalidOwnerAccount | The specified OwnerAccount is not valid. | 400 | 无效的 OwnerAccount 取值 |
InvalidOwner | OwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access. | 400 | 同时使用了 OwnerId 和 OwnerAccount |
Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | 400 | 因系统流控拒绝访问 |
Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | 400 | 该 key 的调用 quota 已用完 |
InvalidAction | Specified action is not valid. | 403 | 该 key 无权调用该 API |
UnsupportedHTTPMethod | This http method is not supported. | 403 | 用户使用了不支持的 Http Method(当前 TOP 只支持 post 和 get) |
ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 500 | 服务不可用 |
UnsupportedParameter | The parameter ”” is not supported. | 400 | 使用了无效的参数 |
InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | 500 | 其他情况 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 403 | 调用该接口没有指定 OwnerId |
Forbidden.SubUser | The specified action is not available for you。 | 403 | 无权调用订单类接口 |
UnsupportedParameter | The parameter ”” is not supported. | 400 | 该参数无权使用 |
Forbidden.InstanceNotFound | The specified Instance is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM. | 404 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Instance 不存在 |
Forbidden.DiskNotFound | The specified Disk is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM. | 404 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Disk 不存在 |
Forbidden.SecurityGroupNotFound | The specified SecurityGroup is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM. | 404 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 SecurityGroup 不存在 |
Forbidden.SnapshotNotFound | The specified Snapshot is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM. | 404 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Snapshot 不存在 |
Forbidden.ImageNotFound | The specified Image is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM. | 404 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Image 不存在 |
Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate the specified resource, or this API doesn’t support RAM. | 403 | 使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次操作没有被正确的授权 |
Forbidden.NotSupportRAM | This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. | 403 | 该接口不允许使用 RAM 方式进行访问 |
InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | 400 | 余额不足 |
IdempotentParameterMismatch | Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. | 400 | 使用了一个已经使用过的 ClientToken,但此次请求内容却又与上一次使用该 Token 的 request 不一样. |
RealNameAuthenticationError | Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. | 403 | 用户未进行实名认证 |
InvalidIdempotenceParameter.Mismatch | The specified parameters are different from before | 403 | 幂等参数不匹配 |
LastTokenProcessing | The last token request is processing | 403 | 上一次请求还在处理中 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is not valid | 400 | 参数校验失败 |
时间: 2025-01-02 14:43:16