


$(document).ready(function() {

var carousel_round = 0;

  Grey Initial Values
function greyInitRedux() {
  $("input.filled, textarea.filled").focus(function(e){
    if(this.value == this.defaultValue)
       this.value= '';
      if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {
        } else if(this.value == "") {
          this.value = this.defaultValue;


  IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns
function ieDropdownsNav() {
    navRoot = document.getElementById('main-nav');
    if (!navRoot) { return false; }

    for(i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++)
      node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
      if (node.nodeName=='LI')
          this.className+=' over';
          this.className=this.className.replace(' over', '');

  IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns
function ieDropdownsFilter() {
    navRoot = document.getElementById('filter-drop');
    if (!navRoot) { return false; }

    for(i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++)
      node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
      if (node.nodeName=='DIV')
          this.className+=' over';
          this.className=this.className.replace(' over', '');

  View More
function itemViewer() {
  //$(document).delegate('#filter-drop a, .expandable > .load, .filter-nav a', 'click', function (e)
  //$(document).delegate('.expandable > .load, .filter-nav a', 'click', function (e)
  $(document).delegate('.filter-nav a', 'click', function (e)
    // get the src for the content we're trying to view
    var dataSrc = $(this).attr('data-src');

    // determine whether we're trying to sort the existing view
    if($(this).attr('data-sort')) {
      var dataSort = $(this).attr('data-sort');
    } else {
      var dataSort = $('.filter-nav > li > a').attr('data-sort');

    // how many items do we have?
    var itemOffset = $('.expandable .listing > li').size();

    //find out if we clicked the menu, if so, clear out everything and add data attribute to the load more
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div />', {
        "class": "items hidden spacer",
        "height": $('.expandable').outerHeight()
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);

      $('.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)').remove();

      // Change Class of Dropdown Toggle
      var clickedClass = $(this).parent().attr('class');
      $("#filter-drop strong").removeClass().addClass(clickedClass);

      // Change Text of Dropdown Toggle
      var thisLabel = $(this).text();
      $("#filter-drop strong span").text(thisLabel);

      // Grab datasrc from clicked-on menu item and populate the filters with it
      $('.filter-nav a').attr('data-src' , dataSrc);
      $('.filter-nav li').removeClass('active');
      $('.filter-nav > li').eq(0).addClass('active');

    //find out if we clicked the filter nav, if so let's switch the active class
    if($(this).closest('ul').hasClass("filter-nav")) {
      $('.filter-nav li').removeClass('active');

      //Also let's remove all the items before replacing them with what we want
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div />', {
        "class": "items hidden spacer",
        "height": $('.expandable').outerHeight()
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);

      $('.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)').remove();

    $.get(dataSrc, { offset: itemOffset, sort: dataSort }, function(data) {
      $('.expandable .spacer').remove();
      var hiddenDiv = $('<div class="items hidden"></div>');
      $('.expandable > .load').before(hiddenDiv);


function jsTabsetInit() {
  var $tabset = $('.heading-tabset').eq(0);

  var $tablist = $('<ul />', {"class": "heading-tab"});

  $('div.heading-tab h3').each(function()
    var $anchor = $('<a />', {
      "class": $(this).attr('class'),
      "onClick": '_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'Connect\', \'Click\', \'Head'+$(this).attr('class')+'\', 3]);',
      "href": "#",
      "html": $(this).html()
    var $li = $('<li />');



function slider() {
    // As we loop through the slider items we'll document the tallest one and the left position
    // of each element
    var maxHeight = 0, lastWidth = 0;

    // grab the slider and make sure the overflow is hidden and it has a defined width
    var $slider = $(this);
    $slider.css('width', $slider.outerWidth());
    $slider.css('position', 'relative');
    $slider.css('overflow', 'hidden');

    // store the index (or the currently "selected" slide)
    $slider.prop('index', 0);

    // loop through each of the direct children
    $slider.find('> *').each(function()
      // localize the child as a jQuery object
      var $li = $(this);

      // if this is the tallest child, document it
      if ($li.outerHeight() > maxHeight)
        maxHeight = $li.outerHeight();

      // position each child to the immediate right of its preceding sibling
      $li.css('position', 'absolute');
      $li.css('top', 0);
      $li.css('left', lastWidth);

      // update our maths so we know where to place the next sibling
      lastWidth+= $li.outerWidth();

    // set the height of the slider based on the tallest child
    //$slider.css('height', maxHeight);

    // build the previous control button and store a reference to its related slider
    var $previous = $('<a />', {"class": "prev disabled", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"});
    $previous.prop('slider', $slider);

    // build the next control button and store a reference to its related slider
    var $next = $('<a />', {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"});
    $next.prop('slider', $slider);

    // build the controls div and add it to the markup
    var $controls = $('<div />', {"class": "controls"}).append($previous).append($next);
    $slider.prop('controls', $controls);

  // watch for clicks on the controls
  $(document).delegate('.listing + .controls .prev, .listing + .controls .next', 'click', function (event)
    // stop our clicks from affecting the browser/url

    // localize a jQuery version of the clicked link
    var $anchor = $(this);

    // grab the slider, that we previously stored while creating these links
    var $slider = $anchor.prop('slider');

    // localize the index for prettier code
    var focusedIndex = $slider.prop('index');

    // determine what slide is focused
    var $focus = $slider.find('> *').eq(focusedIndex);

    // grab the width of that focused slide
    var widthDelta = $focus.outerWidth();

    // if we clicked the next button we're moving to the left (negative values, so
    // multiply by -1).
    if ($anchor.hasClass('next'))
      widthDelta *= -1;

    focusedIndex += ($anchor.hasClass('next')) ? 1 : -1;

    // check that the upcoming movement won't push the first element too far to the right
    // leaving whitespace before the element
    if ($slider.find('> *').eq(0).position().left + widthDelta > 0)
      return true;

    // check that the upcoming movement won't push the last element too far to the left
    // leaving whitespace after the element
    var $lastChild = $slider.find('> *').eq(-1)
    if ($lastChild.position().left + widthDelta < $slider.outerWidth() - $lastChild.outerWidth() - 1)
      return true;

    // get all the child elements, so we can loop through them and detmine offsets based
    // on widths
    var $siblings = $slider.find('> *');

    // finally loop through each child and kick off the animation
      // we'll determine the `left` in just a second, sit tight
      var left = 0;

      // localize the child element
      var $li = $(this);

      // loop through each sibling and determine the new left
      if (index < focusedIndex)
        left = -$slider.outerWidth();

      if (index >= focusedIndex && index < focusedIndex + 3)
        left = 219 * (index - focusedIndex);

      if (index >= focusedIndex + 3)
        left = $slider.outerWidth() * 2;

      // start the animation
      $li.animate({'left': left}, 300);

      // are we at the beginning?
      if (index == 0 && left == 0)
      else if (index == 0)

      // are we at the end?
      if (index == $siblings.size()-1 && left == $slider.outerWidth() - $lastChild.outerWidth() - 1)
      else if (index == $siblings.size()-1)

    // if we got down here then we actually moved the slider, update the reference to the
    // focused slide
    $slider.prop('index', focusedIndex);

function headerTabs()
  var $tabset = $('.heading-tabset')

  $tabset.find('.heading-tab li').eq(0).addClass('active');

  $(document).delegate('.heading-tab a', 'click', function(event)


    var index = $(this).parent().prevAll('*').size();



function carousel()
  $(document).delegate('.carousel .next, .carousel .previous', 'click', function(event)
    // prevent the default anchor action

    // get the current carousel
    var $carousel = $(this).parents('.carousel');

    // check if we're already in the middle of a movement
    if ($carousel.prop('moving'))
      return true;

    // if we actually clicked it, then stop any running timers
    if (event.clientX)

    // localize the index, so we know where we are
    var index = $carousel.prop('index');

    // determine if we're going forward or backward
    var movingForward = $(this).hasClass('next');

    // grab all the slides
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');

    // grab the currently focused slide
    var $focus = $slides.eq(index);

    // figure out where're we going from here
    var nextObject = movingForward ? nextSlide($carousel, index) : previousSlide($carousel, index);

    // locaalize the next div to be shown
    var $next = nextObject.element;

    // localize the index of the next element to be shown
    var newIndex = nextObject.index;

    // determine where we should place the next element so it slides from the correct side
    var initialLeft = movingForward ? $(document.body).outerWidth() : -$next.outerWidth();

    // save the current zero position, everything will move to/from here
    var zeroPosition = $focus.offset().left;

    // determine where the focus is moving to
    var targetLeft = zeroPosition + (movingForward ? -$next.outerWidth() : $next.outerWidth());

    // we're comitted to moving now so set the flag to true so we don't duplicate animations
    $carousel.prop('moving', true);

    // reset all z-indexes to 1
    $slides.css('z-index', 1);

    // make the currently focused slide higher than all the rest
    $focus.css('z-index', 2);

    // setup the current slide so it can animate out
      "position": "absolute",
      "top": 0,
      "left": zeroPosition

    // setup the next slide to slide in, moving it above the focused slide and off screen
      "opacity": 0,
      "position": "absolute",
      "top": 0,
      "left": initialLeft,
      "z-index": 3

    // animate the current slide out
      "opacity": 0,
      "left": targetLeft
    }, 800);

    // set up what we're animating
    var animation = {
      "opacity": 1,
      "left": zeroPosition

    // horrible ie fix
    if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 8)
      delete animation.opacity;

    // animate in the next slide, then upon completion reset everything. switch it back to
    // relative positioning, remove our animation flag and hide the previous element
    $next.show().animate(animation, 800, function()
        "position": "relative",
        "left": 0

      // fix msie
      if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 8)

      $carousel.prop('moving', false);

    // animate the height of our carousel, because things are abosulte the box model is shot
      //"min-height": $next.outerHeight()

    // finally update our index to reflect the current view
    $carousel.prop('index', newIndex);

  $(document).delegate('.carousel .pause', 'click', function(event)
    // prevent the default anchor action

    // localize the carousel
    var $carousel = $(this).parents('.carousel');

    // get the current timer, if it exists
    var timer = $carousel.prop('timer');

    // no timer? start it
    if (!timer)

    // timer? stop it

  // start a new timer, additionally update the play/pause button to the correct visual state
  function start($carousel)
    timer = setInterval(function()

      //N.C.: added to stop carousel after one round.
      var index = $carousel.prop('index');
      if ( index==0 && carousel_round > 0 ) {
      else if ( index==1 ) {

    }, 5000);

    $carousel.prop('timer', timer);

  // stop any existing timers, additionally update the play/pause button to the correct
  // visual state
  function stop($carousel)

    $carousel.prop('timer', false);

    //N.C.: added to stop carousel after one round.
    carousel_round = 0;

  function nextSlide($carousel, index)
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');

    if (index+1 < $slides.size())
      return {"index":index+1, "element":$slides.eq(index+1)};

    return {"index":0, "element":$slides.eq(0)};

  function previousSlide($carousel, index)
    var $slides = $carousel.find('.carousel-item');

    if (index-1 >= 0)
      return {"index":index-1, "element":$slides.eq(index-1)};

    return {"index":$slides.size()-1, "element":$slides.eq(-1)};

  // build the controls for inclusion into the page
  var $previousBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "previous", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"});
  var $playPauseBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "play pause", "href": "#", "text": "Play/Pause"});
  var $nextBtn = $('<a />', {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"});
  var $controlsDiv = $('<div />', {"class": "carousel-controls"});

  // loop through each carousel and set some default properties/styles
    // localize the carousel to this function
    var $carousel = $(this);

    // set the positioning and a default height, becuase we're going to be taken out of the
    // flow once our animation starts
      "position": "relative"
      //"min-height": $carousel.find('.carousel-item').eq(0).outerHeight() //N.C. commented out

    // store the currently visible slide's index
    $carousel.prop('index', 0);

    // hide subsequent slides

    // append in our controls

    // add the previous/next images
      // get the previous image
      var $prevImage = $(previousSlide($carousel, index).element).find('.main-image').clone();

      // remove the class

      // create a link for the previous image
      var $previousAnchor = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "class": "prev-image",
        "html": $prevImage
      $previousAnchor.css('opacity', 0.2);

      // add in the previous image/anchor

      // get the next image
      var $nextImage = $(nextSlide($carousel, index).element).find('.main-image').clone();

      // remove the class

      // create a link for the previous image
      var $nextAnchor = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "class": "next-image",
        "html": $nextImage
      $nextAnchor.css('opacity', 0.2);

      // add in the next image/anchor

    // start the carousel by default

function emergencyClose() {
  //$('.emergency .wrap').append('<a href="#" class="close">Close</a>');

  $(document).delegate('.emergency .close', 'click', function(event)

function replyLinks() {
  //$close = $('<a />', {"class": "close", "href": "#", "text": "Close"});
  $twitterWrap = $('<div />', {"id": "twitter-wrap"});
  $twitter = $('<div />', {"id": "twitter"});

  /*twttr.anywhere(function (T) {
      "width": 515,
      "height": 133,
      "defaultContent": "",
      "onTweet": function()
        _gaq.push(['trackEvent', 'Home', 'SubmitReply', 'TwitterReply', 5]);

  $(document).delegate('.link-reply', 'click', function(event)

    //if ( !$('#overlay') ) {
      $(document.body).prepend($('<div />', {"id": "overlay"}));


      "position": "fixed",
      "top": 200,
      "left": ($(document.body).width()-515)/2

    if ($.browser == 'msie')
        "position": "absolute",
        "top": $(document.body).scrollTop() + 200


  $(document).delegate('#overlay, #twitter-wrap .close', 'click', function(event)

    $('#overlay').fadeOut('fast', function()

function adjournLinks()
    var headings = [];

      headings[$(this).attr('data-heading')] = $(this).attr('data-heading');

    var $headings = $('<ul />', {
      "class": "adjoin-header"

    for (var heading in headings)
      var $li = $('<li />');
      var $a = $('<a />', {
        "href": "#",
        "onClick": '_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'SocialDirectory\', \'Click\', \'Head'+heading+'\', 3]);',
        "data-show": heading,
        "text": heading



  $(document).delegate('a[data-show]', 'click', function(event)
    // stop the default click action

    // set active

    // find the appropriate elements
    $('.adjoin-options *[data-heading]').hide();
    $('.adjoin-options *[data-heading="'+$(this).attr('data-show')+'"].').fadeIn();


$(document).ready(function ()
  var $filter = $('#filter-drop');
  var $filterSpacer = $('<div />', {
    "class": "filter-drop-spacer",
    "height": $filter.outerHeight()
  var $homeShield = $('.home .primary');
  var $totalHeight = $('.carousel').outerHeight() + $('.header').outerHeight()

  if ($filter.size())
    $(window).scroll(function ()
      if($(window).scrollTop() > $totalHeight ) {

      else if ($homeShield.hasClass('shieldfix') && $(window).scrollTop() < $totalHeight)

      if (!$filter.hasClass('fix') && $(window).scrollTop() > $filter.offset().top)
        $filter.css('width', $filter.width());
      else if ($filter.hasClass('fix') && $(window).scrollTop() < $filterSpacer.offset().top)


function get_more_home_items() {

  if ( views_left>0 ) {

     type: 'POST',
     url: 'ajax/home_items',
     data: 'timestamp='+curr_timestamp+'&index='+views_left,
     dataType: 'json',
     success: function(data) {


  var click_index = 2-views_left;

  _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ViewMoreChannels', 'Click', 'ViewMore_'+click_index.toString(), 3]);

  if ( views_left<=0 ) {

  Add Zebra Strip Rows of table with class "stripe" -- Chris Traganos
function zebra_strip_rows() {
 $("table.stripe tr:odd").addClass("odd");
 $("table.stripe tr:even").addClass("even");

function visitor_site_slideshow() {
 /* $('.visitors_slideshow').cycle({
   fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
 });  */



, 焦点图
jquery焦点图左右切换、jquery左右轮播焦点图、jquery 切换焦点、jquery焦点图切换、jquery 回车切换焦点,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。

时间: 2024-09-17 04:46:28



优秀响应式jQuery焦点图插件bxSlider,优秀响应式布局设计jQuery插件,自适 应任何设备,切换内容可以是视频.图片.HTML.支持触摸设备,自定义函数 callback,支持众多的参数自定义配置,浏览器支持Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iOS, Android, IE7+. 使用方法: 1. 加载jQuery和插件 <!-- jQuery library (served from Google) --> <script src="jquery/


jQuery结合css3动画属性制作猎豹浏览器宽屏banner焦点图切换支持手机触屏滑动焦点图切换代码 复制代码 代码如下: <div class="slide-main" id="touchMain">     <a class="prev" href="javascript:;" stat="prev1001"><img src="images/l-btn.png

jQuery 一个图片切换的插件_jquery

以下是参数说明:  参数名称  描述  delay  图片切换速度,单位毫秒  maskOpacity  遮罩层透明度,1为不透明,0为全透明  numOpacity  数字按钮透明度,1为不透明,0为全透明  maskBgColor  遮罩层背景色  textColor  标题字体颜色  numColor  数字按钮字体颜色  numBgColor  数字按钮背景色  alterColor  数字按钮选中项字体颜色  alterBgColor  数字按钮选中项背景颜色 插件代码及调用 - 插件

基于jquery的tab切换 js原理_jquery

html代码: 复制代码 代码如下: <div class="details"> <ul class="tab"><li class="on" rel="a1"><b>个人资料</b></li><li rel="a2"><b>帐号维护</b></li><li rel="a3


网站焦点图是一种网站内容的展现形式,可简单理解为一张图片或多张图片展现在网页上就是网站焦点图.在网站很明显的位置,用图片组合播放的形式,类似焦点新闻的意思只不过加上了图片.一般多使用在网站首页版面或频道首页版面,因为是通过图片的形式,所以有一定的吸引性.视觉吸引性.容易引起访问者的点击,据国外的设计机构调查统计,网站焦点图的点击率明显高于纯文字,转化率高于文字标题5倍.由此看来焦点图的能让游客对企业的第一印象大大提升,下面就给大家介绍一个我们项目中封装使用的漂亮大气的全屏焦点图.如下图所示: 可


本文实例为大家分享了jQuery焦点图左右转换的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>焦点图转换</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css"> &l


jquery左右滚动焦点图banner图片,鼠标经过显示上下页 适合宽和高都比较大的页面使用  演示 复制代码 代码如下: <div class="bannerbox"> <div id="focus"> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.freejs.net/" target="_blank"> <img src="../da


jquery代码 <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-image-scale-carousel.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"


本文实例讲述了jQuery实现图片与文字描述左右滑动自动切换的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: 这里使用jQuery制作CSS左右图片无缝滚动自动切换的焦点图JS特效.一边飞出一边变淡的效果非常漂亮,带小按钮. 效果图如下: 具体代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transition