SQL Server Reporting Service - Deployment by command line

Chinese version: http://www.cnblogs.com/WilsonWu/archive/2009/02/19/1394198.html

Some times when we use the SQL Server Reporting Service will get the same problem, if we have a product constituted by some reports, and there is a new release will be published, we want to get a better way instead of give are RDL files to users directly. actually, SQL Server Reporting already has a tool named RS.exe to help us do some works such as deployment by command line. and today I will introduce main functions in this RS.exe tool:

At first, we use –? to get help information like below:

D:\RS>rs -? 
Microsoft (R) Reporting Services RS 
Version 10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 ) x86 
Executes script file contents against the specified Report Server. 
RS -i inputfile -s serverURL [-u username] [-p password] 
   [-l timeout] [-b] [-e endpoint] [-v var=value] [-t] 

        -i  inputfile   Script file to execute 
        -s  serverURL   URL (including server and vroot) to execute 
                        script against. 
        -u  username    User name used to log in to the server. 
        -p  password    Password used to log in to the server. 
        -e  endpoint    Web service endpoint to use with the script. 
                        Options are: 
                        Exec2005 - The ReportExecution2005 endpoint 
                        Mgmt2005 - The ReportService2005 endpoint 
        -l  timeout     Number of seconds before the connection to the 
                        server times out. Default is 60 seconds and 0 is 
                        infinite time out. 
        -b              Run as a batch and rollback if commands fail 
        -v  var=value   Variables and values to pass to the script 
        -t  trace       Include trace information in error message


In fact, that is not hard to understand, only the “-i” parameter maybe has some questions, all right, the “-i” parameter need a script that can run some code to do our work, the script can be wrote by VS.NET, and I have got some information for the script here. at first you must go to the http://www.codeplex.com/MSFTRSProdSamples site to get a sample package, and this have not include into SQL Server install package. after install it go to your SQL Server location like C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Reporting Services, you can see a folder named “Script Samples”, then open it and find the “PublishSampleReports.rss” file like below:


'  File:      PublishSampleReports.rss 

'  Summary:  Demonstrates a script that can be used with RS.exe to 
'         publish the sample reports that ship with Reporting Services. 

' This file is part of Microsoft SQL Server Code Samples. 

'  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

' This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft 
' Development Tools and/or on-line documentation.  See these other 
' materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples. 


' 1.0 Documentation 

' Read the following in order to familiarize yourself with the sample script. 

' 1.1 Overview 

' This sample script uses a script file (.rss) and the script environment to run 
' Web service operations on a specified report server. The script creates a folder 
' that you specify as a command-prompt variable using the 杤 switch, and then 
' publishes the sample reports that ship with Reporting Services to a report server. 
' Depending on the location of your sample reports, you may need to modify the 
' value of the filePath variable, which references the path to your sample reports. 

' 1.2 Script Variables 

' Variables that are passed on the command line with the -v switch: 

' (a) parentFolder - corresponds to the folder that the script creates and uses 
'     to contain your published reports 

' 1.3 Sample Command Lines 

' 1.3.1 Use the script to publish the sample reports to an AdventureWorks Sample Reports folder. 

'       rs -i PublishSampleReports.rss -s http://myserver/reportserver 

Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing 
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing 
Dim parentFolder As String = "AdventureWorks Sample Reports" 
Dim parentPath As String = "/" + parentFolder 
Dim filePath As String = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Reporting Services\Report Samples\AdventureWorks Sample Reports\" 

Public Sub Main()Sub Main() 

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials 
    'Create the parent folder 
        rs.CreateFolder(parentFolder, "/", Nothing) 
        Console.WriteLine("Parent folder {0} created successfully", parentFolder) 
    Catch e As Exception 
    End Try 

    'Create the AdventureWorks shared data source 
    CreateSampleDataSource("AdventureWorks", "SQL", "data source=(local);initial catalog=AdventureWorks") 
    CreateSampleDataSource("AdventureWorksDW", "OLEDB-MD", _ 
        "data source=localhost;initial catalog=Adventure Works DW") 

    'Publish the sample reports 
    PublishReport("Company Sales") 
    PublishReport("Employee Sales Summary") 
    PublishReport("Product Catalog") 
    PublishReport("Product Line Sales") 
    PublishReport("Sales Order Detail") 
    PublishReport("Territory Sales Drilldown") 

End Sub 

Public Sub CreateSampleDataSource()Sub CreateSampleDataSource(name As String, extension As String, connectionString As String) 
    'Define the data source definition. 
    Dim definition As New DataSourceDefinition() 
    definition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Integrated 
    definition.ConnectString = connectionString 
    definition.Enabled = True 
    definition.EnabledSpecified = True 
    definition.Extension = extension 
    definition.ImpersonateUser = False 
    definition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True 
    'Use the default prompt string. 
    definition.Prompt = Nothing 
    definition.WindowsCredentials = False 

    rs.CreateDataSource(name, parentPath, False, definition, Nothing) 
    Console.WriteLine("Data source {0} created successfully", name) 

Catch e As Exception 
End Try 
End Sub 

Public Sub PublishReport()Sub PublishReport(ByVal reportName As String) 
        Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath + reportName + ".rdl") 
        definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {} 
        stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length)) 

    Catch e As IOException 
    End Try 

        warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName, parentPath, False, definition, Nothing) 

        If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then 
            Dim warning As Warning 
            For Each warning In warnings 
            Next warning 

            Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", reportName) 
        End If 

    Catch e As Exception 
    End Try 
End Sub 


Except some RS server code, we can get all clear method for Upload report or configuration Data Sources, then you can use them into your own script.

For example:

RS -i "PublishReports.rss" -s "http://[ReportServer]/ReportServer/"

Use above command you can deploy your reports easily.

In next post I will share some best practice to use RS.exe deploy TFS reports.


时间: 2024-07-31 23:05:09

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