Botan v1.9.17发布 一个C++加密算法库

Botan 是一个 C++++ 的加密算法库,支持 AES, DES, SHA-1, RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman 等多种算法,支持 X.509 认证以及CRLs 和 PKCS #10。

Botan 1.9.17 发布。该版本增加了控制Sphinx使用的选项及生成文件的Doxygen。x86处理器的运行时特征检测的错误修复,BeOS克隆/连续俳句的支持有所改善。这是第3个,很有希望是最后的后续版本,从而进入下一个稳定树。

Botan 1.9.17发行说明:

Third release candidate for 1.10.0 The format preser">ving encryption method
available was presented in the header fpe.h and the
functions fpe_encrypt and fpe_decrypt. These were renamed as it is likely that other FPE schemes will be included in the future. The header is now fpe_fe1.h, and the functions are named fe1_encrypt and fe1_decrypt. See Format Preserving Encryption for more information. New options to control what tools are used for documentation generation. The --with-sphinx option enables using Sphinx to convert ReST into HTML; otherwise the ReST sources are installed directly. If --with-doxygen is used, Doxygen will run as well. Documentation generation can be triggered via the docs target in the
makefile; it will also be installed by the install target on Unix. A bug in 1.9.16 effectively disabled support for runtime CPU feature detection on x86 under GCC in that release. A mostly internal change, all references to “ia32” and “amd64” have been changed to the vendor neutral and probably easier to understand “x86-32” and “x86-64”. For instance, the “mp_amd64” module has been renamed “mp_x86_64”, and the macro indicating x86-32 has changed from BOTAN_TARGET_ARCH_IS_IA32 to BOTAN_TARGET_ARCH_IS_X86_32. The classes calling assembly have also been renamed. Similiarly to the above change, the AES implemenations using the AES-NI instruction set have been renamed from AES_XXX_Intel to AES_XXX_NI.
Systems that are identified as sun4u will default to compiling for 32-bit SPARCv9 code rather than 64-bit. This matches the still common convention for 32-bit SPARC userspaces. If you want 64-bit code on such as system, use --cpu=sparc64. Some minor fixes for compiling botan under the BeOS clone/continuation Haiku. Further updates to the documentation


Source: tar/gzip (sig) / tar/bzip2 (sig)

Windows binary DLL installer for use with Visual C++ 2010: 32 bit 64 bit (checksums)

时间: 2024-07-30 04:10:24

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