Howto: Deploy VC2008 apps without installing vcredist_x86.exe

There are several reasons for xcopy deployment of an application (also known as application local). One main reason is that you are independent of what the target computer has installed.
Also your application always uses the “correct” (or better: tested) version of DLLs, regardless of what MS installed or updated (see: .NET2 SP1 update breaks old apps!?).

The easiest way to overcome the problem is to link static against the CRT/MFC. But in some scenarios this is not an option and not possible.

But to be independent from OS updates or from vcredist_x86.exe installations of other apps, you need to do the following steps:

  • Remove the auto-generation of manifests (from all DLLs) and change the manifest generation form your EXE to an external manifest; you can do this by choosing: Project|Properties|Configuration Properties|Manifest Tool|Input and Output|Embed Manifest: No
  • Recompile your application and modify the external manifest as follows:
  • Copy your application and the external manifest to your deployment directory
  • Open the manifest-file (appname.exe.manifest) and remove the “publicKeyToken” from all MFC/CRT/ATL/OpenMP entries. Please leave the publicKeyToken to the “Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls” entry.
  • Copy all neccessary directories under %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86 to your deployment directory
  • In all sub-directories (Microsoft.VC90.CRT, optional: Microsoft.VC90.MFC, Microsoft.VC90.ATL, Microsoft.VC90.OPENMP, Microsoft.VC90.MFCLOC) open the manifest-file and also remove the publicKeyToken
  • Also lookup the version info from these manifest files and correct the version-info of the corresponding entries in your application manifest file
  • Save all manifests and let your program run; it should now run on all supported OS without installing anything…

After doing all these manifest stuff you can also embed the manifest into your application (EXE). And of course: The same can be done with x64 and IA64 apps.

I have made an example of the default MFC app (4.6 MB) for reference.

The (simple) manifests for the new MFC feature pack and the application looks like:




Instead of putting the “Microsoft.VC90.MFC” and “Microsoft.VC90.CRT” directories into the application folder, you can also just put the files from these folders into the application directory. The main advantage is, that your app will also work on W2k-SP4.

Here is also my older post for VS2005.




时间: 2024-09-13 00:49:57

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vc2008程序发布指南 2008-05-03 17:46 vc2008开发的程序的发布方式可以有5种方式: 1. 采用静态链接到crt和MFC. 只要你拥有组成程序的所有源代码,你就可以采用这种方式,   这种方式除了程序变大一点,好处多多:    1) 不必重新发布vc2008基础库vcredist_x86.exe(安装到WinSxS).   2) 不必产生,嵌入manifest.   3) 也不把vc2008基础库放在程序所在目录. 2. exe(嵌入manifest) + vcredis


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  使用VS2008编译了一个程序,使用到自己编译的DLL,丢到某些机子上无法运行,提示"由于应用程序配置不正确,应用程序未能启动"的错误,装了vcredist_x86也没有用,开始以为是DLL的问题,后来换个简单的程序,仍然不行,百撕不得其解,后来上网找,下面有说了很多解决办法.         我最终的解决办法是复制本机中的.manifest文件,修改里面的版本号,复制到提示错误的机子上,与可执行程序放在同一目录就可以了.在计算机中管理的系统工具,事件查看器可以查看应用程序的消息,


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下列附有VS2008发布程序介绍:vc2008程序发布指南2008-05-03 17:46vc2008开发的程序的发布方式可以有5种方式: 1. 采用静态链接到crt和MFC. 只要你拥有组成程序的所有源代码,你就可以采用这种方式,这种方式除了程序变大一点,好处多多: 1) 不必重新发布vc2008基础库vcredist_x86.exe(安装到WinSxS).2) 不必产生,嵌入manifest.3) 也不把vc2008基础库放在程序所在目录. 2. exe(嵌入manifest) + vcre