

The following are some sample interview questions I have taken from the
internet, sample certification questions, and from my own experience.

1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants
belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company
2. What are the fields in Purchasing view?
3. What are the steps in automatic account assignment config.
4. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?
5. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?
6. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?
7. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?
8. What are the types of special stocks available?
9. What are the types of inforecords?
10. What is meant by consignment stock?
11. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?
12. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.
13. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?
14. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?
15. Tell me about the various movement types and usage.
16. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?
17. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?
18. How does the system calculate taxes?
19. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?
20. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?
21. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?
22. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?
23. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?
24. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions
can  also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based
planning if VB is selected as MRP type?
25. What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?
26. Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?
27. What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?
28. What is meant by a credit memo?
29. How are free items managed in a PO?
30. What is meant by a release strategy?
31. What are release groups and release codes?
32. What are the differences between release procedure with
classification and release procedure without classification? When are
they used?
32. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO?
33. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?
35. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?
36. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?
37. What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it?
38. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?
39. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?
40. What is LSMW?
41. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?
42. How to give specifications for developments?
43. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?
44. What is RTP?
45. What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?
46. How is an item with serial no. managed?
47. How do you make variants?
48. What are the types of tables in SAP?
49. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?
50. What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?

Here are some SAP MM Certification sample questions you should know the answer t

You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take
delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale
exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take
advantage of the discount arrangement?

A) Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery dates.
B) Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accounts.
C) Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule lines.
D) Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery dates.

In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined
a purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What
is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should
you take note of in the case of a goods receipts?

A) The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master
record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of measure in
which the material is ordered.
B) The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order
price unit and the purchase order unit conversion in the purchase order.
C) At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase
order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price unit have to be
entered, however, the quantity in purchase order piece unit is
calculated by the system. You have to change it when the calculated
quantity differs from reality.
D) Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.

You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On ,
only 0.000 pieces are available". What do you conclude from this?

A) No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
B) Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
C) The material exist in the specified storage location on the current
day, however, it is unavailable, because of other reservations.
D) The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the
ENTER key.

Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material type NLAG are correct?

A) The purchase order must be account assigned.
B) The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.
C) When you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignment as long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.
D) When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Accounting.

Which of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?

A) Stock transfer from storage location to storage location in the same plant or company code.
B) Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.
C) Stock transfer from stock in quality inspection in storage
location 001 to stock in quality inspection in storage location 0002 in
the same plant.
D) Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001
to plant 0002. The plants belong to the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation level is plant).

时间: 2024-07-29 10:50:20



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SAP MM 顾问在实施项目工作中的苦逼和优势

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001 数据库应用系统设计 1.规划 2.需求分析 3.概念模型设计 4.逻辑设计 5.物理设计 6.程序编制及调试 7.运行及维护. 002 创建数据库 CREATE DATEBASE database_name 003 查看数据库 SHOW DATABASE 004 选择数据库 USE database_name 005 删除数据库 DORP DATABASE database_name 006 查看支持的引擎 SHOW ENGINES; 007 查看默认支持的存储引擎 SHOW VARIA


1.荷兰国旗问题 题目描述:现有n个红白蓝三种不同颜色的小球,乱序排列在一起,请通过两两交换任意两个球,使得从左至右,依次是一些红球.一些白球.一些蓝球. 分析与解法: 初看此题,我们貌似除了暴力解决并无好的办法,但联想到我们所熟知的快速排序算法呢? 我们知道,快速排序依托于一个partition分治过程,在每一趟排序的过程中,选取的主元都会把整个数组排列成一大一小的部分,那我们是否可以借鉴partition过程设定三个指针完成重新排列,使得所有球排列成三个不同颜色的球呢? 解法: 通过前面的分