U盘启动安装RHEL5.8时提示:引导分区位于一个GPT分区方案的错误提示,英文为:"Your boot partition is on a disk using GPT partitioning scheme but this machine cannot boot using GPT",无法继续进行安装操作. 参考这里,http://www.beckdim.cn/archives/209 错误原因:之前在机器上安装过VMware-VMvisor 的时候,把硬盘格式改为了GPT分区
代码如下: There is not enough disk space on C:WINDOWS$NtServicePackUninstall$ to install Service Pack 3 Setup requires an additional 4 megabytes of free space or if you also want to archive the files for uninstallation,Setup requires 4 additional megab