How to configure spring boot through annotations in order to have something similar to <jsp-config> in web.xml?


JSP file not rendering in Spring Boot web application

You will need not one but two dependencies (jasper and jstl) in your pom.xml for this to work.





You just made my day! This helped me - even though my issue was slightly different - Spring wasn't evenfinding my .jsp files in /src/main/resources/webapp/WEB-INF/pages. Thank you so much!


How to configure spring boot through annotations in order to have something similar to <jsp-config> in web.xml?

How to configure spring boot through annotations in order to have something similar to in web.xml?



I think Dave gave a pretty straight forward answer - that is - there is no Java API defined by the Servlet spec for configuring JSPs and if you must use it with Spring Boot you just need to use web.xml which Spring Boot perfectly supports. This sounds pretty clear to me.



时间: 2024-08-05 23:12:40

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