
这是传奇人物比尔·盖茨十天前在其个人网站 gatesnotes.com 上发布的一篇年度总结,同 2013 年末一样,他用这种方式来做年终总结。今年,我们有哪些好消息?




不能否认,在美国以及其他国家,2014 年是动荡的一年。但是还有好消息值得我们去庆祝:相比以前,更多的孩子得以存活;面对全世界最致命的疾病,我们在不断进步。

衡量世界是否进步,有几种重要的方法。通过这些方法我们看得到,2014 年又是进步的一年。

Looking Up

I ended 2013 by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed. I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place. This year, I thought I’d do it again.

Of course, we can’t ignore the fact that it’s been a turbulent year, in the United States and many other countries. But it’s worth taking a moment to celebrate some of the good news too. More children are surviving than ever before. We’re making progress against some of the world’s deadliest diseases. These are some of the most fundamental ways to measure the world’s progress—and by that measure, 2014 was definitely another good year.

壹有更多孩子过上了他们的 5 岁生日

对我来说,判断世界是否进步最好的方式,就是看看有多少孩子的死亡其实可以避免。如今,能活到 5 岁的孩子,比以往任何时代都要多。

到今年为止,已经连续 42 年,儿童的死亡率在不断下降,这个数字不止是在持续下降,下降速度也出人意料地迅速。

《经济学人》杂志今年 9 月发表的一篇文章称:自 2001 年以来,我们已经挽救了 1 360 万孩子的生命。不难想像,这是世界进步的标志。

1、More Fifth Birthdays Than Ever Before

To me, one of the best ways to measure progress is to look at how many children are dying of preventable causes. And today, more kids are living to see their fifth birthday than ever before. This year, for at least the 42nd year in a row, the child mortality rate has fallen. And it’s not just moving in the right direction—it’s falling faster than anyone expected. The Economist ran a great article about this in September, where it estimated that just since 2001, the world has saved 13.6 million children’s lives. It’s hard to think of a better sign the world is improving.


对于 HIV 病毒感染者的治疗,我们已经取得了非常不错的成果。但是前些年,不得不说,我们落在了 HIV 后面:虽然越来越多的 HIV 携带者开始接受治疗,但却总有更多的人感染了 HIV 病毒。

但今非昔比,本月新发布的数据报道显示:2013 年,接受治疗的患者数量首次超过新增感染者。




2、We Hit a Big Milestone in Fighting AIDS

The world has done an impressive job of providing treatment to people living with HIV. But for years we were falling behind, because for all the people who started getting treatment, even more would become infected. Not anymore, though. New data released this month show that 2013 was the first year when more people started getting treatment than became infected with HIV. Why does that matter? Because treating people not only keeps them alive, it also dramatically reduces the odds that they will pass the virus on to anyone else. As the epidemiologists say, we can start to bend the curve of the disease. We still have a long way to go before we can declare the end of AIDS, but this is a big milestone.


上世纪 90 年代末,我读到一篇文章,每年有数十万儿童死于轮状病毒引起的腹泻。我不敢相信,竟有如此可怕的疾病,可以带走那么多孩子的生命,而我对此疾病却一无所知。但是对于轮状病毒的报道并不多,因为在发达国家,这并不是致命的疾病,而这个世界总是忽略只有穷人才会得的疾病。


从那以后,由于研发出了既便宜又有效的疫苗,丧生于轮状病毒的孩子数量已经减少了将近一半。今天,这种疫苗已经惠及到更多的孩子。比如在印度,轮状病毒每年夺走 8 万个孩子的生命。今年印度政府决定免费给孩子们接种这种疫苗。


3、Rotavirus Vaccine is Reaching More Kids Than Ever

When I read an article in the late 1990s that mentioned a diarrheal disease called rotavirus killed hundreds of thousands of kids a year, I couldn’t believe something I’d never even heard of was killing that many children. But rotavirus doesn’t get much press because it’s almost never deadly in rich countries—and the world tends to ignore diseases that only affect the world’s poorest people. In many ways, rotavirus was a catalyst for my commitment to global health—in fact, one of our foundation’s first grants supported efforts against rotavirus. Since then, the number of kids dying from this illness has been cut nearly in half thanks to a cheap and effective vaccine. And today, that vaccine is reaching more kids than ever before. For example in India, where rota kills nearly 80,000 children a year, the government decided this year to deliver the vaccine for free to poor children. And manufacturers there are working on a more affordable vaccine that could reach even more children in the coming years.






4、A Tuberculosis Breakthrough—Finally

The world is way overdue for a better tuberculosis treatment. TB is one of the world’s leading causes of death, and our existing treatments are inadequate—especially for drug resistant forms of the disease. But efforts to improve them have been stalled for decades. So it’s a big deal that earlier this year, scientists announced that a new TB treatment regimen has proven effective in early-phase research. From here, the drug regimen goes on to a large clinical trial to confirm the results. If this new treatment regimen pans out, it could dramatically reduce the time it takes to cure drug-resistant TB and save poor countries billions of dollars in health-care costs.



两件可怕的事却掩盖了这样一个事实:从全球健康角度来看,尼日利亚的 2014 年其实是一个好年头。


尼日利亚今年报道的小儿麻痹症病例只有 6 例,而去年有 50 多例。更难能可贵的是,为了对抗小儿麻痹症,尼日利亚已经完成了很多基础设施,这让他们更快、更容易地控制埃博拉病毒。


5、Nigeria’s Fight Against Polio Helped Its Fight Against Ebola

A lot of the media coverage about Nigeria this year focused on two things: Ebola and terrorism. Both are frightening, and they masked the fact that from a global health perspective, Nigeria actually had a pretty good year. Although it’s one of only three countries that have never been free from polio (Pakistan and Afghanistan are the other two), I don’t think it will be on that list for long. Nigeria has reported only six cases of polio this year, compared to more than 50 last year. What’s more, the infrastructure Nigeria has built to fight polio actually made it easier for them to swiftly contain Ebola. The fact that Nigeria is now Ebola free is a great example of how doing the work to fight things like fighting polio also leaves countries better prepared to deal with outbreaks of other diseases.


再提一件事:一月份,Melinda 和我将发表下一封年度信(annual letter)。这一次,我们把目光投向 2030 年。我们将涉足好几个领域,从健康到农业再到银行业,尤其是在特别贫穷的地区,在这些领域将发生真正的剧变。

6、Looking Ahead

One more thing: this January, Melinda and I will publish our annual letter. This year, we’re looking ahead to 2030. We’ll be writing about a few areas—from health to farming and banking—where life will really change, especially for people in some of the world’s poorest places. (Spoiler alert: we think there’s a lot more progress ahead.) If you’d like to get an e-mail notice when the letter is out, you can sign up below.


时间: 2024-08-06 16:52:36



我写了一些略微特别的东西来结束2013年:一份你可能已经错过的好消息的清单.我想,以那样的方式为这一年划上句号,是一个非常棒的方式,而且人们似乎很愿意看到我们的世界在一天天变得更好.今年,我还要这么做. 不能否认,在美国以及其他国家,2014 年是动荡的一年.但是还有好消息值得我们去庆祝:相比以前,更多的孩子得以存活;面对全世界最致命的疾病,我们在不断进步. 衡量世界是否进步,有几种重要的方法.通过这些方法我们看得到,2014 年又是进步的一年. 有更多孩子过上了他们的 5 岁生日 对我来说,判

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Win8发布会 比尔·盖茨搭讪棕发美女

&http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/37954.html">nbsp;   在上月底微软举办的Win8发布会上,我们并没有发现微软创始人比尔·盖茨,不过这并不代表他老人家没有到现场.在近日YouTube上最新发布的一则视频中,我们寻觅到了比尔·盖茨的身影. 视频中可以看到,在Win8发布会当天,比尔·盖茨出现在了纽约广场的微软零售商店中,尽管在视频中只是一闪而过,但我们仍可以发现视频中的盖茨似乎正在同消费者和销售人员亲切交谈,其中一位身




许泽玮拒绝了比尔盖茨的投资,因为他觉徿a href="http://news.pedaily.cn/industry/互联罿" target=_blank>互联罿/a>金融公司股东和用户一定都得是中国本土的,至少未来5年要这样〿/p> 文_本刊记者王替nbsp;编辑_吴金勿nbsp;摄影_史小兿/p> 6朿7日,许泽玮和他的创业小伙伴们见到了比尔·盖茨.作为一家小小的创业公司-‿1金融的CEO能与自己从小仰慕的天才级人物面对面交流,这对许泽玮来说就像是梦境〿/p

91金融为何拒绝比尔·盖茨的投资 年轻人如何玩互联网金融

中介交易 SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 原文标题:对比尔·盖茨说不,与杨利伟同上央视的年轻人如何玩互联网金融 许泽玮拒绝了比尔盖茨的投资,因为他觉得互联网金融公司股东和用户一定都得是中国本土的,至少未来5年要这样. 6月17日,许泽玮和他的创业小伙伴们见到了比尔·盖茨.作为一家小小的创业公司--91金融的CEO能与自己从小仰慕的天才级人物面对面交流,这对许泽玮来说就像是梦境. 当天受微软创投加速器基金的邀请,许泽玮向盖茨介绍了互联网金融行业在中国的发展情况.两人聊到兴奋之处,许泽玮还不忘


据英国<每日邮报>2014年8月8日报道,近日,59岁世界首富比尔盖茨全家悠闲过暑假,大手笔豪华程度惊人,身体依旧硬朗的盖茨在美丽的小岛打网球,然后乘私人直升飞机带全家回豪华游艇,继续潜水. 中新网3月3日电 据外媒2日报道,根据福布斯杂志的最新排名,美国电脑巨头微软创办人比尔·盖茨以790亿美元的总资产,连续第二年成为世界首富.今年的福布斯亿万富豪榜有290个新入榜者,其中71人来自中国.目前世界上的亿万富翁共有1826人,比上年增加了181人. 比尔 盖茨截至今年2月13日的财富为790亿


比尔盖茨:到2035年世界上将几乎没有穷国每年1月,人口仅为1.1万的达沃斯小镇都因为一场汇聚全球各界领袖精英的盛会而备受关注.以"重塑世界格局对政治.商业和社会的影响"为主题的2014年世界经济论坛年会将在当地时间22日至25日在瑞士达沃斯举行.据媒体报道,微软创始人比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)利用这次机会发表了乐观言论.在这份长达25页的报告中,盖茨及其夫人梅琳达认为,目前全球经济状况比之前要好.盖茨预计,到2035年,世界上将几乎没有贫穷的国家,他是利用世界银行对低收入国家的


许泽玮拒绝了比尔盖茨的投资,因为他觉得互联网金融公司股东和用户一定都得是中国本土的,至少未来5年要这样. 6月17日,许泽玮和他的创业小伙伴们见到了比尔·盖茨.作为一家小小的创业公司--91金融的CEO能与自己从小仰慕的天才级人物面对面交流,这对许泽玮来说就像是梦境. 当天受微软创投加速器基金的邀请,许泽玮向盖茨介绍了互联网金融行业在中国的发展情况.两人聊到兴奋之处,许泽玮还不忘向这位曾经的世界首富推销,"如果你把钱放到91金融平台上,那么我们能让全世界30年内都没有穷人."许泽玮认真