Prototype Class对象学习_prototype

复制代码 代码如下:

/* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */

var Class = (function() {
function subclass() {};

function create() {
var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments);
if (Object.isFunction(properties[0]))
parent = properties.shift();

function klass() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods);
klass.superclass = parent;
klass.subclasses = [];

if (parent) {
subclass.prototype = parent.prototype;
klass.prototype = new subclass;

for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

if (!klass.prototype.initialize)
klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction;

     * 修正新类的构造函数,使得构造函数指向自己,这里特意说一下(如果注释掉下面这行):
     * var Person=Class.create();
     * var p1=new Person();
     * alert(p1.constructor==Person) //true
     * var Man=Class.create(Person)
     * var m1=new Man();
     * alert(m1.constrcutor==Man) //false
     * alert(m1.constrcutor==Person) //true
     * alert(m1.construcctor==p1.constrcutor) //true
     * 看出问题来了吧?Man的构造函数竟然指向了Person的构造函数
     * 问题的根源在klass.prototype = new subclass;这句话
     * 具体原因我就不解释了,要详细理解的请查看《JavaScript语言精髓与编程实践》155~160页
klass.prototype.constructor = klass;
return klass;

function addMethods(source) {
var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype;
var properties = Object.keys(source);

if (!Object.keys({ toString: true }).length) {
if (source.toString != Object.prototype.toString)
if (source.valueOf != Object.prototype.valueOf)

for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) {
var property = properties[i], value = source[property];
if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) &&
value.argumentNames().first() == "$super") {
var method = value;
        //这里应用了Function的wrap方法,wrap方法的解释请参考【Prototype 学习——Function对象】
value = (function(m) {
return function() { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments); };

value.valueOf = method.valueOf.bind(method);
value.toString = method.toString.bind(method);
this.prototype[property] = value;

return this;

return {
create: create,
Methods: {
addMethods: addMethods


复制代码 代码如下:

var Person = Class.create({
initialize: function(name) { = name;
say: function(message) {
return + ': ' + message;

// when subclassing, specify the class you want to inherit from
var Pirate = Class.create(Person, {
// redefine the speak method
say: function($super, message) {
return $super(message) + ', yarr!';

var john = new Pirate('Long John');
john.say('ahoy matey');
// -> "Long John: ahoy matey, yarr!"

复制代码 代码如下:

var john = new Pirate('Long John');
// -> ERROR: sleep is not a method
// every person should be able to sleep, not just pirates!

sleep: function() {
return this.say('ZzZ');

复制代码 代码如下:


// -> null
// -> 1
Person.subclasses.first() == Pirate
// -> true
Pirate.superclass == Person
// -> true


时间: 2024-10-26 19:51:38

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