- oracle存储过程使用游标的问题
create or replace procedure test3(
templete_id in varchar2
) as
t_id_tmp varchar2(50);
ty_id_tmp varchar2(50);
cursor type_cur is select t1.id as type_id,t1.type_name from t_type t1,t_templete_link t2,t_templete t3
where t1.id = t2.type_id and t2.templete_id = t3.id and t3.id = templete_id;
-- n number;
select sys_guid() into t_id_tmp from dual;--复制模板信息 insert into t_templete select t_id_tmp as id, t.templete_name from t_templete t where t.id = templete_id; commit; dbms_output.put_line(templete_id); --复制类别信息 -- declare begin for type_rec in type_cur loop -- n:=n+1; -- dbms_output.put_line(1); select sys_guid() into ty_id_tmp from dual; insert into t_type select ty_id_tmp as id, type_rec.type_name from dual; -- from t_type t2 -- where t2.id = type_rec.type_id; -- commit; insert into t_templete_link select sys_guid() as id,t_id_tmp as TEMPLETE_ID ,ty_id_tmp as type_id from dual; -- t_templete_link t2 --where t2.templete_id = templete_id; commit; end loop; end;
exception when others then Rollback;
end test3;
但如果游标中的变变量templete_id 替换成 ‘1’就循环2次 这才是正常结果为什么
Oracle 存储过程、游标的使用
时间: 2024-11-03 22:06:09