17/11/24 05:08:44 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

2017-11-24 21:20:25



[root@master hadoop]# start-dfs.sh
17/11/24 04:24:39 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Starting namenodes on [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'
-c: Unknown cipher type 'cd'
master: starting namenode, logging to /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/logs/hadoop-root-namenode-master.out
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
highly: ssh: connect to host highly port 22: Connection refused
disabled: ssh: connect to host disabled port 22: Connection refused
Client: ssh: connect to host Client port 22: Connection refused
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
'-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname '-z: Temporary failure in name resolution
might: ssh: Could not resolve hostname might: Temporary failure in name resolution
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
It's: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It's: Temporary failure in name resolution
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
or: ssh: Could not resolve hostname or: Temporary failure in name resolution
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
<libfile>',: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>',: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
'execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 'execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
loaded: ssh: Could not resolve hostname loaded: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Temporary failure in name resolution
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack'.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack'.: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: connect to host with port 22: Connection refused
The: ssh: connect to host The port 22: Connection refused
that: ssh: Could not resolve hostname that: Temporary failure in name resolution
recommended: ssh: Could not resolve hostname recommended: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
will: ssh: Could not resolve hostname will: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
have: ssh: connect to host have port 22: Connection refused
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
library: ssh: connect to host library port 22: Connection refused
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
guard.: ssh: connect to host guard. port 22: Connection refused
which: ssh: connect to host which port 22: Connection refused
master: starting datanode, logging to /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/logs/hadoop-root-datanode-master.out
slaver1: starting datanode, logging to /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/logs/hadoop-root-datanode-slaver1.out
slaver2: starting datanode, logging to /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/logs/hadoop-root-datanode-slaver2.out
Starting secondary namenodes [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'
-c: Unknown cipher type 'cd'
master: starting secondarynamenode, logging to /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/logs/hadoop-root-secondarynamenode-master.out
Client: ssh: connect to host Client port 22: Connection refused
recommended: ssh: connect to host recommended port 22: Connection refused
VM: ssh: connect to host VM port 22: Connection refused
VM: ssh: connect to host VM port 22: Connection refused
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
disabled: ssh: connect to host disabled port 22: Connection refused
guard.: ssh: connect to host guard. port 22: Connection refused
library: ssh: connect to host library port 22: Connection refused
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
'execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 'execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
<libfile>',: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>',: Temporary failure in name resolution
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
It's: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It's: Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack'.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack'.: Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
'-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname '-z: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: connect to host with port 22: Connection refused
loaded: ssh: connect to host loaded port 22: Connection refused
that: ssh: connect to host that port 22: Connection refused
have: ssh: connect to host have port 22: Connection refused
try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Temporary failure in name resolution
which: ssh: connect to host which port 22: Connection refused
have: ssh: connect to host have port 22: Connection refused
fix: ssh: connect to host fix port 22: Connection refused
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
guard: ssh: connect to host guard port 22: Connection refused
highly: ssh: connect to host highly port 22: Connection refused
library: ssh: connect to host library port 22: Connection refused
fix: ssh: connect to host fix port 22: Connection refused
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
The: ssh: connect to host The port 22: Connection refused
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
will: ssh: connect to host will port 22: Connection refused
with: ssh: connect to host with port 22: Connection refused
or: ssh: connect to host or port 22: Connection refused
might: ssh: connect to host might port 22: Connection refused
17/11/24 04:25:55 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
[root@master hadoop]# jps
17223 DataNode
17879 Jps
17502 SecondaryNameNode
16885 NameNode
[root@master hadoop]# 


[root@master hadoop]# stop-dfs.sh
17/11/24 05:00:36 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Stopping namenodes on [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'
-c: Unknown cipher type 'cd'
master: stopping namenode
loaded: ssh: connect to host loaded port 22: Connection refused
library: ssh: connect to host library port 22: Connection refused
recommended: ssh: connect to host recommended port 22: Connection refused
might: ssh: connect to host might port 22: Connection refused
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack'.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack'.: Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
<libfile>',: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>',: Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
'-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname '-z: Temporary failure in name resolution
It's: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It's: Temporary failure in name resolution
'execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 'execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: connect to host fix port 22: Connection refused
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
with: ssh: connect to host with port 22: Connection refused
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: connect to host with port 22: Connection refused
have: ssh: connect to host have port 22: Connection refused
library: ssh: connect to host library port 22: Connection refused
disabled: ssh: connect to host disabled port 22: Connection refused
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
VM: ssh: connect to host VM port 22: Connection refused
The: ssh: connect to host The port 22: Connection refused
which: ssh: connect to host which port 22: Connection refused
Client: ssh: connect to host Client port 22: Connection refused
will: ssh: connect to host will port 22: Connection refused
try: ssh: connect to host try port 22: Connection refused
guard.: ssh: connect to host guard. port 22: Connection refused
stack: ssh: connect to host stack port 22: Connection refused
highly: ssh: connect to host highly port 22: Connection refused
have: ssh: connect to host have port 22: Connection refused
VM: ssh: connect to host VM port 22: Connection refused
the: ssh: connect to host the port 22: Connection refused
guard: ssh: connect to host guard port 22: Connection refused
that: ssh: connect to host that port 22: Connection refused
or: ssh: connect to host or port 22: Connection refused
fix: ssh: connect to host fix port 22: Connection refused
slaver2: stopping datanode
slaver1: stopping datanode
master: stopping datanode
Stopping secondary namenodes [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'
-c: Unknown cipher type 'cd'
master: stopping secondarynamenode
Client: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Client: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
loaded: ssh: Could not resolve hostname loaded: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
disabled: ssh: Could not resolve hostname disabled: Temporary failure in name resolution
The: ssh: Could not resolve hostname The: Temporary failure in name resolution
highly: ssh: Could not resolve hostname highly: Temporary failure in name resolution
try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard: Temporary failure in name resolution
which: ssh: Could not resolve hostname which: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution
recommended: ssh: Could not resolve hostname recommended: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
will: ssh: Could not resolve hostname will: Temporary failure in name resolution
It's: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It's: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
that: ssh: Could not resolve hostname that: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
'-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname '-z: Temporary failure in name resolution
<libfile>',: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>',: Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
'execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 'execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
or: ssh: Could not resolve hostname or: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack'.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack'.: Temporary failure in name resolution
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
might: ssh: Could not resolve hostname might: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard.: ssh: connect to host guard. port 22: Connection refused
17/11/24 05:02:06 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
[root@master hadoop]# 








以前官网会提供32位的安装包,但目前提供的下载包为64位的,在linux 32位系统下安装后会一直提示错误“WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable ”,但官网又不提供32位系统下的安装包,所以我们只能自己编译打包源码。


# uname -i



大家可以到cd /home/hadoop/soft/hadoop-2.6.4/lib/native下,查看文件libhadoop.so.1.0.0,里面会显示Hadoop的位数,官网下载好的显示是64位的,截图如下:






2017-11-24 22:02:20

时间: 2025-01-27 23:30:05

17/11/24 05:08:44 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable的相关文章

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-ja

hadoop本地库与系统版本不一致引起的错误解决方法  WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform- using builtin-ja 一.运行环境: ubuntu-12.04 eclipse-4.2 hadoop-1.1.1 二.问题 在eclipse中执行wordcount例子出现如下问题,而在终端执行没有: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Una

HADOOP:WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable终于解决了

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 参考了网上很多办法,不行. 这个警告总觉得不爽.. 最近部署SPARK时,顺带解决了. URL参考如下" http://www.mak-blog.com/spark-on-yarn-setup-multinode.html     一,通常

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platfo

问题描述 hadoop新手!我把hadoop配置好后,测试上传文件到hdfs,结果报如下错误:WARNutil.NativeCodeLoader:Unabletoloadnative-hadooplibraryforyourplatform...usingbuiltin-javaclasseswhereapplicable不知道怎么解决了,求大神指点!谢谢![root@hadoop01~]#hadoopfs-put/root/testhdfshdfs://hadoop01:9000/jdk15/

warn-HDFS启动警告 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader

问题描述 HDFS启动警告 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader 启动HDFS报入校警告: [hadoop@hadoop tmp]$ start-dfs.sh 15/02/02 20:39:49 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Starting namen

《中国人工智能学会通讯》——11.24 本文的出发点:模仿人类视觉

11.24 本文的出发点:模仿人类视觉 表 1 列出了人类视觉系统实现视觉物体分割所依赖的能力及素材,以及计算机与之对应的能力和素材.可以看出二者之间具有很强的可类比性,因此,本文考虑借鉴人类视觉系统的成功经验来指导计算机实现视觉物体的分割.由于表1中前三种能力不能直接得到语义级的物体分割,我们将主要关注后面几种能力及其对应的素材.对于人来说,运动感知需要持续一定时间的序列视觉信号,计算机与之对应的能力是光流估计,而所需要的素材为视频.视差感知则需要两只眼睛同时有视觉信号的输入,计算机与之对应的

潜入邮箱“盗取”贷款240万 11·24跨国网络诈骗案告破



中新网11月30日电 据公安部网站消息,公安部11月30日在上海召开跨国网络诈骗案件通报会,向与会的各国驻华警务联络官.驻沪领馆领事.安全官及部分在沪合资企业.中小企业代表通报了上海公安机关近期侦破的"11·24"跨国网络诈骗案主要情况,并提出了防范建议. 近日,在公安部的统一部署指挥下,上海市公安局经过6个多月的缜密侦查,先后摧毁2个外国籍诈骗犯罪团伙,抓获奥姆托绍(男,33岁).卡泽姆(男,35岁)等9名外国籍犯罪嫌疑人,成功侦破公安部挂牌督办的"11·24"跨

careercup-中等难度 17.11

17.11 给定rand5(),实现一个方法rand7().也即,给定一个产生0到4(含)随机数的方法,编写一个产生0到6(含)随机数的方法. 解法: 这个函数要正确实现,则返回0到6之间的值,每个值的概率必须为1/7. 1 第一个尝试(调用次数固定) 第一个尝试时,我们可能会想产生出0到9之间的值,然后再除以7取余数.代码大致如下: int rand7() { int v=rand5()+rand5(); return v%7; } 可惜的是,上面的代码无法以相同的概率产生所有值. 方法二:

[11.29-12.05日] 一周重要资讯清单

★ 投资事件 &http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/37954.html">nbsp;    2008-12-04  纪源资本携经纬创投 助汇通天下完成第一轮融资     2008-12-02  远梦家纺引入今日资本1959万美元投资 谋新扩张 ★ 上市事件 2008-12-05  上海电气5日登陆A股市场 整体发展战略再迈一步     2008-12-03  联合科技4日IPO 成首个登陆韩交所主板中国企业 ★ 并购事件 2008-12