1. 首先把源码包打开,进入dmalloc文件夹
2. ./configure 配置Makefile,我是加了线程选项的,所以我的是./configure --enable-threads
3. 生成Makefile之后,需要修改makefile里面的编译选项 cc和cxx
4. 然后make
5. make install
1. 进入test
2. 用交叉编译工具编译arm_v5t_le-gcc mem.c -o mem -ldmalloc,这里记得加-ldmalloc这个编译选项,这样才能使用dmalloc。
1. 从PC的/usr/local/bin 拷贝dmalloc 文件到开发板的目录/bin
2. 从PC的/usr/local/lib 拷贝相关的.a文件到开发板的目录/usr/lib
3. 从PC的/usr/local/include 拷贝dmalloc.h 文件到开发板的目录/usr/include
4. 输入配置文件命令 export DMALLOC_OPTIONS=log=logname,debug=0x3
这里的logname是一个我们输入的文件,以后的编译debug信息会打印进去,0x3是debug的选项,详细的可以看http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/Linux-For-Devices-Articles/ELJonline-BRMemory-Leak-Detection-in-Embedded-Systems/ 我下面也把编译选项贴过来了。
The following is a list of the tests and the corresponding bits to set in ``debug'':
* none (nil): no functionality (0)
* log-stats (lst): log general statistics (0x1)
* log-non-free (lnf): log non-freed pointers (0x2)
* log-known (lkn): log only known non-freed (0x4)
* log-trans (ltr): log memory transactions (0x8)
* log-admin (lad): log administrative info (0x20)
* log-blocks (lbl): log blocks when heap-map (0x40)
* log-bad-space (lbs): dump space from bad pointers (0x100)
* log-nonfree-space (lns): dump space from non-freed pointers (0x200)
* log-elapsed-time (let): log elapsed time for allocated pointer (0x40000)
* log-current-time (lct): log current time for allocated pointer (0x80000)
* check-fence (cfe): check fencepost errors (0x400)
* check-heap (che): check heap adm structs (0x800)
* check-lists (cli): check free lists (0x1000)
* check-blank (cbl): check mem overwritten by alloc-blank, free-blank (0x2000)
* check-funcs (cfu): check functions (0x4000)
* force-linear (fli): force heap-space to be linear (0x10000)
* catch-signals (csi): shut down program on SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM (0x20000)
* realloc-copy (rco): copy all re-allocations (0x100000)
* free-blank (fbl): overwrite freed memory space with BLANK_CHAR (0x200000)
* error-abort (eab): abort immediately on error (0x400000)
* alloc-blank (abl): overwrite newly alloced memory with BLANK_CHAR (0x800000)
* heap-check-map (hcm): log heap-map on heap-check (0x1000000)
* print-messages (pme): write messages to stderr (0x2000000)
* catch-null (cnu): abort if no memory available (0x4000000)
* never-reuse (nre): never reuse freed memory (0x8000000)
* allow-free-null (afn): allow the frees of NULL pointers (0x20000000)
* error-dump (edu): dump core on error and then continue (0x40000000)