Inheritance and polymorphism


sealed keyword.

base keyword.

protected keyword.

Contain/delegate model(has-a relationship):

Class A



Partial class B


  protected A a=new A();


public partial class B


  protected A a=new A();

  public A AProperty


    set{ return a; }

    get{ a=value; }




Nested type definition:

public class OuterClass


  public class PublicInnerClass(){}

  private class PrivateInnerClass(){}



virtual and override keyword


Class B: A


  public override sealed void GetPropertyX()






Abstract class(cannot new)

Abstract method only can define in abstract class.


Member shadowing:

Class A


  public string shapeName;

  public void Draw()


      //doing something that we cannot modify




Class B: A


  protected new string shapeName;

  public new void Draw()


      //doing what we want




Base/derive converting rule:

Object o=new A();// "is-a" relationship

Baseclass bc=new Derivedclass();


"as" and "is" keyword


"as": Convert when running,

object is not compatible will return null,

Object is null will throw NullReferenceException;

"is": not compatible will return false;

时间: 2024-08-17 13:14:38

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