2014年5月3日, 第140届德比赛马(Kentucky Derby)在肯塔基隆重举行。二十匹3岁大的纯种马完成了1.25英里号称“运动场上最伟大的两分钟”的冲刺。
过去几年涌现出的诸多产品、服务以及技术,都在产生新的、或更好的数据,甚至新的工具,来帮助赛马结果预测人员和赌者下赌注。譬如像赛马王国(Horse Racing Nation)和Thoro-Graph这样的网站,它们通过数据并运用分析工具,帮助赛马结果预测人员做出更准确的预测从而赢钱。
即使是克里托马斯(Kerry Thomas) 那样专门分析马的行为学的专业人员也开始逐步采纳大数据方法。
残疾工具的使用也不是什么新玩意了。还有值得一提的是,安德鲁拜耳在1970年代设计了一种能用来衡量赛马水平高低的数值,称作“拜耳速值”(Beyer Speed Figures),这个数值就是基于赛程完成的时间长短和不同赛道内在的速度而计算出来的一个复杂的统计分析结果。
On Saturday, May 3, the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby tookplace.
Twenty 3-year-old Thoroughbreds took a 1.25-mile sprint in whatis commonly referred to as “The Greatest Two Minutes in Sports.”
For casual horse-racing fans, the Derby is likely one of only acouple times each year to tune in and physically watch a race.
For those of us located in the middle of horse-racing country,it is a rare excuse to show up and show off a unique piece of our culture.
Though the industry currently is hosting a debate over thecommonly accepted notion that horse racing is a dying sport, no one can contestthat horse racing is as relevant as it was in the mid-20th century.
Wagering is down 30 percent over the past decade in the UnitedStates as well, so the numbers don’t look good.
Data, analytics arechanging the industry
However, there are many who see renewed interest in horseracing, at least partially as a result of big data.
The Derby provides a great opportunity to examine how therapidly changing world of big data and analytics is changing the horse-racingindustry.
While a useful exercise in almost any field, horse racing is particularlyinteresting because of the inherent drama of a result in two minutes or less —and the naturally data-rich nature of the sport.
The past few years have revealed a number of products, servicesand technologies that aim to provide new data, better data or new tools to thetraditional bag of tricks for handicappers and bettors.
Websites such as Horse Racing Nation and Thoro-Graph smash dataand some analysis tools together, behind a pay wall in most cases, to givehandicappers a leg up on the competition.
Even horse behavioral analysts such as Kerry Thomasare beginning to make their way into the picture.
In addition, Trakus is an innovative piece of hardware thatslips into the saddle of horses on a number of tracks, communicating real-timepositioning and speed data to animations of the races aimed at enhancing theproduction of races (instant replays, etc.).
But it also has a strong value proposition for analyzing deeperdata on how well the jockey designed his or her ride.
Handicapping tools are also not a brand new phenomenon, either.
The Beyer Speed Figures, first introduced to the racing publicvia the Daily Racing Form in 1992, are an advanced statistical analysis ofhorses, based on the final time and the inherent speed over the track on whichthe race was run.
However, just because you have big data doesn’t guaranteesuccess in predicting the future. Not even close.
Recently, Google Inc.’s much-vaunted Flu Trends — which usesaggregated Google search data to estimate flu activity — has taken flack forinaccuracies and a lack of overall scientific validation.
And many people still swear by “small data,” such as theexperience of legendary oddsmakers such as Mike Battagliaand use his favorites to influence their bets.
Building atechnology-driven ecosystem
So, can big data save horse racing?
As the technologies and tools for taking huge data sets andturning them into sensible and useful information packets continues to improve,it seems natural for horse racing to embrace new services and products designednot just to create great fortunes but also great experiences.
The viability of horse racing, like any sport, is determined bythe drama on the surface of play, but building a technology-driven ecosystemaround the sport certainly adds convenience and interest around horse racing’sprovocative gaming component.
In any case, here’s to agreat 2014Run for the Roses.