What is SAP hybris?

What is SAP hybris?




On one level, it is an eCommerce suite of highly
integrated products for selling principally online, geared towards higher end


These include tools to design your web site using
pages and components, a product information management tool, a customer service
tool, back office management tools, enterprise search tooling, marketing
related functionality, and lots more.


This standard tooling is available from a number of
sample web sites called storefronts based on Spring MVC applications called
accelerators, which help reduce a lot of the graft from a project. There are
examples for B2C, B2B, China, Financial Services, Telco and others are emerging
too. The gap between these closes between releases too, so we see functionality
from one accelerator such as B2B start to become available in other
accelerators too, which is great because the lines between these become more
and more blurry as the eCommerce marketplace evolves

This is built with extensibility in mind using a rich
set of patterns-based tooling that any Java developer can quickly understand,
although the sheer quantity of functionality can be somewhat daunting.


On another level, hybris is a brand within SAP
encompassing a related product line, mostly relating to marketing tools and a
microservice platform, so be careful if you are looking at something that isn't
called the commerce suite - it may not have the same customization
characteristics that you are expecting.


And of course, hybris is the name of the company that
SAP acquired some years ago, the brand value being acknowledged as strong
enough to not only survive, but be adopted strategically in related products
even now.




时间: 2024-08-21 20:10:29

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