SAP MM FK08 (Confirm change vendor) Usage Research

SAP MM FK08 (Confirm change vendor)
Usage Research

As we known that
SAP system has a transaction code FK08 can be used to confirm change vendor.  


This functionality
was not setup in my previous SAP projects.


If we want to use
this functionality, we need to define some sensitive fields for vendor master
data first.


  1. If we
    want to define the sensitive fields for vendor, please go to below configuration,




For example, here
we define the NAME1 field as the sensitive field of vendor master data.


  1. Now I
    change the vendor master data, before change,



Now change the
name into ‘Domestic Vendor2’, and save it,



A new window pop
up with message ‘Change to general data must be confirmed’, this message was
caused by the previous configuration. We click ‘Enter’ key to save this change
of vendor master data.


  1. Before
    I execute FK08 to confirm this change, I use the vendor report MKVZ to see this



The new name was
displayed here.


And use ME21N to
create a new purchase order using this vendor,



There is no any
problem, no any warning message or error message, the new name affected.


  1. From
    my testing, the vendor confirm functionality (FK08) cannot control anything for
    the purchasing business process.


2017-09-28 写于无锡市新吴区梅村



时间: 2024-09-16 16:34:18

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