SAP S/4 HANA - Simple, Scalable, Sustainable and Smart!

SAP S/4 HANA - Simple, Scalable, Sustainable and


In the age of Digital Enterprises where disruption takes place every
, Information Technology impacts every facet of
business making it core like any other business function (Finance, Supply Chain
or Product development etc). CXO’s expect IT to take lead in transformational change, operational excellence towards customer value addition and providing
continuous innovation. IT cannot continue to operate as a black box with
unlimited budgets and long implementation timelines. The name of the game is Simplicity,
Sustainable, Scalable and Smart.


Various organizations and business across the world
have invested heavily in SAP implementations, leveraging its business rich
features, functionality and processes. Over a period of time numerous
modifications, enhancements and additional features including customizations;
SAP implementations have become overly complex and rigid. The increased
complexity has restricted (at-least slowed down) organizations ability to
simplify, innovate along with increased TCO. SAP customer base has expressed an
obvious concern and frustration often questioning SAP’s transformational abilities of providing business value by offering robust
yet simplified, agile and elegant solutions. SAP has made various attempts in
past to address concerns including various acquisitions like Business Objects,
Sybase, SuccessFactors, Ariba to name a few along with heavily investing in
HANA. However it failed to deliver the results expected by industry as these
solutions were introduced as on-off solutions vs integrated. SAP is not the
only one, its competitor Oracle has been trying to offer its Fusion platform
since last ten years.


Recently, Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP along with Dr.
Hasso Plattner, Chariman of SAP the Supervisory Board launched SAP S/4HANA;
calling it as the next generation of business suite and it's greatest
innovation since R3 and ERP. As per Bill McDermott “SAP is redefining the concept of enterprise resource planning for the 21st
century. SAP S/4HANA is about uniting software and people to build businesses
that run real-time, networked and simple”. The approach embraced by SAP aligns with what I call pressing the "Reset Button" i.e leveraging last known operationally effective state.


What is S/4 HANA?

S4/HANA stands for Simple 4th Generation SAP business
suite solutions that will run on HANA. S4/HANA is not a new innovation like
HANA, nor it is a set of new features and functionality in SAP ERP, it is a
simplified version of SAP ERP that integrates and leverages various solutions
and technologies in SAP arsenal. S/4HANA is SAP’s core software reimagined, rebuilt to capitalize on the significant
simplification that the HANA platform provides. It is a packaged solution that
SAP ERP at its core (simplified) optimized to run on HANA platform, designed
with SAP Fiori for richer user experience that is easily configurable and
deployed on Cloud and On Premise. It’s key objective is to deliver massive simplifications, enrichment and
innovations to its diverse customer base.

The simplification comes by eliminating aggregates and
indices, eliminating duplication of data, systematically separating Actual from
Historical, and not requiring batch transaction or analytics queries. It
provides an integrated Transaction Processing and Analytics data system that
fundamentally changes how we build the enterprise software. S4/HANA will
provide real-time access to all its users and use cases, and new features that
capitalize on the fact that all queries come back fast enough for the user to
explore the data.


Simple – Complexity is the most intractable business problem
that all companies face today. Today’s reality is that many companies have system environments that are difficult
to manage acting as enemy to agility and innovation. S4/HANA allows us to unify
all the ERP data sets – unlocking deeper integration scenarios and
another depth of insights. Integrating SAP ECC with CRM, SRM, SCM, PLM and BW
is a project in its own. S4/HANA consolidates various systems into one
resulting in no overhead of integration and data flow across various systems.
As various applications will operate as single integrated systems, the data and
information across those systems will always be in sync. This will simplify the
code that executes in SAP application layer and will improve performance.
Guided Configuration, reduced data foot print higher through put and faster
analytics will further help IT to keep the system future ready.


Scalable and Sustainable – Internet of Things is driving innovation and
development cycles are getting shorter and more frequent often putting a demand
and expectation on IT systems to keep up the pace. One of the key challenges
faced by current SAP implementation is Total Cost of Ownership esp for upgrades
and new features. In last few years SAP has been strongly advocating migrating
to and/or implementing HANA but the software maturity coupled with hardware,
implementation and migration cost has been a major hurdle in building business
case. Customers had limited options available where they leverage Cloud
environment for enterprise class implementing. However at the same time, there
have been numerous SAP customers who have been able reap benefits from their investments
in HANA. S4/HANA addresses challenge by offering cloud and on premise solution
making the solution more sustainable. Additionally companies don’t have to spend millions of dollars on HANA hardware -
simplified data model, Dynamic Tiering and Smart Data Access will help in
shrinking the footprint of HANA hardware. HANA does support Scale Up (Vertical)
and Scale Out (Horizontal) options from the very beginning but you cannot mix
and match the different hardware configurations. This does put a constraint on
organization as they grow because they may end up in a situation where they
have to upgrade their entire stack (Master, Index and Slave nodes/servers).


Smart (User Experience) – I was in Australia on a speaking engagement on SAP
User Experience and Mobility. On my way to the hotel, the cab driver inquired
about me purpose of my visit. Upon learning that I am on SAP speaking
he immediately told me that he works in plant and all his co-workers complain
about SAP UI and various challenges associated with using and learning SAP. My
interaction with him made me think deeper – Has SAP over complicated its UI by having hundreds and thousands of
screens/views and dozens of UI related technologies? Of course SAP response is
to implement Fiori and Personas to have better UI but it has to be a separate
project. How many organizations will be willing to build a case of having
simplified and enhanced User Experience and demonstrate ROI on it especially
when business leaders are still waiting and complaining about the core
functionality? In the age of Mobility, enriched User Experience is an assumed
thing. S4/HANA addresses this issue head on but having its UI is based on Fiori
(HTML 5). During the launch event, SAP demonstrated workflow that can be managed
through Smart Watch. Let’s hope SAP continues in investing and integrating in
richer UI technologies that can meet the expectations of today’s mobile workforce.


Why go for SAP S/4 HANA?

Consolidation of systems ERP, CRM, SRM, SCM, PLM – all in one

Ease and simpler system upgrades

Personalized, Responsive and intuitive User Experience – Fiori based UI supporting access from various end
user computing technologies including wearable’s.

Guided Configuration for faster setup and shorter
development/deployment cycles.

Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid) and On premise solution
supporting multi-tenancy.

Reduced Data Footprint from improved and faster
in-memory processing; removed unnecessary indices, aggregates

Integration of OLAP and OLTP


My Point of View

It is quite refreshing to see SAP has recognized the
need to simplify things and going back to its core competencies of world class
enterprise software. There is a clear writing on wall the next generation of
software has to be simple, scalable and sustainable. SAP must ensure that it
doesn't try to pitch and oversell SAP HANA as a magic pill that solves
everything. SAP memory based solution must co-exist with other open source
technologies especially in the world of Big Data and Internet of Things. To
keep up with speed of innovation and change, companies will prefer keeping
their options open that including leveraging best of the breed solution vs SAP
lock in for its enterprise needs. Integration will be a key in achieving it and
SAP must focus on how it can enhance its integration capabilities (On Prim and
In Cloud). Its current offering of NW PI and HCI needs to be architected and
aligned with S4/HANA. SAP needs to ensure that this initiative is supported and
sustained by continuous innovation that includes delivery and integration of
various modules in S4/HANA. SAP needs to publish its roadmap of S4/HANA
alignment and integration with various industry verticals like FMS, Utilities
and others. There is no doubt that it is a bold and right step. As Hasso quoted
on indicating “If this doesn't work, were dead. Its that simple.”


Source of images - SAP

Author is Chair for ASUG SIG Integration
Technologies and E-Business
and Customer Chair
for ASUG SAP Influence Council on Cloud Packaged Solution covering Ariba, Cloud
for Customer (C4C), Success Factors and HANA Cloud Integration (HCI).






时间: 2024-08-01 00:08:30

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文章讲的是SAP开发负责人:HANA担起大数据开发重任,在一年一度的开发者与技术大会上,SAP公司公布了其在SAP HANA数据平台编程领域所取得的切实进步以及深层细节.更具体地讲,开发者关系负责人Thomas Grassl宣布在最近于加利福尼亚州举办的Code Jam编程挑战赛上,已经有各种类型.各个级别的程序开发人员着手尝试基于SAP HANA的应用程序与代码流. Grassl指出,“SAP HANA为开发人员们提供全新机遇,由其带来的改变使我们能够实现大数据应用程序的设计.创建以及投付生产