[20150529]man tmux less.txt

[20150529]man tmux less.txt



$  echo $TERM

#  echo $TERM


$  pstree -a

|-tmux new-sessio -s 89
  |   |-bash
  |   |-bash
  |   |-bash
  |   |   `-pstree -a
  |   `-bash
  |       `-man ps
  |           `-sh -c ...
  |               `-sh -c ...
  |                   `-less -is


export PAGER=/bin/more


-X or --no-init
      Disables sending the termcap initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal.  This is sometimes
      desirable if the deinitialization string does something unnecessary, like clearing the screen.


export PAGER='/usr/bin/less -isX'


$  rpm -qc man

PAGER       /usr/bin/less -is
BROWSER     /usr/bin/less -is
PAGER       /usr/bin/less -isX
BROWSER     /usr/bin/less -isX

时间: 2024-07-30 10:47:45

[20150529]man tmux less.txt的相关文章


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[20170711]关于tmux共享会话问题.txt --//星期6,7看了一些tmux相关数据,学习如何共享会话,老外给它起一个很好听的名字叫做结对编程(Pair Programming). --//参考书籍Pragmatic.Bookshelf.tmux.2.Productive.Mouse-Free.Development.1680502212.pdf 1.做简单的方法: --session 1 : $ tmux --session 2 : $ tmux attach 2.上面例子很简单,

[20170708]tmux script例子.txt

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