SAP MM 103+105 Movement Type初探

MM 103+105 Movement Type初探


1>PO number:

GR with 103 movement type,



to see the accounting document for this material document,

is NO accounting document.


to see the stock,


got ‘on-order stock’ and ‘GR blocked stock’ at the same time, the same


with 105 movement type,



to display the accounting document for this material document,


got accounting document for this material document.


to see the stock again,


‘on-order stock’ and ‘GR blocked stock’ disappeared at the same time!



There is no
accounting document for the material document when we GR with 103 movement
type, after GR with 103 movement type, we have ‘on-order stock’ and ‘GR blocked
stock’ at the same time and the same quantity. The PO is still an open PO.

There are accounting
documents generated for the material document when we GR with 105 movement
type, after GR with 105 movement type, the ‘on-order stock’ and ‘GR blocked
stock’ disappears at the same time. The PO is closed PO.







时间: 2024-09-20 11:43:08

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