第九章、 类与面向对象
1) 类
Inheritance is based on attribute lookup in Python (in X.name expressions).
In X.method, the meaning of method depends on the type (class) of X.
Methods and operators implement behavior; data hiding is a convention by default.
class C1():
def __init__(self, who):
self.name = who
I1 = C1('bob')
print I1.name #bob
2) 命名空间
X = 11 # Global (module) name/attribute (X, or manynames.X)
def f():
print(X) # Access global X (11)
def g():
X = 22 # Local (function) variable (X, hides module X)
class C:
X = 33 # Class attribute (C.X)
def m(self):
X = 44 # Local variable in method (X)
self.X = 55 # Instance attribute (instance.X)
print(X) # 11: module (manynames.X outside file)
f() # 11: global
g() # 22: local
print(X) # 11: module name unchanged
obj = C() # Make instance
print(obj.X) # 33: class name inherited by instance
obj.m() # Attach attribute name X to instance now
print(obj.X) # 55: instance
print(C.X) # 33: class (a.k.a. obj.X if no X in instance)
#print(C.m.X) # FAILS: only visible in method
#print(g.X) # FAILS: only visible in function
3) Self参数
4) __init__构造器
class C1(): # Make and link class C1
def setname(self, who): # Assign name: C1.setname
self.name = who # Self is either I1 or I2
I1 = C1() # Make two instances,
I1.setname('bob') # Sets I1.name to 'bob'
print(I1.name) # Prints 'bob'
5) 继承搜索的方法
An inheritance search looks for an attribute first in the instance object, then in the class the instance was created from, then in all higher superclasses, progressing from the bottom to the top of the object tree, and from left to right (by default).
6) 一个例子
class AttrDisplay:
def gatherAttrs(self):
attrs = []
for key in sorted(self.__dict__):
attrs.append('%s=%s' % (key, getattr(self, key)))
return ', '.join(attrs)
def __str__(self):
return '[%s: %s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.gatherAttrs())
class Person(AttrDisplay): #Making Instances
def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0): # Add defaults
self.name = name # Constructor takes 3 arguments
self.job = job # Fill out fields when created
self.pay = pay # self is the new instance object
def lastName(self): # Assumes last is last
return self.name.split()[-1]
def giveRaise(self, percent): # Percent must be 0..1
self.pay = int(self.pay * (1 + percent))
class Manager(Person):
def __init__(self, name, pay):
Person.__init__(self, name, 'mgr', pay)
def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):
Person.giveRaise(self, percent + bonus)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Allow this file to be imported as well as run/tested
bob = Person('Bob Smith')
sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)
print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())
tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000)
时间: 2024-11-02 11:53:36