- 蓝牙串口通信数据接收问题
数据。2 是以F1 开头的12个字节的数据。以下是我接收的数据03-12 14:08:03.214: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12140001000000304000076
03-12 14:08:04.144: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: f1
03-12 14:08:04.178: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 11. InStream.read() buffer is: 2100001000000304000036
03-12 14:08:05.140: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: f1
03-12 14:08:05.172: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 10. InStream.read() buffer is: 21400010000003040000
03-12 14:08:05.173: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: 76
03-12 14:08:05.223: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: f1
03-12 14:08:05.225: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 9. InStream.read() buffer is: 214000100000030300
03-12 14:08:05.258: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 2. InStream.read() buffer is: 0071
03-12 14:08:08.711: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000000303000031
03-12 14:08:09.664: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: f1
03-12 14:08:09.665: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 9. InStream.read() buffer is: 214000100000030300
03-12 14:08:09.698: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 2. InStream.read() buffer is: 0071
03-12 14:08:15.959: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000000303000031
03-12 14:08:17.244: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000003c0300000e
03-12 14:08:17.681: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 11. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000003c033000
03-12 14:08:17.692: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: 3e
03-12 14:08:18.374: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: f1
03-12 14:08:18.388: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 10. InStream.read() buffer is: 2100001000003c043000
03-12 14:08:18.395: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 1. InStream.read() buffer is: 39
03-12 14:08:20.252: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000000204000037
03-12 14:08:22.713: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12100001000000203000030
03-12 14:08:26.756: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12140001000000203000070
03-12 14:08:30.268: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f12140001000001a03000068
03-12 14:08:31.775: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 12. InStream.read() buffer is: f10100001000001a03000008
03-12 14:08:32.730: D/BluetoothService(31197): --buffer.length is: 10. InStream.read() buffer is: f12140001000001a0300部分代码如下:
public void run() {
Log.i(TAG, "BEGIN mConnectedThread");
byte[] buffer = new byte[12];
byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[100];
int bytes;
int index = 0;
int sum = 0;
// Keep listening to the InputStream while connected
while (true) {
try {
// Read from the InputStream
if (mmInStream.available() > 0) {
if (D)
Log.d(TAG, mmInStream.available()
+ " 1 mminsream---" + index + " " + sum
+ " " +tempBuffer[0]+ (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF1)+ " (tempBuffer[0]==(byte)0xF5)="
+ (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF5)
+ " (tempBuffer[0]==(byte)0xF2)="
+ (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF2));
bytes = mmInStream.read(buffer);byte[] arr = new byte[bytes]; if (buffer[0] == (byte) 0xF1 || buffer[0] == (byte) 0xF5 || buffer[0] == (byte) 0xF2 || sum > 12) { index = 0; sum = 0; } System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, arr, 0, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { if (i > 0 && (arr[i] == (byte) 0xF1 || arr[i] == (byte) 0xF2 || arr[i] == (byte) 0xF5)) { Log.d(TAG, "break i =" + i + (i > 0 && (arr[i] == (byte) 0xF1 || arr[i] == (byte) 0xF2 || arr[i] == (byte) 0xF5))); break; } tempBuffer[i + index] = arr[i]; sum++; } if (D) Log.d(TAG, mmInStream.available() + " 2 mminsream---" + index + " " + sum + " (tempBuffer[0]==(byte)0xF1)=" + (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF1) + " (tempBuffer[0]==(byte)0xF5)=" + (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF5) + " (tempBuffer[0]==(byte)0xF2)=" + (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF2) + " sum=" + sum); index = index + bytes; if (sum == 12 && tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF1) { // Send the obtained bytes to the UI Activity Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(BUNDLE_TYPE, MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ); bundle.putByteArray("buffer", tempBuffer); bundle.putInt("length", sum); showMessage(bundle); index = 0; sum = 0; } if (sum == 3 && (tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF2 || tempBuffer[0] == (byte) 0xF5)) { // Send the obtained bytes to the UI Activity Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(BUNDLE_TYPE, MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ); bundle.putByteArray("buffer", tempBuffer); bundle.putInt("length", sum); showMessage(bundle); index = 0; sum = 0; }