
Written In The Font

  I  like maths when i was young,but I need to record them. So I am writing with some demos of Python



  If two events, A and B are independent then the joint probability is




For example, if two coins are flipped the chance of both being heads is


In Python

A = set([1,2,3,4,5])
B = set([2,4,3,5,6])
C = set([4,6,7,4,2,1])

print(A & B & C)


{2, 4}

# & find the objects  the same in Set


   If either event A or event B or both events occur on a single performance of an experiment this is called the union of the events A and B denoted as:


  If two events are mutually exclusive then the probability of either occurring is




For example, the chance of rolling a 1 or 2 on a six-sided die is



In Python

A = set([1,2,3,4,5])
B = set([2,4,3,5,6])
C = set([4,6,7,4,2,1])

print(A | B | C)


{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

# | find all the objects the set has

  If the events are not mutually exclusive then





For example:

  Let’s use Python to show u an example about devil's bones (骰子,不是 魔鬼的骨头哈)

A = set([1,2,3,4,5,6])  # the all results of devil's bones
B = set([2,4,3])        # the A event results
C = set([4,6])          # the B event results 

P_B =  1/2
P_C =  1/3

D = B | C

P_D = 2/3

print(P_D == (P_B+P_C - 1/6))


{2, 3, 4, 6}

Let me show u some others :



If u r tired , please have a tea , or look far to make u feel better.If u r ok, Go on!

  Conditional probability is the probability of some event A, given the occurrence of some other event B. Conditional probability is written:


   Some authors, such as De Finetti, prefer to introduce conditional probability as an axiom of probability:

Given two events A and B from the sigma-field of a probability space
with P(B) > 0, the conditional probability of A given Bis defined as
the quotient of the probability of the joint of events A and B, and the
probability of B:  


  the ①② expressions  are the same. Maybe u can remember
one , the other will be easy to be coverted.So I am going to tell an
excemple to let u remmeber it(them):


  “the phone has a power supply (B), the phone can be used to call others(A).”

  One →   : When the phone has a full power supply , u can call others.

  Two →P(B): has   a power supply           

  Three = One +  Two → U can call others about your love with others.


do u remember it?



Editor's Note



The Next

            cya soon. We meet a big mess called The total probability and Bayes .


      The total probability


      Bayes (Thomas, 1702-1761,) ; 


if u wanna talk with me , add the follow:


时间: 2024-08-03 17:02:48



正文 内容来自 概率论相关书籍 及 资料,有疑问请留言. 随机试验 · 样本空间 任何一个过程,如果它的结果是随机的(无法事前知道),那么该过程就称为一个随机试验(E).具有三个性质: (1)每次试验的可能结果不止一个,并且能事先明确试验的所有可能结果. (2)进行一次试验之前无法确定哪一个结果会出现. (3) 可以在同一条件下重复进行试验. 实验所有可能的结果组成一个集合(set),叫做样本空间(sample space),用S表示.   举个例子  连续掷一个硬币两次:  S={HH,HT,

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The total probability In the Set :                                                                    The law of total probability is the proposition that if is a finite or countably infinitepartition of a sample space (in other words, a set of pairw


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Content Random variable Random variable is usually understood to mean a real-valued random variable; this discussion assumes real values. A random variable is a real-valued function defined on a set of possible outcomes, the sample space Ω. That is,

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Java作为一门名副其实的工业级语言,语法友好,学习简单,大规模的应用给代码质量的管控带来了困难,特别是团队开发中,开发过程中的规范会直接影响最终项目的稳定性. 善医者"未有形而除之",提高工程健壮性最好的方式是在代码出现问题之前就排除掉,不给Bug出现的机会.一份好的开发规范就可以起到这样的作用,大大减少产品上线后的问题.  <阿里巴巴Java开发手册>是阿里巴巴的内部编码规范,阿里官方的Java代码规范标准, 手册以Java应用开发为维度,分为编程规约.异常日志规约.M


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操作竞价依靠的是自己的实战经验,而不是靠嘴巴吹出来的.在春节之前我在A5上发表了一篇文章<分析站长赔钱的四大原因>结果被各大网站进行转载上万次.很多人就加我的QQ,说龙哥我能不能跟你付费学习竞价,说实话以前没有想过带徒弟或者培训别人的. 因为我自己操作竞价赚钱,并不代表别人也能通过竞价赚到钱.后面有一个郑州的学员硬要跟我学,然后就带了一个学员,我当时想,如果他一个月时间没有赚到钱,就把钱退给他.结果跟我学习的第三天就出单了,只花了8元的广告费.后面更让我对我这套竞价技术自信,于是开始接着了带了


自从我A5站长网发表了新网站如何快速赚钱以后,很多站长加我为好友,向我请教如何做网站推广;如何快速地学会网站SEO推广,以及快速学习SEO的捷径.现在我以过来人的身份说说我学习SEO的心得体会.若是那里不对请高手们指点. 本人从2009年下半年开始接触网站优化,买了很多关于网站优化.推广.SEO方面的书籍,发现好多书籍上老是讲理论知识,专业术语的让大家看的一头雾水,我通过用刻苦研究,发现了网站SEO不像好多人想像的那么复杂难学,我觉得我们只要会开发网站就能很好地学会网站SEO.为了大家能快速地学