
First of all, it is worth mentioning that Linux is not the only option available; other freely
available operating systems include the BSDs (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), Solaris Express,
Nexenta, and others. However, there are many GNU/Linux distributions available, and these
generally have support for the widest range of hardware and software. Most of these distributions
can be downloaded and used totally legally, even for production use. Of the Linux
distributions mentioned here, RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SuSE Linux Enterprise
Server (SLES) have restricted availability and access to updates; Oracle Solaris is restricted to a
90-day trial period for production use.


RHEL is the commercial distribution based on Fedora. It is particularly popular in North
America and much of Europe. Because the RHEL media includes RedHat trademarks and
some non-Free Software (such as the RedHat Cluster), distribution of the media is restricted
to licensed customers. However, the CentOS project rebuilds RHEL from source, removing

RedHat trademarks, providing a Linux distribution that is totally binary and source code–compatible
with RHEL. This can be very useful as a lot of commercial software for Linux is tested and
supported only on RHEL, but those vendors will often also support the application running on
CentOS, even if they do not support the OS itself.
RHEL itself is available by paid subscription only. However, CentOS and Oracle Enterprise Linux are
two clones built by stripping the RedHat trademarks from the source code and rebuilding in exactly
the same way as the RedHat binaries are built. CentOS is available from, and
Oracle Enterprise Linux is available from
Fedora is the community-maintained distribution that feeds into RHEL. It has a highly active,
generally very technical user base, and a lot of developments tested in Fedora first are then pushed
upstream (to the relevant project, be it GNOME, KDE, the Linux kernel, and so on). Like Ubuntu,
it has six-month releases, but a much shorter one-year support cycle. The technologies that have
been proven in Fedora make their way into RedHat Enterprise Linux. As with Ubuntu, KDE,
XFCE, and LXDE respins are available as well as the main GNOME-based desktop. DVD images
can be obtained from
SLES is Novell’s enterprise Linux. It is based on OpenSUSE, which is the community edition. SLES
and OpenSUSE are particularly popular in Europe, partly due to SuSE’s roots as a German company
before Novell purchased it in 2004. SuSE’s biggest differentiator from other Linux distributions is
its YaST2 configuration tool. SLES has a fairly stable release cycle; with a new major release every
2–3 years, it is updated more frequently than RHEL but less frequently than most other Linux
SLES is available for evaluation purposes from Like
RedHat Enterprise Linux, a support contract is required to use the full version.
OpenSUSE is to SLES as Fedora is to RHEL — a possibly less stable but more community-focused,
cutting-edge version of its Enterprise relative. Test versions are available before the official release.
OpenSUSE is available from The main OpenSUSE website is
Ubuntu is based on the Debian “testing” branch, with additional features and customizations. It is
very easy to install and configure, has lots of Internet forums providing support, and is a polished
GNU/Linux distribution. Ubuntu offers a Long-Term Support (LTS) release once every 2 years,
which is supported for 2 years on the desktop and 5 years for servers. There are also regular releases
every 6 months, which are numbered as YY-MM, so the 10-10 release (Lucid Lynx) was released in
October 2010. Although widely known for its desktop OS, the server version, without the graphical
features, is growing in popularity.
Ubuntu can be installed in many ways — from a CD/DVD, a USB stick, or even from within an
existing Windows installation. Instructions and freely downloadable media and torrents are available
from Many rebuilds of Ubuntu are also available: Kubuntu with KDE
instead of GNOME and Xubuntu with the XFCE window manager, as well Edubuntu, which
includes educational software, and the Netbook Edition tailored for netbook computers.
Debian is one of the older GNU/Linux distributions in mainstream use. It has a team of over 1,000
Debian developers, providing over 30,000 packages. The stable branch is generally released every
5 years or so, so the current stable release can be rather old, although plans are to increase the
frequency of stable releases. The testing branch is popular with many users, providing the latest

packages but without the unpredictability of the unstable branch. Debian CD/DVD images are
available for direct download, or via BitTorrent, from
Many hundreds of GNU/Linux distributions are available. The website
is an excellent resource with information on just about every distribution that exists, as well as other
Unix and Unix-like software. Some other popular distributions worth highlighting include Gentoo,
Damn Small Linux, Knoppix, Slackware, and Mandriva.

The BSDs

Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD, is one of the oldest Unix flavors. It has split into a number
of different developments, the main three of which are listed here. Each flavor of BSD has a different
focus which determines its development style.
FreeBSD is probably the most accessible of the BSDs, with support for a wider variety of hardware.
OpenBSD is a fork of NetBSD and is generally regarded as the most secure Unix system available,
and although its development is often slower, the resulting system is incredibly stable and secure.
OpenBSD is widely used as a router or firewall. As for version 4.9 which was released in May 2011,
only two remotely exploitable security holes have ever been found in a default install of OpenBSD.
Some operating systems find that many in one month.
NetBSD is the most portable of the BSDs, running on PC, Alpha, and PowerPC, as well as ARM,
HPPA, SPARC/SPARC64, Vax, and many others.

Proprietary Unix

Oracle Solaris traces its roots back to 1983, and is arguably the most feature-full and actively developed
enterprise OS on the market today. SunOS was originally based on BSD, but with the move to Solaris
switched to the System V flavor of Unix. Solaris today comes with the original Bourne shell as /bin/sh,
as well as ksh93, bash, csh, tcsh, and zsh shells. Solaris is available for SPARC and x86 architectures.
Oracle Solaris is available for download from
solaris/downloads/index.html, which can be used for free in nonproduction use, or on a
90-day trial basis. Solaris Express is a technical preview of the version of Solaris currently in development.
There is also OpenIndiana, a fork of OpenSolaris available at, and
Nexenta, another fork with a GNU user space, at
IBM AIX is IBM’s Unix for the Power architecture, based on System V Unix. It is available in an
Express edition (limited to four CPU cores and 8GB RAM), the Standard Edition (which does not
have the scalability limitations), and the Enterprise Edition (which adds extra monitoring tools and
features). At the time of this writing, the current version is AIX 7.1, released in September 2010.
HP-UX is HP’s Unix offering, based on System V Unix. It runs on PA-RISC and Intel Itanium systems.
At the time of this writing, the current version of HP-UX is 11iv3, released in April 2008.

Microsoft Windows

Cygwin is an environment that runs under Microsoft Windows, providing you with a fairly comprehensive
GNU toolset. If you can’t change to an OS that uses a shell natively, cygwin is a convenient way to
get a fully functioning bash shell and the core utilities (ls, dd, cat — just about everything you would

expect in your GNU/Linux distribution) without leaving Windows. This means that you have the GNU
tools such as grep, sed, awk, and sort working exactly as they do under Linux. Note that cygwin is
not an emulator — it provides a Windows DLL (cygwin1.dll) and a set of (mainly GNU) utilities
compiled as Microsoft Windows executables (.exe). These run natively under Windows; nothing is
emulated. Figure 2-1 shows cygwin in use. Notice that some of the binaries are named with the .exe
extension used by Microsoft DOS and Windows.


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  如何查看Linux系统使用的版本信息呢? 下面这篇文章收集.整理了一些常见的查看Linux系统版本的方法.由于手头只有Oracle Linux.Centos Linux.Redhat Linux三个版本Linux,所以像Debian.Ubuntu之类的Linux系统,下面方法在这些版本都没测试过. 1:more /etc/issue 命令查看 1.1 Oracle Linux 代码如下: [root@DB-Server ~]# more /etc/issueOracle Linux Serv


问题描述 如何测试软件包在不同的linux内核版本上的兼容性?软件包基本上都是开源的,光测试POSIX行吗? 客户要求评估用户态软件包在同步内核版本上的兼容性,软件包都是开源的,光测试POSIX可以吗?哪个大神能给些意见? 解决方案 从工程的角度来说,所有受支持的平台环境都要测试. 解决方案二: 都测试一下为好,万一有点不一样了 解决方案三: linux内核版本的迭代,对用户态接口的影响到底会有多大?

CentOS v7.0.1406已正式发布 企业级Linux发行版本

欢迎来到 CentOS-7 的首个发行版本.CentOS 是一个企业级的 Linux 发行版本,它源于 Red Hat1免费公开的源代码.CentOS 完全遵守 Red Hat 的再发行政策,并且致力与上游产品在功能上完全兼容.CentOS 对组件的修改主要是去除 Red Hat 的商标及美工图. 我们已决定不依从 Red Hat 的安装别名.">系统管理员在安装时可访问所有的「频道」.从


问题描述 OpenCL在Linux内核版本15.04上如何安装配置实验? 谁有有啥在15.04的Ubuntu上调试Open CL程序的经验分享一下?


问题描述 嵌入式设备linux内核版本的选择 有好多的嵌入式方案都是以2.x为主 国内公司一般跑linux qt的都是2.x 3.x在国内的资料没那么全 性能肯定好点 不知你要用那个架构的主控 解决方案 公司的话最好用成熟一点的,学习的话可以学新一点的. 解决方案二: 这个没多大选择余地,取决于你之前用的版本,稳定性,兼容性 解决方案三: 一般3.0 3.10 这些都是比较稳定 解决方案四: 现在好多都用3.0以上的版本了


1.3 查看Linux内核版本 Android深度探索(卷1):HAL与驱动开发 目前Linux内核主要维护3个版本:Linux 2.4.Linux 2.6和Linux 3.x,大多数Linux系统都使用了这3个版本的内核,其中Linux 2.6是目前使用最广泛的Linux内核版本,Android就使用了该内核版本.而Linux 2.4由于其内部设计缺陷(主要是进程调度上的缺陷),除了一些遗留Linux系统,已很少有新的Linux系统使用Linux 2.4了.Linux 3.x是最新推出的Lin


问题描述 比较精简的linux镜像版本 准备用qemu在windows上安装一个linux虚拟机,需要linux镜像, 在www.debian.org下了个小型安装映象,联网安装,装了一天还没装好, 所以想找个精简版的,不安装乱七八糟的软件,必要的软件自己来装, 正好学学怎么安装.但对linux不很懂,自己没找到,所以来求助了, 知道的给个链接吧(linux镜像文件,iso文件),先谢了! -------------------------------- 有没有最纯净的linux版本?? 解决方

《Linux从入门到精通(第2版)》——第1章 Linux操作系统 1.1 Linux操作系统版本

第1章 Linux操作系统 Linux原本只是内核的名称,但现在人们已经习惯将其视为一个操作系统.它最初是由芬兰的在校学生Linus Torvalds从Minix上开发出来的,并不断得到发展. Linux系统诞生时以开源的方式出现,从而引起爱好者不断地加入,这使得Linux系统在不断发展的同时,网络功能也越来越健全.随着Linux系统不断发展,使得商业操作系统长期垄断市场的模式被打破,为计算机技术做出了不可磨灭的贡献. 1.1 Linux操作系统版本 作为开放源代码的Linux操作系统(图1-1


问题描述 LSM在linux内核版本2.6.22之后如何注册安全模块 在2.6.22之前我们可以通过register_security(ops)注册安全模块,加载成功后就可以进行访问控制,而在版本较高的内核中,例如我用的3.4.70 调用register_security(ops)是不能成功的,而unregister_security()函数在security.c中是不存在的,请问这种情况下,如何注册安全模块以及如何撤销该模块? 最后还想问Linux内核这样改的原因是什么? 求高手讲解下,多谢

暗渡陈仓:用低消耗设备进行破解和渗透测试3.2 渗透测试Linux发行版本所需的功能特性

3.2 渗透测试Linux发行版本所需的功能特性 现在我们对Beagles上可用的系统已经有所了解,顺理成章地,我们该问自己什么功能特性应该是适合的渗透测试Linux发行版本必备的.被选择的发行版本应该提供良好的性能和社区支持,软件包仓库要包含绝大多数我们想要使用的工具,容易配置,并且工作可靠. 怎么才能实现良好的性能?所有Beagles系统板都使用ARMv7 Cortex A8处理器,这些芯片支持"硬件浮点"数学处理器.运行一个能够兼容老的ARM架构的支持"软浮点"