10 款非常棒的CSS代码格式化工具推荐

When you’re starting to learn CSS, it could means that your coding structure is not the best? Maybe you’re overusing some classes, adding more spaces than necessary or just typing lots of lines to solve something that can be easily fixed in a couple of lines? Well, take a quick look at some of these CSS tools and you’ll be writing brilliant CSS in no time at all!

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On our today’s post, you will find some neat tools that can help you format your CSS and make it look appropriately. Have fun!

1. CSS Lint

An online tool built to help you detect problems in your CSS coding. The tool does basic syntax assessing as well as applying a set of rules to the code that look for problematic patterns or signs of inefficiency.

Source + Demo

2. CSS Compressor

A helpful utility that helps you compress your CSS to increase loading speed and optimize your site. The tool allows you to choose between three compression levels, depending on the legibility / compression relation, you can also switch to advanced mode to set even more parameters.

Source + Demo

3. ProCSSor

A great free tool that helps you add format to your CSS code in the way you want, while enhancing your CSS to make it more lightweight and easier to read.

Source + Demo

4. Easy CSS Styler

The tool updates every change you make in real time, these changes include color, shape and measures. You can download the resulting easy and implement it on your site.

Source + Demo

5. Styleneat

A CSS processor that organizes and standardizes all your CSS selectors, sub-selectors and properties in a single structure that makes easier to establish page areas and see how they relate to each other.

Source + Demo


A PHP 5-driven CSS formatter that helps developers to write better CSS code. Some of the tool features include class nesting, server-side browser specifics, default units and variables.

Source + Demo

7. Normalize

A customizable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently while playing along with modern standards. The tool evaluates the main differences between the main browsers in order to detect the exact elements that need to be normalized.


8. CSS Pivot

With CSS Pivot you can add CSS styles to any website and share the result with a short link so others can see the improvements of your website.

Source + Demo

9. PrefixMyCSS

This nice tool is easy to use and will save you lots of writing time; first you’ll need to write the code, then paste the CSS and prefix!.

Source + Demo

10. CSS Prefixer

There’s no much to say about CSS Prefixer besides the fact that it can help you add format to your CSS with ease, just paste the code you want to enhance and voilà.

Source + Demo


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Author: jQuery4u author Sam Deering + is a lead Web Developer in Australia who enjoys blogging about jQuery.

Posted in Jquery and CSSJquery Tools

时间: 2024-09-20 09:44:51

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