mysql sql优化实例

mysql sql优化实例



# Query 3: 0.00 QPS, 0.00x concurrency, ID 0xDC6E62FA021C85B5 at byte 628331
# This item is included in the report because it matches --limit.
# Scores: V/M = 0.19
# Time range: 2016-09-24T15:14:24 to 2016-10-08T07:46:24
# Attribute    pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
# ============ === ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
# Count         12      50
# Exec time      6    623s     10s     16s     12s     15s      2s     11s
# Lock time      0    28ms   176us    12ms   553us   568us     2ms   287us
# Rows sent      0     162       3       5    3.24    4.96    0.67    2.90
# Rows examine  11 776.54k  13.80k  16.19k  15.53k  15.96k  761.60  15.96k
# Query size     7  12.74k     261     261     261     261       0     261
# String:
# Databases    wechat_prod
# Hosts        localhost
# Users        test
# Query_time distribution
#   1us
#  10us
# 100us
#   1ms
#  10ms
# 100ms
#    1s
#  10s+  ################################################################
# Tables
#    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `wechat_prod` LIKE 'product'\G
#    SHOW CREATE TABLE `wechat_prod`.`product`\G
#    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `wechat_prod` LIKE 'sys_members'\G
#    SHOW CREATE TABLE `wechat_prod`.`sys_members`\G
#    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `wechat_prod` LIKE 'product_sku'\G
#    SHOW CREATE TABLE `wechat_prod`.`product_sku`\G
SELECT `p`.`id`, `p`.`title`, `p`.`fare`, `p`.`sales`, `p`.`user_openid`, `u`.`nickname`, `s`.`price` FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN `sys_members` `u` ON p.user_openid = u.openid
 LEFT JOIN `product_sku` `s` ON s.product_id = ORDER BY `wd_sort` LIMIT 3\G

sql 分析

mysql> EXPLAIN /*!50100 PARTITIONS*/
    -> SELECT `p`.`id`, `p`.`title`, `p`.`fare`, `p`.`sales`, `p`.`user_openid`, `u`.`nickname`, `s`.`price` FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN `sys_members` `u` ON p.user_openid = u.openid
    ->  LEFT JOIN `product_sku` `s` ON s.product_id = ORDER BY `wd_sort` LIMIT 3\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: p
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 2413
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using temporary; Using filesort
*************************** 2. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: u
   partitions: NULL
         type: eq_ref
possible_keys: openid
          key: openid
      key_len: 152
          ref: wechat_prod.p.user_openid
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using where
*************************** 3. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: s
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 518
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)
3 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)


其中product表的分析结果为Extra: Using temporary; Using filesort,此结果表示使用了临时文件排序,product_sku表的分析结果为Extra: Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop),而此结果表示使用了循环查找,扫描了518行。


CREATE TABLE `product` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `title` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `description` varchar(1200) DEFAULT '' ,
  `cat_id` smallint(6) DEFAULT '1' ,
  `on_sell` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sort` int(8) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `nice` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `user_openid` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `is_return` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `fare` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `content` text COMMENT ,
  `add_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `sales` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
  `if_audit` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


CREATE TABLE `product_sku` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `product_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `count` int(8) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `price` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


alter table product add index user_openid(user_openid);
alter table product_sku add index product_id(product_id);


mysql> explain SELECT `p`.`id`, `p`.`title`, `p`.`fare`, `p`.`sales`, `p`.`user_openid`, `u`.`nickname`, `s`.`price` FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN `sys_members` `u` ON p.user_openid = u.openid LEFT JOIN `product_sku` `s` ON s.product_id = LIMIT 3;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref                      | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | p     | NULL       | ALL    | NULL          | NULL          | NULL    | NULL                     | 2413 |   100.00 | NULL        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | u     | NULL       | eq_ref | openid        | openid        | 152     | wechat_prod.p.user_openid |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | NULL       | ref    | product_id    | product_id    | 9       |          |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)



时间: 2024-08-01 01:27:39

mysql sql优化实例的相关文章

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Order by desc/asc limit M是我在mysql sql优化中经常遇到的一种场景,其优化原理也非常的简单,就是利用索引的有序性,优化器沿着索引的顺序扫描,在扫描到符合条件的M行数据后,停止扫描:看起来非常的简单,但是我经常看到很多性能较差的sql没有利用这个优化规律,下面将结合一些实际的案例来分析说明: 案例一: 一条sql执行非常的慢,执行时间为: root@test 02:00:44   SELECT * FROM test_order_desc WHERE  END_TI


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MySQL SQL优化之覆盖索引

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示例一:hint滥用 select /*+ ordered use_nl(b a c d)*/        *   from b,a,c,d  where b.col1 = a.col1    and a.col2 = c.col2    and a.col3 = d.col3    and a.dt  >= to_date('20010101 00:00:00','YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS')    and a.dt <   to_date('20010102 00:00:0


通常,我们会采用ORDER BY LIMIT start, offset 的方式来进行分页查询.例如下面这个SQL: SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE ftype=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100, 10; 或者像下面这个不带任何条件的分页SQL: SELECT * FROM `t1` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100, 10; 一般而言,分页SQL的耗时随着 start 值的增加而急剧增加,我们来看下面这2个不同起始值的分页SQL执行


对查询进行优化,要尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引. 应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行 null 值判断,否则将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描 select id from t where num is null 最好不要给数据库留NULL,尽可能的使用 NOT NULL填充数据库. 备注.描述.评论之类的可以设置为 NULL,其他的,最好不要使用NULL. 不要以为 NULL 不需要空间,比如:char(100) 型,在字段建立


有这样的一个需求:select count(distinct nick) from user_access_xx_xx; 这条sql用于统计用户访问的uv,由于单表的数据量在10G以上,即使在user_access_xx_xx上加上nick的索引, 通过查看执行计划,也为全索引扫描,sql在执行的时候,会对整个服务器带来抖动: root@db 09:00:12>select count(distinct nick) from user_access; +--------+ | count(dis


本系列分享的SQL优化实例,并不一定适用于所有相似SQL或所有场景.我们只是介绍一种方法,当你再次遇到类似SQL,可以根据真实场景,选择最适合的方案.另外,有疑问的时候,最好的办法就是测试,动手才能找到最佳答案! SQL文本如下: SELECT NVL(SUM(SRE), 0) HRJE FROM MD3U.CARD_INCOME A WHERE YLGRZHH = '371081110630214389' AND DDQCSRH IS NULL AND ZDLSH IS NOT NULL AN