Serial Communication Protocol Design Hints And Reference



The owner or creator of a protocol for communication between accessories and iPhone OS applications must define the preferences that are required or optional. Each accessory and application must then negotiate their level of compatibility directly. Apple does not referee protocols, and protocol creators must ensure that their accessories and applications can verify that they support the same features. The following suggestions can help with protocol design:
■ Ensure that the accessory can always resynchronize its data stream in the event of an error.
■ The round-trip latency of commands may vary; do not draw inferences from propagation times. There is no guarantee of delivery timing over the communication link.
■ After a connection has been established, clearly establish which end speaks first.
■ Begin communication with an exchange of meta-information, such as confirmation of the protocol and version. Give both ends the opportunity to declare that they cannot proceed due to protocol incompatibilities.
■ Ensure that the transaction order is clear and that both ends know their position in it. Packets within each stream are guaranteed to be ordered but not free of gaps between packets, so ensure that the stream can be resynchronized after a gap.
■ Ensure that responses can always be matched to their corresponding requests. The simplest forms of reliable communication are call and response. Interleaved communication streams are more complicated and less desirable.
■ Establish an unambiguous indicator of the start of each packet.
■ Add security where needed, but recognize that it slows down and complicates each transaction.
■ Ensure that the other end of each transaction has both received and understood the last packet.
■ Ensure that each packet is received intact and error free by adding a CRC value, checksum, or the like.
■ Ensure that incoming data can be cached until it can be processed.
■ Try to make the protocol extensible for future needs.

Command Packet Format

Use the small packet format for payloads up to 255 bytes. Use the large packet format for payloads greater than 255 bytes.

Small packet format

For command packets whose payloads are 255 bytes or less, use the small packet format.

Byte number





Sync byte



Packet start byte



Packet payload length



Lingo ID



Command ID



Command data

(last byte)


Packet payload checksum

Note that the command ID and command data format for packets with currently unspecified lingoes may not follow the format indicated here (1 byte command ID, 0xN bytes command data). Also note that a packet payload length of 0x00 is not valid for the small packet format; it is reserved as a marker for the large packet format.

Large Packet Format
For command packets whose payloads are between 256 bytes and 65535 bytes in length, use the large packet format.

Byte number





Sync byte



Packet start byte



Packet payload length marker



Packet payload length (bits 15:8)



Packet payload length (bits 7:0)



Lingo ID



Command ID



Command data

(last byte)


Packet payload checksum

Packet Details
The sync byte (0xFF) is not considered part of the packet. It is sent merely to facilitate automatic baud rate detection and correction when using a UART serial port link and, in some cases, to power on the iPod. It is not necessary to send the sync byte when using BT or USB as a link.
The packet payload length is the number of bytes in the packet, not including the sync byte, packet start byte, packet payload length byte, or packet payload checksum byte. That is, it is the length of the command ID, lingo, and command data. Thus, the packet payload data length for a RequestIdentify command would be 0x02. The Lingo ID specifies the broad category that the communication falls under. The Command ID is a more specific indication of the significance of the packet and is interpreted differently depending on the Lingo ID.
Unless otherwise specified, the following rules apply:
■ All packet data fields larger than 8 bits are sent and received in big-endian format; that is, ordered from the most significant byte to the least significant byte.
■ Device command packets that have a valid checksum but contain an invalid parameter, invalid command, or other such failure cause the iPod to respond with an ACK command containing the appropriate error status.
■ A packet with an invalid checksum received by iPod is presumed to be invalid and is ignored. No ACK or other command is sent to the device in response to the invalid packet.

The sum of all the bytes from the packet payload length (or marker, if applicable) to and including the packet payload checksum is 0x00. The checksum must be calculated appropriately, by adding the bytes together as signed 8-bit values, discarding any signed 8-bit overflow, and then negating the sum to create the signed 8-bit checksum byte. All packets received with a nonzero checksum are presumed to be corrupted and will be discarded.






  Apple Accessory protocol:

时间: 2024-09-20 08:46:10

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