How to execute shell script in Java?

经常需要在Java中调用其它的脚本(shell,cmd), 以前都用:

Runtime r = Runtime.getSystemRuntime();
r.exec("whatever you want to run"); 

但是有时侯其运行结果是不可预期的,带来很多麻烦。从java 5.0以后,引入了ProcessBuilder to create operating system processes:

String cmd = "cd ../.. ; ls -l"; // this is the command to execute in the Unix shell
cmd ="cd ~/kaven/Tools/DART ; sh";
// create a process for the shell
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", cmd);
pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // use this to capture messages sent to stderr

Process shell = pb.start();
InputStream shellIn = shell.getInputStream(); // this captures the output from the command
int shellExitStatus = shell.waitFor(); // wait for the shell to finish and get the return code

// at this point you can process the output issued by the command
// for instance, this reads the output and writes it to System.out:
int c;
while ((c = != -1) {
// close the stream
try {
catch (IOException ignoreMe)
System.out.print(" *** End *** "+shellExitStatus);


时间: 2024-09-12 14:17:45

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