问题描述 opencv贝叶斯分类器问题~~~~~~~~ 想用opencv写贝叶斯分类器,但是却出现cv::NormalBayesClassifier' is an abstract class 语句 cv::ml::NormalBayesClassifier nbc; 不知道有没有人知道 解决方案 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_77ed43e30101adkk.html 解决方案二: 这应该是你构造类的方式不对,不能这样初始化
Naive Bayesian Algorithm Given some conditional probability, how to solve the conditional probability when we exchange positions of the two events? Or given P(A|B), how to solve P(B|A)? P(B|A)=P(A|B)P(B)P(A) Formal Definition Let x={a1,a2,-,am} be a