
Void TEncGOP::compressGOP( Int iPOCLast, Int iNumPicRcvd, TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComList<TComPicYuv*>& rcListPicYuvRecOut, std::list<AccessUnit>& accessUnitsInGOP, bool isField, bool isTff)
	TComPic*        pcPic;
	TComPicYuv*     pcPicYuvRecOut;
	TComSlice*      pcSlice;
	TComOutputBitstream  *pcBitstreamRedirect;
	pcBitstreamRedirect = new TComOutputBitstream;

	AccessUnit::iterator  itLocationToPushSliceHeaderNALU; // used to store location where NALU containing slice header is to be inserted
	UInt                  uiOneBitstreamPerSliceLength = 0;
	TEncSbac* pcSbacCoders = NULL;
	TComOutputBitstream* pcSubstreamsOut = NULL;

	//Set GOP Size(设定GOP的大小)
	xInitGOP( iPOCLast, iNumPicRcvd, rcListPic, rcListPicYuvRecOut, isField );

  m_iNumPicCoded = 0;
  SEIPictureTiming pictureTimingSEI;
  Bool writeSOP = m_pcCfg->getSOPDescriptionSEIEnabled();
  // Initialize Scalable Nesting SEI with single layer values
  SEIScalableNesting scalableNestingSEI;
  scalableNestingSEI.m_bitStreamSubsetFlag           = 1;      // If the nested SEI messages are picture buffereing SEI mesages, picure timing SEI messages or sub-picture timing SEI messages, bitstream_subset_flag shall be equal to 1
  scalableNestingSEI.m_nestingOpFlag                 = 0;
  scalableNestingSEI.m_nestingNumOpsMinus1           = 0;      //nesting_num_ops_minus1
  scalableNestingSEI.m_allLayersFlag                 = 0;
  scalableNestingSEI.m_nestingNoOpMaxTemporalIdPlus1 = 6 + 1;  //nesting_no_op_max_temporal_id_plus1
  scalableNestingSEI.m_nestingNumLayersMinus1        = 1 - 1;  //nesting_num_layers_minus1
  scalableNestingSEI.m_nestingLayerId[0]             = 0;
  scalableNestingSEI.m_callerOwnsSEIs                = true;
  Int picSptDpbOutputDuDelay = 0;
  UInt *accumBitsDU = NULL;
  UInt *accumNalsDU = NULL;
  SEIDecodingUnitInfo decodingUnitInfoSEI;
  Int IRAPGOPid = -1;
  Bool IRAPtoReorder = false;
  Bool swapIRAPForward = false;
    Int pocCurr;
    for ( Int iGOPid=0; iGOPid < m_iGopSize; iGOPid++ )
      // determine actual POC
      if(iPOCLast == 0) //case first frame or first top field
      else if(iPOCLast == 1 && isField) //case first bottom field, just like the first frame, the poc computation is not right anymore, we set the right value
        pocCurr = 1;
        pocCurr = iPOCLast - iNumPicRcvd + m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC - isField;

      // check if POC corresponds to IRAP
      NalUnitType tmpUnitType = getNalUnitType(pocCurr, m_iLastIDR, isField);
      if(tmpUnitType >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP && tmpUnitType <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) // if picture is an IRAP
        if(pocCurr%2 == 0 && iGOPid < m_iGopSize-1 && m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC == m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid+1).m_POC-1)
        { // if top field and following picture in enc order is associated bottom field
          IRAPGOPid = iGOPid;
          IRAPtoReorder = true;
          swapIRAPForward = true;
        if(pocCurr%2 != 0 && iGOPid > 0 && m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC == m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid-1).m_POC+1)
          // if picture is an IRAP remember to process it first
          IRAPGOPid = iGOPid;
          IRAPtoReorder = true;
          swapIRAPForward = false;
for ( Int iGOPid=0; iGOPid < m_iGopSize; iGOPid++ )
  delete pcBitstreamRedirect;

  if( accumBitsDU != NULL) delete accumBitsDU;
  if( accumNalsDU != NULL) delete accumNalsDU;

  assert ( (m_iNumPicCoded == iNumPicRcvd) || (isField && iPOCLast == 1) );
时间: 2024-09-18 04:02:30



/** - Application has picture buffer list with size of GOP + 1 - Picture buffer list acts like as ring buffer - End of the list has the latest picture . \param flush cause encoder to encode a partial GOP \param pcPicYuvOrg original YUV picture \retva


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Compress a slice // Slice compression if (m_pcCfg->getUseASR()) { m_pcSliceEncoder->setSearchRange(pcSlice); } Bool bGPBcheck=false; if ( pcSlice->


Bool TDecTop::decode(InputNALUnit& nalu, Int& iSkipFrame, Int& iPOCLastDisplay) { // Initialize entropy decoder m_cEntropyDecoder.setEntropyDecoder (&m_cCavlcDecoder); m_cEntropyDecoder.setBitstream (nalu.m_Bitstream); switch (nalu.m_nalUn


Bool IRAPtoReorder = false; #if EFFICIENT_FIELD_IRAP if(IRAPtoReorder) { if(swapIRAPForward) { if(iGOPid == IRAPGOPid) { iGOPid = IRAPGOPid +1; } else if(iGOPid == IRAPGOPid +1) { iGOPid = IRAPGOPid; } } else { if(iGOPid == IRAPGOPid -1) { iGOPid = I


/* use the main bitstream buffer for storing the marshalled picture */ m_pcEntropyCoder->setBitstream(NULL); startCUAddrSliceIdx = 0; startCUAddrSlice = 0; startCUAddrSliceSegmentIdx = 0; startCUAddrSliceSegment = 0; nextCUAddr = 0; pcSlice = pcPic->


Void TEncSearch::xPatternSearch( TComPattern* pcPatternKey, Pel* piRefY, Int iRefStride, TComMv* pcMvSrchRngLT, TComMv* pcMvSrchRngRB, TComMv& rcMv, UInt& ruiSAD ) { Int iSrchRngHorLeft = pcMvSrchRngLT->getHor(); Int iSrchRngHorRight = pcMvSrch


//In case of field coding, compute the interlaced PSNR for both fields if (isField && ((!pcPic->isTopField() && isTff) || (pcPic->isTopField() && !isTff)) && (pcPic->getPOC()%m_iGopSize != 1)) { //get complementary


运动估计的英文名称是Motion Estimation,是视频编码和视频处理(例如去交织)中广泛使用的一种技术. 运动估计的基本思想是将图像序列的每一帧分成许多互不重叠的宏块,并认为宏块内所有像素的位移量都相同,然后对每个宏块到参考帧某一给定特定搜索范围内根据一定的匹配准则找出与当前块最相似的块,即匹配块,匹配块与当前块的相对位移即为运动矢量.视频压缩的时候,只需保存运动矢量和残差数据就可以完全恢复出当前块. 在帧间预测编码中,由于活动图像邻近帧中的景物存在着一定的相关性.因此,可将活动图像分成


/** search of the best candidate for inter prediction * \param pcCU * \param pcOrgYuv * \param rpcPredYuv * \param rpcResiYuv * \param rpcRecoYuv * \param bUseRes * \returns Void */ #if AMP_MRG Void TEncSearch::predInterSearch( TComDataCU* pcCU, TCom