Copycat - Overview

Copycat’s primary role is as a framework for building highly consistent, fault-tolerant replicated state machines.

Copycat servers receive state machine operations from clients, log and replicate the operations as necessary, and apply them to a state machine on each server.

State machine operations are guaranteed to be applied in the same order on all servers, and Copycat handles the persistence and replication of the state machine state internally.




这种replication技术,成为operation transfer

还有一种是state transfer

参考,Data replication 同步技术



Kudu does not replicate the on-disk storage of a tablet, but rather just its operation log. 
The physical storage of each replica of a tablet is fully decoupled.

这样做对于server的状态机,或kudu所说的tablet存储是不感知分布式的,fully decoupled;




public class MapStateMachine extends StateMachine {



Copycat replicated state machines are modified and queried by defining operations through which a client and state machine can communicate.

Operations are replicated by the Copycat cluster and are translated into arguments to methods on the replicated state machine. 
Users must define the interface between the client and the cluster by implementing Operation classes that clients will submit to the replicated state machine.







For example, in a map state machine some commands might include put and remove. To implement a state machine command, simply implement theCommand interface.

public class PutCommand implements Command<Object> {
  private final Object key;
  private final Object value;

  public PutCommand(Object key, Object value) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;

  public Object key() {
    return key;

  public Object value() {
    return value;

上面就定义一个put command,这个命令就是要把key:value put到状态机



Queries are state machine operations that read the system’s state but do not modify it. For example, in a map state machine some queries might include getsize, and isEmpty. To implement a state machine query, implement the Queryinterface.

public class GetQuery implements Query<Object> {
  private final Object key;

  public GetQuery(Object key) {
    this.key = key;

  public Object key() {
    return key;



Implementing State Machine Operations

State machine operations are implemented as public methods on the state machine class which accept a singleCommitparameter where the generic argument for the commit is the operation accepted by the method. Copycat automatically detects the command or query that applies to a given state machine methods based on the generic argument to the Commitparameter.

public class MapStateMachine extends StateMachine {
  private Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

  public Object put(Commit<PutCommand> commit) {
    try {
      map.put(commit.operation().key(), commit.operation().value());
    } finally {

  public Object get(Commit<GetQuery> commit) {
    try {
      return map.get(commit.operation().key());
    } finally {



State machine operations are replicated and written to a log on disk on each server in the cluster.

As commands are submitted to the cluster over time, the disk capacity will eventually be consumed. 
Copycat must periodically remove unneeded commands from the replicated log to conserve disk space. This is known as log compaction.


public class MapStateMachine extends StateMachine implements Snapshottable {
  private Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

  public void snapshot(SnapshotWriter writer) {

  public void install(SnapshotReader reader) {
    map = reader.readObject();

For snapshottable state machines, Copycat will periodically request a binary snapshot of the state machine’s state and write the snapshot to disk. If the server is restarted, the state machine’s state will be recovered from the on-disk snapshot. When a new server joins the cluster, the snapshot of the state machine will be replicated to the joining server to catch up its state. This allows Copycat to remove commits that contributed to the snapshot from the replicated log, thus conserving disk space.



1. 先建立一个server,

Once a state machine and its operations have been defined, we can create a CopycatServer to manage the state machine.

Address address = new Address("123.456.789.0", 5000);
CopycatServer.Builder builder = CopycatServer.builder(address);



  .withDirectory(new File("logs"))

CopycatServer server =;



One final task is necessary to complete the configuration of the server. We’ve created two state machine operations -PutCommand and GetQuery - which are Serializable. By default, Copycat’s serialization framework will serialize these operations using Java’s serialization. However, users can explicitly register serializable classes and implement custom binary serializers for more efficient serialization.


serializer默认是Java’s serialization,如果对性能有要求,可以自己实现序列化


2. 拉起集群

Bootstrapping the Cluster

Once the server has been built, we can bootstrap a new cluster by calling the bootstrap() method:

CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> future = server.bootstrap();

When a server is bootstrapped, it forms a new single node cluster to which additional servers can be joined.


3. 加入已有集群

Joining an Existing Cluster

Once an initial cluster has been bootstrapped, additional servers can be added to the cluster via the join()method. When joining an existing cluster, the existing cluster configuration must be provided to the joinmethod:

Collection<Address> cluster = Collections.singleton(new Address("", 8700))
时间: 2024-10-25 21:15:37

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