#!/bin/sh #本脚本为守护进程, 如果发现进程僵死时, 自动重启进程 function check_and_kill_and_start(){ log_file=$1 ps_name=$2 dead_duration=$3 # echo "check the progress "$ps_name ymd=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) log_file=${log_file}${ymd}.log # echo $log_file 判断是否存在log_file if [ ! -e ${log_file} ];then exit 0 fi # %y 上次修改时间 last_modify=$(stat -c %Y ${log_file}) now=$(date +%s) #如果上次写入日志的时间和现在的时间差大于 dead_duration 秒, 则重启进程 if [ $[ $now - $last_modify ] -gt $dead_duration ]; then mail_subject='[报警][${ps_name}进程重启]' enter='\<br\>' mail_content='${ps_name}进程重启${enter}' echo '========================='$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")'=====================================' echo [$log_file]' last update time ['$(date -d @$last_modify "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")'], need restart progress '[$ps_name] proc_id=$(ps -ef|grep -i ${ps_name}|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}') #echo 'the old ps is '${proc_id[@]} if [[ -n $proc_id ]];then echo 'old progress exist, kill it first' for id in ${proc_id[*]} do # thread=$(ps -mp ${id}|wc -l) #杀掉父进程和子进程 kill -TERM ${id} if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "kill the progress sucessfull" else echo "kill the progress failed " fi done echo 'sleep l0s then start new progress' fi sleep 10s /usr/local/bin/python27 /var/disk/web/gsm_project/score/${ps_name} & if [ $? -eq 0 ];then proc_id=$(ps -ef|grep -i ${ps_name}|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}') echo 'the new progress id is '${proc_id[@]} else echo "progress start failed, the cron will try to start it next time " fi #else #echo '========================='$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")'=====================================' #echo [$log_file]' last update time ['$(date -d @$last_modify "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")']' fi } #echo '========================='$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")'=====================================' #执行方法 log文件路径 文件名 查找时间 check_and_kill_and_start /var/disk/logs/score_cache/server_gsm_score score_cache_match_5se.py 30
Linux 简单shell创建自己的守护进程,自动重启,监控进程运行
pgmctl.sh #!/bin/bash CMD="./mypgm" PID="./log/PID.txt" LOG="./log/mypgm.log" DEBUG="false" # --------------------------------------------------- # 启动函数 function start { $CMD -debug=$DEBUG server.ini >> $LOG 2>&1 & mypgmpid=$! echo $mypgmpid > $PID echo "start [ok]" } # 停止函数 function stop { kill `cat $PID` rm $PID echo "stop [ok]" } # -------------------------------------------------- echo "$CMD $1" case "$1" in start) start ;; start_debug) DEBUG="true" start ;; restart) if [ -f $PID ] ; then stop sleep 4 fi start ;; stop) stop exit 0 ;; esac for (( c=0 ; ; c++ )) do if [ -f $PID ] ; then mypgmpid=`cat $PID` cmdex="ps uh -p$mypgmpid" psrtn=`$cmdex` if [ -z "$psrtn" ]; then # 进程挂掉自动重启 echo "`date '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'` FATALERROR RESTART SERVICE" >> $LOG start elif (( $c%20 == 0 )); then # 记录进程运行状态 echo "`date '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'` PSINFO $psrtn" >> $LOG c=0 fi sleep 3 else break fi done
启动:./pgmctl.sh start &
debug 启动 : ./pgmctl.sh start_debug &
重启:./pgmctl.sh restart &
停止:./pgmctl.sh stop
, 函数
, 进程
shell脚本守护进程、shell脚本 重启进程、shell 守护进程、shell脚本监控进程、shell 多进程执行脚本,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。
时间: 2024-12-06 11:06:44