Seed7 2011-07-17发布 一种通用编程语言

Seed7是一种通用编程语言。它是一种比Ada,C++++和Java更高层次的语言。 Seed7新的声明和操作符可以轻松地声明。比一个模板或泛型的概念更讲究结果和类型参数的函数。它是面向对象的,与其他的解决方案是有着非常明明显优势。虽然Seed7包含其他编程语言的几个概念,但它一般不考虑作为任何其他编程语言的嫡系。

Seed7 2011-07-17更新日志:

- FAQ answers, explaining how interpreter and compiler look for include libraries, was improved.
- The 'str' function for 'duration' ">values was improved to provide micro seconds, when they are not zero.
- Two 'getHttp' functions in "gethttp.s7i" were improved to allow redirections which refer to other redirections.
- A documentation comment was written for 'getHostname' in "socket.s7i".
- Checks for left shift in "chkint.sd7" were improved to check only cases were no overflow occurs.
- Checks for the 'pos' function were added to "chkstr.sd7".
- The performance of 'uBigIncr', 'uBigDecr', 'bigDecr', 'bigIncr', 'bigPred', 'bigPredTemp', 'bigSucc' and 'bigSuccTemp' in "big_rtl.c", was improved.
- The functions 'processBackslash' and 'CommandLineToArgvW' were added to "cmd_win.c".
- The function 'wgetenv_wstri' was renamed to 'wgetenv' in "cmd_win.c".
- The functions gkbGetc, processEvents, gkbKeyPressed, mouseButtonPressed, keyboardButtonPressed, gkbButtonPressed, gkbRawGetc, gkbButtonXpos, gkbButtonYpos and drwFlush were moved from "drw_x11.c" to the new file "gkb_x11.c".
- The performance of 'strPos' in "str_rtl.c", was improved.
- The compiler was improved to generate the function 'int_raise_error' and to use the function 'raiseError' to create calls of 'int_raise_error'.
- The compiler (comp.sd7) was improved to generate better code for the action "REF_TRACE", when the object category is REFOBJECT.
- The generation of the string constant table, in the compiler, was improved.
- The configuration macro OS_PATH_WCHAR was renamed to OS_STRI_WCHAR in several files.
- The macro os_getenv_string_free was defined in "os_decls.h".
- The functions seekFileLength, offsetTell and offsetSeek in "fil_rtl.c" were improved to provide their functionality optionally with os_fgetpos and os_fsetpos.
- The function offsetSeek in "fil_rtl.c" was improved to return -1, when the offset does not fit into the offset type used by the seek function of the operating system.
- Makefiles and C source files were changed to use 'os_fopen' instead of 'wide_fopen' and 'fopen'.

示例代码:Hello world

const proc: main is func begin writeln("hello world"); end func;


时间: 2024-10-24 01:17:51

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